Protect your Christmas tree from cats

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Protect Your Christmas Tree From Cats
Video: How To Protect Your Christmas Tree From Cats


Take care of your cat when the Christmas tree is set, as cats cannot resist the temptation of the fascinating decorations. They play at the base of the tree and even climb into it, posing a danger not only to the Christmas items but also to themselves. Follow the suggestions below to keep the cat away from the tree.

To step

  1. When you go out or go to sleep, make sure your cat is safely confined in a room that is spacious enough for the animal. This prevents him from knocking over the Christmas tree.
  2. Tie the top of the Christmas tree to the ceiling with a nylon string. This ensures that the tree cannot fall over.
  3. Hang any decorations you are attached to higher up the tree so the cat can't reach it.
  4. Use metal hooks to hang your decorations on the tree. Use tweezers to clamp the brackets tightly around the branch.
  5. Use Duct tape. When the tree is below 6 feet (1.80 m), tape the holder to a piece of laminate with duct tape and place it entirely on a sturdy table. For example, the tree is above the cats' field of vision and they will not be that interested in it.
  6. Plug the Christmas tree lights into a short extension cord and plug the extension cord into the wall outlet. Tape the plug there. Unplug the Christmas tree lights from the extension cord to turn off the lights.
  7. Keep your cat out of reach of the presents under the tree so that it doesn't tear open the paper or get into a fight with the gift ribbons.


  • Place a filled spray bottle near the Christmas tree. If your cat wants to play with the tree anyway, spray once and a string of "No!" enough to make it clear that he shouldn't.
  • Buy some tree decorations with bells and hang them from the lowest branches. This way you can hear it immediately when your cat pulls on the tree or tries to hide under it.
  • Place orange peels under the tree. Cats naturally hate the smell of oranges, and the smell of them will keep them away from your Christmas tree.
  • If you have an artificial tree, fill a spray bottle with water and add a few drops of citronella oil. Spray this over the artificial tree and you have a tree with a scent that is pleasant to you, but repels your cat.
  • Consider purchasing a Scots pine. These trees have very sharp needles. They also work well against inquisitive children.
  • If you have a kitten, wrap the base of the tree in aluminum foil. A kitten does not like aluminum foil under his nails and it prevents him from climbing the Christmas tree.
  • Take some pine cones, drizzle with citronella oil and place them at the base of the Christmas tree. Cats never walk on pinecones! (This tip works well on planters too)
  • Coat the lower branches with Tabasco to prevent the cat from chewing on them. They cringe and run away!
  • Decide that it is also Christmas for the cat this year. Decide not to frustrate yourself trying to outsmart your cat this year. Attach your Christmas tree securely to the wall and / or ceiling. Hang the decorations in the tree with metal hooks and clamp them tightly around the branches. Take a picture of your cat sleeping in the branches and SMILE!


  • Always hang the metallic Christmas garlands out of reach of your cat! If he gets hold of them, he will play with them and possibly chew them and choke on them. These types of garlands cause serious problems for your cat if he ingests them - contact your vet right away if you think your cat has ingested the stuff.
  • If you lock up your cat at night, make sure that he has enough food and water and that he has access to his litter box.
  • Keep your kitten out of reach of the extension cord so that the cat does not chew on it and electrocute itself.