Detach yourself from society

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Forever detached from society | Outsiders | VPRO Documentary
Video: Forever detached from society | Outsiders | VPRO Documentary


For many, life in society feels restrictive and unattractive. Your freedoms are limited and living in a remote place, far from the city and mass civilization, can start to sound liberating. However, the decision to go "off the grid" and live apart from society was not taken overnight. For this vision to become a reality, you must plan your location and lifestyle in advance and learn to take care of yourself in the wilderness.

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Part 1 of 3: Consider leaving society

  1. Before leaving society, try other options. Often "off the grid" life is romanticized and more fun and easier than it actually is. If you are dissatisfied with society, capitalism or social relationships, there may be ways to change your environment other than leaving society.
    • If a problem in your life or something that is weighing on you makes you feel better off getting out of society, first seek help in some other way.
    • Just moving to another city can make the change in the environment you need to be happy.
    • If you find your job unsatisfying or pointless, consider quitting and try to find more satisfying work before leaving society.
    • If you want to spend more time in nature, you don't necessarily have to leave society. If you can take time out from work, take a month to go backpacking and hiking, and see if that solves your need to get away from civilization for a while.
  2. Take a month or a season away from society to try it out. Before you quit your job and pack up to live in the woods for good, do it for a trial period. This will give you time and experience to evaluate whether this is really the right decision.
    • For example, if you want to get out of society and live in the woods, find a place where you can legally live for a season, such as in the North Maine Woods in the US.
    • Bring supplies such as fishing and camping equipment, dried food and possibly a canoe. Try to live as if you were withdrawing from society, with as little interpersonal contact as you want.
  3. Think about money. If you live in a remote area without work or income, you will soon run out of money. You will have to live off the land and what you can hunt, grow and build. This lifestyle is daunting to many people, due to the requirement to provide for everything on their own.
    • You can always generate a small income, even if you live outside of society. For example, you could find ways to make a profit through the sale of meat, vegetables, and canned goods.

Part 2 of 3: Planning your exit from society

  1. Do your research before you go. Buy some books on wilderness survival. The survival department of the local bookstore or library can help. In addition to survival skills, you need to understand the essence of survival (food, water, shelter) and make plans to ensure all this.
    • Learn how to look for your own food in a remote environment.
    • Find out what to do during dangerous weather (flood, lightning, blizzard) while in the wilderness.
  2. Choose a location. You won't be able to get out of society in a place like the city, so do some planning and figure out where you're going. Go somewhere with a low population density and a ready-to-eat food source - either fertile soil where you can start a vegetable garden, or a nearby stream to catch fish.
    • Large amounts of vegetation and animal populations are good indicators of a natural environment that can support life in the wild.
    • Make sure you have a constant and nearby water source. This can be a river or stream, a natural spring or a lake. Water is the most important element for survival, and you will need to use it on a daily basis, so make sure the water is clean and abundant.
    • Research the types of wildlife you can expect to live in whichever location you choose. For example, if you are in a forest, could you possibly encounter bears? "
  3. Learn some survival skills. It is important to know how to survive outside of society before retiring, especially if you are going to live in a rough or remote area. Start by learning how to use basic weapons and tools: a knife, shovel, rake, hoe and possibly a weapon capable of killing most animals without damaging their flesh.
    • You will likely need to make serious changes to your diet. If you live in a remote location, you will have to provide your own food and drink, by eating animal protein and foraging, or growing vegetables in a vegetable garden.
    • You should also learn how to preserve (dry or brine) meat and vegetables so that you have enough food to survive through the winter months.
  4. Learn how to build a shelter. Unless you plan to live in an already existing "abandoned" house or rent a cabin, you will likely need to build your own. You can either buy building materials before you leave society, or use natural materials (trees, stones, etc.) that you find in the forests.
    • Remember that your home also needs to be repaired and renovated from time to time. You will need to have saved money to cover these expenses.
    • You also need a plan to find land to live on. The most legal method is to find and buy a cheap, remote piece of land. If you'd rather not own land, or plan to move often, you may be staying illegally in nature reserves or private land.

Part 3 of 3: Living outside of society

  1. Create a flight plan that minimizes costs and baggage. If you don't want to own and maintain a car, use cash to get into the wilderness on public transportation. You will need to have the "remote" living situation ready before you leave, so you don't have to bring any luggage or building materials.
    • Do not burn your ships behind you when you leave. Inform family and close friends where you will be, quit your job and cancel the rent on your home.
  2. Decide if you can do without electricity. Living without electricity is one of the most challenging aspects of leaving society. However, if you have a large enough wilderness home and you decide you want a power source, you can purchase a small generator. Remote homes also often have solar panels, or devices to generate wind or water energy.
    • If you decide to live without a generator or other sources of electricity, plan to get up when the sun comes up and go to bed when the sun goes down.
    • Without electricity, you will have to cook with only a fire or a gas stove, or you will have to eat most of your food (especially vegetables) raw.
  3. Make a plan for sanitation. Some people who live off the land choose to use a bucket as a toilet or dig a latrine in the woods. Waste should always be kept far from food and downhill from a place of residence. As a man you will have few restrictions on urinating anywhere.
    • Depending on your budget, you can buy a compost toilet (which turns your waste into compost) for around $ 1000 from Amazon or a garden center.
    • Sanitation also includes water purification, as drinking unclean water can lead to giardia infection or other more serious health problems. Always boil the water before drinking it, or buy cleansing tablets or sanitizer.
  4. Bring a satellite phone. Even if you live completely off the grid and away from human contact, you still need a way to communicate in serious situations. If you've spent a year and a half in the wild and decide you don't want to stay there indefinitely, you can call and ask for help getting you from your current location.
    • In the event of a medical emergency, you may need society to help you (quickly).
    • Also, bring a satellite phone if you are going to practice living remote. You may find yourself in a dangerous situation faster than you think.
  5. Be considerate of other people. If you have close friends or family, it will be difficult for them if you suddenly disappear. Especially if you plan to live in an area without electricity or postal access, you will need to figure out how to maintain communications.
    • If you want to leave society, do so only after you have carefully considered the consequences for yourself and others.


  • Keep an open mind. You might not want to do this after trying it a few times. There is no shame in stopping this process. It just means that you can get along with society better than you originally thought.
  • Prepare for all seasons! If leaving society means spending a full winter in the woods, make sure you train for that. Have a plan!


  • Living outside of society can be difficult and dangerous. You can be attacked and maimed by a bear or starve to death. Leaving society can seriously reduce your life expectancy.