Checking your sperm count

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
YO home sperm testing kit review– Part II: Low Sperm Count
Video: YO home sperm testing kit review– Part II: Low Sperm Count


Many couples struggle to conceive. Since many factors can cause infertility, both parents should be monitored for fertility problems. If you are having trouble getting pregnant, you may need to have your sperm count checked. There are home tests that can count the sperm count of an ejaculation. However, you will be able to have a much more in-depth investigation done if you consult a doctor.

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Method 1 of 3: Test at home

  1. Take the test at home. Home tests are said to be accurate in about 95% of cases. Masturbate in the cup included in the kit and complete the test according to the instructions. Read the instructions carefully beforehand so that you know what to do and what not to do.
    • In general, your sample will be collected in a cup and after some time moved to the kit to read the results. You may also need to add another solution to the sample, but this depends on the specific test.
    • Such tests can be purchased at drug stores and pharmacies.
  2. Assess the results. You should get results after about 10 minutes, but this can vary from test to test. A normal sperm concentration is considered to be more than 20 million per milliliter. If your result shows less, then you should see a doctor to have a full fertility test performed.
    • Some tests will simply tell you whether the sperm count is normal or low. Other tests may be more precise. This varies greatly from test to test, so read the instructions carefully.
  3. Consult a specialist to have your sperm count. Home testing does not take into account other factors that affect fertility. If you are having trouble conceiving, you should consider seeing a fertility specialist, even if the home test showed normal results. The home tests don't check for:
    • How much semen you ejaculate per orgasm (semen volume)
    • The percentage of your sperm that is alive (vitality)
    • How well your sperm move (mobility)
    • The shape of your sperm (morphology)

Method 2 of 3: Have yourself medically examined

  1. Consult your doctor to have your history and fertility assessed. Tell your doctor that you are concerned about your fertility and that you would like an evaluation. You will be asked about your medical and family history and a physical examination will be performed. Your doctor will examine your genitals and may ask about your sexual history and sexual development.
  2. Set a date to have your semen analyzed. Semen analysis involves examining your semen under a microscope. A lab technician, doctor or computer will count how many sperm cells are in the squares of a grid pattern. This is the most common way to count sperm, so ask your doctor to schedule an appointment with a fertility specialist.
  3. Repeat the test. Semen analysis tests are usually repeated twice. This is because sperm counts often vary and your doctor will need an accurate sperm count over time.
    • A second sample is usually collected 1-2 weeks after the first.

Method 3 of 3: Collect the sample

  1. Masturbate in the container provided by the doctor. When it is time for your test, your doctor will give you a special cup or container. Masturbate and collect your semen in the container. Make sure to put the lid on so that nothing spills.
    • If possible, do this in the hospital. If this proves necessary, it is possible to take the container home. Ask your doctor for specific instructions on how to store the container and when to take it to their office.
  2. Use a special condom designed to collect sperm. Some hospitals can give you a special condom to wear during intercourse. This condom collects your semen for later testing. Some men find it easier to ejaculate this way and it may help if you feel nervous at your doctor's office. These are not available in all areas, but feel free to ask your doctor about other options.
  3. Avoid the common pitfalls. Collecting a semen sample can go wrong in several ways. Ask your doctor for specific details on how to collect an accurate sample. Follow the following guidelines as best you can:
    • Shower and wash your hands before taking the sample.
    • Do not use lube as it can affect the mobility of your sperm. In addition, some lubricants contain spermicide, a substance that can render your sample unusable.
    • Do not ejaculate for at least two days before collecting your sample; on the other hand, you may not refrain from collecting the sample for more than 10 days.
    • For the ten days prior to taking your sample, avoid drinking, smoking, and taking drugs.
    • Make sure all of your semen goes into the container. If you miss you have to wait a day and try again.


  • You will see results after about three months if you choose to make lifestyle changes to increase your sperm count. It takes 10-11 weeks for your body to produce semen.
  • Other tests exist if it is not clear why you have low fertility. Ask your doctor about hormone testing, urinalysis, biopsy, antibody testing, or ultrasounds.