Change your voice

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To | Permanent Voice Change
Video: How To | Permanent Voice Change


The sound of your voice is determined by the size of your vocal cords, among other physical factors. While it is not possible to completely change your voice from high to low and vice versa, there are techniques you can try to make slight changes to the pitch and volume of your voice and get the most out of your natural voice. fetch.

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Method 1 of 4: Change the way you speak

  1. Check how your voice sounds. If you want your voice to sound a bit higher or deeper, start by making a recording so you know which approach to take. Use a recording device to record the sound of your voice while speaking softly and loudly or while singing. How would you describe the sound of your voice? What would you like to change?
    • Does your voice sound nasal or raw?
    • Is it easy or difficult to understand what you are saying?
    • Is your voice hoarse or clear?
  2. Stop talking through your nose. Many people have voices that can be described as "nasal". A nasal voice tends to be unnaturally high because it doesn't have the chance to resonate properly to produce a deeper tone. Such a voice can be raspy and difficult to understand. Make the following changes to counteract that nasal noise:
    • Make sure your nasal passages are open. If you often suffer from allergies or if your nose is often blocked for other reasons, your voice will be obstructed and nasal. Avoid contact with substances to which you are allergic, drink plenty of water and try to keep your sinus cavities open.
    • Try to widen your mouth when you speak. Lower your jaw and articulate your words lower in your mouth, instead of producing them against the soft palate.
  3. Don't speak from your throat. To correct high voices, many people speak from the back of their throat, producing a false sounding deep tone. It is difficult to determine the correct volume when making an effort to speak from the back of your throat, thus producing a dull, hard-to-interpret voice. In addition, speaking from the back of your throat in an attempt to make your voice sound deeper than it actually is stressful on your vocal cords and can lead to a sore throat and hoarseness over time.
  4. Speak through your "mask." To make your voice sound deeper and fuller, it is necessary to speak through your "mask", which is the area where your lips and nose belong. Speaking using your full mask gives your voice the best chance of sounding a bit lower and fuller.
    • To determine if you are speaking through your mask, touch your lips and nose while speaking. They should vibrate when you use the entire area. If they don't vibrate at first, experiment with different sounds until you find a way of speaking that works, and always speak from now on.
  5. Project from your diaphragm. Breathing deeply and projecting from your diaphragm is the key to a full, rich and powerful voice. When you are taking a deep breath, your stomach should expand and expand with each breath, instead of the chest rising and falling. Practice projecting from your diaphragm by pulling your stomach in so that you exhale as you speak. You will notice that your voice can be heard loud and clear when you breathe this way. Breathing exercises where you focus on deep breathing helps to remember that you have to project from the diaphragm.
    • Exhale pushing all the air out of your lungs. As soon as you run out of air, your lungs will automatically start breathing deeply in an effort to meet your need for oxygen. Pay close attention to how your lungs feel when you take a deep breath.
    • Breathe in in a relaxed manner and hold your breath for 15 seconds before exhaling again. Gradually hold your breath longer, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds, and 1 minute. This exercise strengthens your diaphragm.
    • Laugh out loud, and deliberately make a "ha ha ha" sound. Squeeze all the air out of your lungs by laughing, then inhale quickly and deeply.
    • Lie on your back and place a book or other compact object on your diaphragm. Relax as much as possible. Pay attention to the movement of your diaphragm, noting how the book rises and falls as you breathe. Flatten your stomach as much as possible as you exhale, and repeat until you automatically expand and retract your waist with each breath.
    • Take a deep breath while standing. Exhale and count out loud from one to five on a single breath. Repeat the exercise until you can easily count from 1 to 10 in one exhale.
    • As you begin to master speaking in this way, you should now be able to project so that your voice can be heard by people across the room without getting hoarse.
  6. Change your pitch. The human voice is capable of producing sound within a certain range. Speak in a pitch that is higher or lower to temporarily change your voice.
    • The pitch is largely determined by the larynx (cartilage). This is the moving piece of cartilage that rises and falls in your throat when you sing a scale: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do.
    • Rising the larynx raises your tone and creates a more feminine sound. As the larynx descends, your tone drops and this creates a more masculine sound.

Method 2 of 4: Getting the best out of your voice

  1. Take care of your vocal cords. Your vocal cords, like your skin, need to be protected so that they don't age prematurely. If you take poor care of your vocal cords, your voice may end up sounding harsh, whispering, or otherwise unpleasant long before it's inevitable. You can take the following measures to protect your vocal cords:
    • Do not smoke. Cigarette smoking has a very pronounced effect on the voice, causing it to lose volume and range over time. If you want your voice to remain clear and strong then it is better to stop.
    • Do not drink too much. High alcohol consumption can also cause your voice to age prematurely.
    • Try to breathe in clean air as much as possible. If you live in a polluted area, overload your home with plants to clear the air and try to escape the city as often as possible to breathe fresh air as often as possible.
    • Don't shout too much. If you are a huge fan of hardcore music or just like to scream at times, be aware that you can strain your voice this way. Many singers have laryngitis and experience other complaints with their voice due to overloading their vocal cords.
  2. Watch your stress level. When we experience stress or surprise, the muscles around the larynx contract and cause a high-pitched voice. If you are constantly nervous, anxious, and stressed, this higher pitch may determine your everyday voice. Take steps to calm yourself so that your voice can regain a balanced, full voice.
    • Take a few deep breaths first before you start speaking. In addition to calming you, this will prepare you to project from your diaphragm, improving your voice.
    • Take 10 seconds to think before responding to anything. When you give yourself time to sort out your thoughts before reacting nervously or surprised, you have more control over your voice. Think, swallow, and start speaking - you will notice that your voice sounds more stable and relaxed.
  3. Practice singing. Singing along with an instrumental or vocal accompaniment is a great way to increase your pitch range and keep your vocal cords in good shape. In addition, you can sing along to songs that are outside of your usual vocal range. Whenever you sing along, try to get as close to the original singer's notes and pitch as possible without forcing your voice.
    • Start singing a scale with piano accompaniment: do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do. Start at the most comfortable and natural pitch possible.
    • Repeat the scale, raising your pitch by one note each time until you need to squeeze it out. As soon as your voice has trouble, stop immediately.
    • Repeat the scale, each lowering the pitch by one note, stopping when you need to squeeze it out.

Method 3 of 4: Cover up your voice

  1. Mute your voice. Place your hand or a handkerchief over your mouth when you speak. The obstacle should be placed directly against your mouth for a more dramatic effect.
    • Your voice, like any other sound, travels through different media in the form of sound waves. The way these waves are transferred through the air is different from the way these waves travel through another medium, such as a solid. Placing a fixed barrier in front of your mouth when you speak forces the sound waves to overcome that barrier, changing the way other people's ears hear and interpret the sound.
  2. Mumble. When speaking, do so in a quieter tone and open your mouth less as you say the words.
    • Mumbling changes both word formation and the way your voice is carried.
    • When you mumble, keep your mouth closed more than usual. Certain sounds are spoken with only a limited opening of the mouth, and those sounds will not be greatly altered. On the other hand, sounds that naturally require you to open your mouth wider will be much more altered.
    • Consider the difference in sound when you say something as simple as "oh." First say "oh" with your mouth wide open. Then repeat the "oh" sound with your lips just parted. If you listen carefully you should be able to notice a difference in sound.
    • Mumbling also makes your words softer. Clear sounds from the middle register can come across well enough when speaking softly, but softer sounds and end sounds tend to become more obscure.
    • Consider the difference in sound when repeating a simple phrase, such as "you've got it." Repeat the phrase vigorously and in your normal tone. You will probably be able to hear the "t" sounds at the end of the words, even if the "t" at the end of "got" turns into the next word. Then repeat the sentence faintly and with a silent sound. The two vowels may be audible, but the sounds of the "t" are considerably muffled.
  3. Speak in monotonous sounds. Most people usually speak with some level of emotion. Focus on maintaining a flat, steady tone while speaking. The less emotion you let through while speaking, the more diverse your voice will sound.
    • The easiest way to tell the difference is to ask a question monotonically. If you ask a question, the vast majority of people will end up with a higher intonation. The same question is going to sound very different if spoken in a flat voice, without that final sound shift.
    • Alternatively, if people are more likely to notice that you have a flat voice, try speaking with more enthusiasm or emotion. Think about what you want to say and change your intonation accordingly as you speak. A good way to practice this is with a simple phrase such as "Yes". When someone says "yes" in a hurt way, there is a downward shift in intonation. On the other hand, an enthusiastic "yes" will have a strong sound with a slightly elevated intonation from start to finish.
  4. Speak with a different expression. Try to speak while smiling or angry, no matter what you are actually saying.
    • Expression can affect the emotion with which words are spoken, but expression also changes the formation of your words because your mouth is held in a different position.
    • For example, consider how the word "oh" sounds when you smile versus what it sounds like when your face stays relaxed. A single "oh" will be more rounded, while an "oh" spoken from a smile will sound shorter by comparison, and may even resemble an "ah" sound.
  5. Keep your nose closed while you speak. A quick way to drastically change the sound of your voice is to block your nose, and the easiest way to do this is to pinch your nose on either side to close the nostrils.
    • You can achieve a similar effect by simply blocking air so that it doesn't get into your nose through your mouth.
    • While speaking, the air flow naturally travels through your mouth and nose. Blocking your nose limits the amount of air that escapes through your nasal passage and causes more air to be trapped deeper into your throat and mouth. This change in amount and pressure causes your vocal cords to vibrate differently, which will change the way your voice sounds.
  6. Practice a new accent. Choose an accent that fascinates you and study how it differs from your own way of speaking. Each accent is slightly different, so you will need to become thoroughly familiar with the idiosyncrasies of each individual accent before you can speak convincingly in that accent.
    • Failure to pronounce the rolling r is a common feature of several accents, including the Boston accent and many British accents. Non-tremulant or lateral sounds refers to the practice of dropping out the sound of the last "r" of a word. For example, "later" sounds like "lata" or "butter" like "butta".
    • The 'broad A' is another common feature of many accents, including many British accents, Boston accents, and accents such as those found in English-speaking countries in the Southern Hemisphere, including New Zealand, Australia, and the South. -Africa. This implies an extension of the short "a" sound.

Method 4 of 4: Using technology to change your voice

  1. Use a device to change your voice. You won't find devices for changing the voice in stores that quickly, but you can always find something similar for sale online.
    • A regular voice changer varies in price from € 25 to € 50.
    • Each device works differently, so check the specs to find out what you're getting. Most allow you to change the pitch of your voice in a variety of ways, and many of these devices are portable.
    • Some devices require you to record the message first, but others can be used to adjust your voice while speaking, with the changed sound (for example, via a mobile phone) being displayed immediately.
    • Read carefully the instructions that come with your voice changer to learn how to use it properly.
  2. Find an app for your smartphone. Downloadable voice changer apps allow you to record your voice on your mobile phone, then play the words using a filter that changes the sound of your voice. Many different apps are available. Some cost money, but others are free.
    • Search for apps on the Apple iPhone App Store, Windows Marketplace (if you have a Windows phone), or Google Play (if you have an Android).
  3. Create narration with computer software. Search for text-to-speech freeware or software online that you can download. Once installed you can enter the words in a text box and press "Play" to convert your written text into audio.


  • Device for changing your voice
  • Smartphone
  • Computer