Make your skin silky smooth and healthy

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
12 Skincare Secrets for Super Soft Skin
Video: 12 Skincare Secrets for Super Soft Skin


The sun, cold weather and dry air can take their toll on the texture of your skin, leaving it rough and dry. Making some changes to your daily routine and lifestyle can help make your skin softer and firmer. Read on for ways to get the glowing, healthy skin you want.

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Method 1 of 3: A daily skincare plan

  1. Start dry brushing the skin every day. Dry brushing is an old scrubbing technique to get rid of dead skin cells and stimulate blood flow. If you brush your skin dry every day, your skin will become more radiant and if you keep it up well, your skin will really shine.
    • Choose a dry brush made from natural fibers instead of plastic bristles. Natural brushes are less harsh on your skin.
    • Brush your body with short, firm strokes in the direction of your heart. Brush your legs, torso and arms. Use a smaller, softer brush on your face.
    • Always start with dry skin and a dry brush. If you brush your skin when it is wet, you will not get the same effect.
  2. Take a cold shower. Rinse your skin with cool water. If you find cold water too uncomfortable, try using lukewarm water and keep it a little colder. Hot water is not good for your skin, it causes you to dry out and become rough, while cold water makes the skin tighter and firmer.
    • When you wash your face, pour cold water on it instead of hot water.
    • Save a hot bath for special occasions. They may be good for the mind, but not for the skin.
  3. Don't use too much soap. Shower gels, scrubs, and many bars of soap contain cleansers that dry out the skin and leave a film behind it that makes it look matte. Use a natural oil-based soap or omit soap altogether and wash with water only.
  4. Hydrate your skin. Once you've patted yourself dry, apply a lotion or other good moisturizer to your skin to lock in the moisture and protect your skin from air drying. Try the following moisturizers for glowing, healthy skin:
    • Coconut oil. This wonderfully sweet smelling substance melts into your skin and gives you a beautiful glow.
    • Shea butter. This moisturizer is especially good for the delicate skin on your face. You can also smear it on your lips.
    • Lanolin. Sheep produce lanolin to keep their wool soft and dry, and it acts as an excellent barrier against cold winter air.
    • Olive oil. For times when your skin really needs a deep conditioner, you can smear olive oil all over your body and leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
    • You can buy lactic acid lotion at the drugstore. It ensures that dry, flaky skin becomes elastic and soft again.
  5. Pay close attention to your skin type. Some people have flaky dry skin, others have oily skin, and still others have a combination of the two. Know which parts of your body need extra care and keep this in mind in your daily routine.
    • Treat acne, whether on your face or on your body, with extra care. Do not brush over acne spots or use harsh soaps or chemicals that can make it worse.
    • Eczema, rosacea or other problems related to dry skin should be treated with care. Use products that won't irritate your skin even more and ask your doctor to prescribe something to treat your skin if necessary.

Method 2 of 3: Make healthy choices

  1. Get moving. Movement makes your skin firm and improves your circulation. It will make you healthier anyway and your skin radiates that. Include the following types of exercise in your daily routine three or more times a week:
    • Cardio exercises such as power walking, running, cycling, or swimming. These sports ensure that your blood is properly pumped and give your skin a healthy glow.
    • Strength training with weights. By strengthening your muscles, your skin becomes firmer and you look smoother.
    • Yoga and flexibility exercises. These types of movement make your muscles stronger and your skin tighter.
  2. Eat a balanced diet. If you're not getting all the nutrients you need, you can see it in your skin. Get your shine back by eating lots of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Include products in your diet that are good for your skin, such as:
    • Avocados and nuts. These contain healthy fats that your skin needs to stay elastic.
    • Nutrient-rich plants. Focus on fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins A, E and C, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, spinach, broccoli, mangoes and blueberries.
  3. Drink lots of water. Water gives your cells firmness and makes your skin look fresh and radiant. If you are not properly hydrated, your skin will start to dry out. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep your skin healthy. If you don't like that much water, you can also keep hydrated by doing the following:
    • Watery fruits and vegetables such as cucumber, lettuce, apples and berries.
    • Herbal and other teas without caffeine.
    • Try squeezing some lemon juice into your glass of water for a refreshing alternative.
  4. Avoid substances that are bad for your skin. No matter how well you stick to your daily grooming routine, certain substances will leave you behind in your fight for beautiful skin. Limit or eliminate the following substances that harm the skin:
    • Tobacco. Tobacco causes spots and wrinkles. When it comes to damage to your skin, tobacco is the biggest culprit.
    • Alcohol. Too much alcohol stretches the skin, especially around and under the eyes, because the body starts to retain moisture there. Limit your alcohol consumption to a drink or two a few times a week.
    • Caffeine. Too much caffeine dehydrates the body, which has a negative effect on your skin. Limit your coffee consumption to 1 cup per day and drink a large glass of water afterwards.

Method 3 of 3: Habits that make your skin less dull.

  1. Use a sunscreen every day. Sun exposure can temporarily beautify skin by tanning, but it is harmful in the long run. Burning or sunbathing all summer long can cause wrinkles, blemishes and risk of skin cancer.
    • Put sunscreen on your face before you leave the house, even in winter.
    • Use sunscreen on your neck, shoulders, chest, arms, and anything that gets a lot of sun. If you're wearing shorts or going to the beach, put on your legs too.
  2. Take off your makeup before going to sleep. Leaving makeup on your face when you go to bed is bad for your skin, because the chemicals in it can soak into your skin all night long. In the morning your skin has absorbed all make-up. Use makeup remover and rinse off leftovers with cool or lukewarm water before going to sleep.
    • Do not rub the makeup off too hard, as this will irritate your skin and damage your skin. Use a good remover and pat it dry with a towel.
    • Try this trick to take off eye makeup: Rub a cotton pad with Vaseline over your lashes and around your eyes. The make-up comes off in no time. Then wash the Vaseline off your face.

  3. Protect your skin from the elements. Your skin hardens when it is exposed to chemicals, temperature extremes and materials. Keep your skin soft by taking the following measures:
    • Wear gloves in winter so you don't get chapped on your hands. Protect the rest of your body with warm clothing as well.
    • Wear gloves when cleaning.
    • Protect yourself from calluses by wearing knee pads and thick work clothes if you have to work in harsh conditions.


  • Apply a lotion every day.
  • Don't sleep with makeup on.
  • Wash your face with very cold water for about 2 minutes every morning and evening.