Taking good care of your skin (teenage girls)

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Teen Skincare Tips No One Tells You • Do’s and Don’ts in Teenage Skincare Routine
Video: Teen Skincare Tips No One Tells You • Do’s and Don’ts in Teenage Skincare Routine


Good skin care is essential for beautiful skin that is free of oiliness, blackheads and blemishes! And this is especially important for teenagers as they are the most susceptible to these types of problems. But don't worry, an effective skincare routine is easy to perform. You just need the right products for your skin type, the right techniques and the motivation for your skin every day to take care of. Your skin will thank you!

To step

Method 1 of 2: Daily skin care

  1. Wash your face after getting up in the morning. This will take away any sweat and oil that has accumulated during the night. It will also wake you up a bit and give you a shine-free face for the morning. When washing your face you use never soap, unless it is specific soap for washing the face. This is a mistake many girls make. Regular soap we use to wash our hands and body can irritate pores on the face and stimulate acne and blemishes! When washing your face, use a special facial cleanser or even just water and a cloth to keep dander, oil and dirt at an acceptable level.
    • Don't worry about aggressively removing oil or anything else from the surface. Acne is a problem of excessive oil production and clogging in the pores, not a problem of surface clogging of the pores.
    • Don't forget the sunscreen - be it summer or winter, sunscreen is a must. Even in winter, the sun's rays affect your skin. So start young and you'll have great skin despite getting older.
  2. Apply lip balm in the morning after breakfast and brushing your teeth. This is especially important if you have chapped lips, but even if you don't, it is still a good idea to keep your lips smooth and kissable.
  3. Apply a little hand cream. If you have dry skin on your hands, apply some hand cream in the morning. Just make sure not to over apply or your hands will get greasy and slippery.
  4. Buy some special wipe for removing excess oil from your face if that's a real problem. These are available from Mary Kay and other companies. By the way, don't worry too much about that at school. Do not wash your face during the day!(More on that later).
  5. Before going to bed, cleanse your skin with a facial cleanser. The night is a crucial point for skin care as it is an opportunity to really help your skin. Facial cleansers help to remove dirt, grease and other pore-blockers. Most cleansers will both cleanse and exfoliate the skin.
  6. Moisten your skin after cleaning. In teens, this can help maintain beautiful skin if done right, or get you a lot of acne if done wrong. When buying a moisturizer for your face, make sure that:
    • It's actually a moisturizer for it face.
    • It lightweight is. Lightweight means that it is not heavy and greasy, so it will not leave grease on your skin or clog your pores. This is very important!
  7. Then apply some lip balm.
  8. Apply the lotions. If your legs are dry from shaving, moisturize them. The moisturizer you buy for your legs doesn't matter. If your hands are dry, do the same before going to sleep. Now is a good time to apply lots of hand cream as it will have hours to soak into your skin.
  9. Repeat steps 1-8 every day for beautiful skin!

Method 2 of 2: Special skin treatments

  1. Exfoliate your skin once a week. You don't have to exfoliate every day as this can roughen and irritate your skin over time. Instead, you should exfoliate once every 1-2 weeks to remove dead skin and soften it. You can apply a homemade scrub treatment or buy one. Wet your skin, scoop some of the exfoliant onto your fingertips and massage it into your skin.Do this for 60 seconds and then rinse with a little warm water.
    • Mix sugar with honey for a homemade exfoliant.
    • If your skin is sensitive, you can use oatmeal with honey or milk to add shine to your skin.
  2. Use a face mask once every 2-4 weeks. Face masks do a few things (depending on the one you're using). They remove toxins from your skin, clean your pores, and rid your skin of dead skin cells and dirt. They are best used once every 2-4 weeks as they can dry out your skin if you use them more often. To use a face mask, wet your face and scoop some of the mask onto your fingertips. Spread the mask evenly over your skin and let it dry for 20-30 minutes (until it is no longer sticky). Then wipe the mask off your face with some warm water and a damp cloth.
    • You can use face masks as an anti-blemish treatment - just dab on a blemish and let it dry overnight. Wash it off in the morning, and the redness and sensitivity of your pimple will greatly diminish.
    • Mud masks are generally the most popular, but there are many types you can use.
  3. Use cleansing strips on your pores to get rid of blackheads. Pore ​​cleaning strips are a cotton strip with an adhesive on one side. The adhesive side is pressed onto the skin, and when you peel off the strip, it removes any blackheads that may have been there. Cleansing strips are generally only necessary if you are experiencing an outbreak. They are usually used on the face (on the nose and chin), but are suitable on any part of the body that is prone to blackheads. Follow the directions on the pack of your strips, and complete the treatment by washing and moisturizing your face.


  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Eating healthy keeps your skin looking beautiful.
  • Drink a lot of water! Drink as much water as you can (eight glasses a day). Water makes your skin look smooth and refreshed!
  • Many girls think that washing your face dozens of times a day removes all the oil from their face and reduces breakouts, but that's not true! In fact, washing your face will dry out your skin, causing it to produce more oil to replenish lost oil.
  • Cleansing, exfoliating, tanning, moisturizing and protecting can keep your skin looking good. Dermatologists have done studies showing that women who follow these steps have clear skin.
  • Don't touch your face with dirty hands.
  • Try to stay away from makeup that contains a lot of chemicals.
  • Use facial cleansers instead of soaps. Facial cleansers are made for your face, while soaps are not. Facial cleansers are kinder and gentler on your skin.
  • Use acne gel to heal your acne. Use petroleum jelly as a moisturizer.
  • Never scratch or squeeze stains. That can make the problem worse because it is unsanitary and can leave a scar.
  • Do not wear makeup while exercising.


  • Keep in mind that your skin won't look like the photo posted in this article. Skin blemishes, acne, oil and dryness are all completely natural and normal. That photo is clearly a computer generated image. Learn what suits you best, because everyone's skin is different. The goal of treating your skin is to keep it healthy by keeping yourself healthy. Your skin will reflect your health.
  • This skin regimen may not work on everyone's skin depending on how oily / dry your face gets. Customize it and give it your own twist. This article is just a basic guideline. Consult a dermatologist for a customized skincare regimen.
  • Many people think that avoiding sunscreen on your face can get rid of blemishes as the sun will dry out the oil. This is not true. It actually works the same way as washing your face more than twice a day - you're drying your face, but in an effort to regain the lost skin oil, your face will produce extra oil. Also, not wearing sunscreen can increase the risk of skin cancer (sometimes dramatically) (and so it's not worth the effort to just get rid of a few blemishes). Make sure to wear sunscreen in the summer and just buy a not-too-greasy sunscreen for your face.
  • Make sure you are not allergic to any of the products you will be using on your face. If your skin is sensitive, do a test by applying a small amount of the product to a small area of ​​your face to make sure it doesn't cause a rash or skin irritation.