Reduce your bust size

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Minimise A Big Bust
Video: How To Minimise A Big Bust


There are many reasons for wanting to shrink your bust.Large breasts can have serious consequences over time, including back pain, poor posture and difficulty breathing. In addition, large breasts tend to sag later in life. If you are struggling with large breasts and want to make changes, start with Step 1 to learn how to reduce your bust.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Talk to your doctor

  1. Check your medications. Some medications, especially hormonal medications such as birth control pills, can cause your breasts to enlarge several cup sizes. If you are taking such medications, ask your doctor about alternatives.
    • A good non-hormonal contraceptive is the copper IUD. This will remain active for about 7-10 years.
    • Remember that other hormonal factors can also increase bust. Think of pregnancy and breastfeeding. These are temporary and should not be contested.
  2. Check for breast cancer. If you are over 35, and even if you are younger, breast cancer can play a role in getting bigger breasts that are out of proportion. If one breast is significantly larger than the other or if you can feel a lump, get checked by a doctor.
  3. Ask about treatment methods. Talk to your doctor about the medical options for reducing your breast size. Who knows, there are medicines or natural solutions that can help. These will usually be prescribed when other methods have proven ineffective.
  4. Consider breast reduction surgery. Don't worry about surgery when you're young. It may be bothering you now, but as time goes on you can learn to love your body and your breasts. Surgery should only be considered if you experience severe back and neck pain or discomfort. However, it is an option and in some cases is even reimbursed by insurance.
  5. Understand when exercise is necessary. If there are no obvious medical reasons for your large breasts, losing weight is the most likely solution. If you are already skinny then you should not consider this. However, if you are overweight, losing weight will not only shrink your breasts. It will also improve your overall health and positively impact your life.
    • Responsible weight loss advice follows in later sections of this article.

Part 2 of 4: Changing your diet

  1. Create a calorie deficit. To lose weight you will have to create a calorie deficit. Calories are the body's fuels. If you eat less of it, your body is forced to burn fat. You can do this by adapting your exercise pattern to your diet, by adapting your diet to your exercise pattern, or by doing a little bit of both (this is the healthiest way of all).
    • The calorie deficit is only temporary. Once you are at target weight, you can balance your calorie intake in relation to your exercise pattern.
  2. Limit the intake of salts, fats and sugar. A good starting point is to minimize the amount of salt, unhealthy fat and sugar you eat. Salt makes your body retain moisture which makes you look a little bloated. Sugar contains inefficient calories that only make you hungry. And fat, well .. That needs no explanation.
    • Salt is found in canned soups, many meats (mainly hot dogs, salami, and bacon), pizza, chips, and many other foods. The amount of sodium you take in should be less than 2300 mg per day. Don't rule it out completely: salt is necessary for the body to function properly, especially when you start exercising.
    • Sugar is, of course, in most sweets, but you can also find it in commercial coffee (like Starbucks), sodas, and juices. Even too much fruit can get you in too much sugar.
    • Unhealthy fats are things like trans fats and unsaturated fats. These can be found in red meat, butter, mayonnaise and fried foods. Healthy fats such as unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good for you. You can get these from foods such as fish and nuts.
  3. Eat foods high in nutrients. Eating foods that are high in nutrients will make you feel fuller naturally by eating less. Simply switching to fruit and vegetables is not enough: there is a world of difference between a celery stalk and broccoli.
    • Nutritious grains include oatmeal, quinoa, barley and brown rice. When buying bread, make sure to get whole grain bread. Don't go for multigrain. Whole wheat is the healthier option of the two. Multigrain bread has no advantages over white bread.
    • Nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables include lemons, cranberries, bananas, kale, spinach, broccoli, asparagus and Brussels sprouts.
    • The best sources of protein are chicken, fish, eggs, nuts and beans. These are low in unhealthy fats, but contain the proteins that can help you through the day and your exercise routine.
    • Good dairy products include fat-free yogurt (give them some extra flavor with fresh fruit), cottage cheese, and low-fat milk.
  4. Eat a balanced diet. You won't just have to eat healthy foods; you should also eat them in the right proportion. Your body needs a lot of carbohydrates from grains, a lot of vitamins and fiber from vegetables, a certain amount of protein and much less sugary fruit and dairy. Check out the official recommendations for a balanced diet. Avoid trendy diets that recommend eating from just one food slice. Your body has all the discs to stay healthy.
  5. Eat smaller portions. Most people eat too much at one time. Overeating stretches your stomach and makes you hungry, even when your body no longer needs food! Therefore, rather take a smaller plate to help you take more suitable portions. If you are still hungry 15 minutes after the meal, take another half serving.
    • It is important to learn to communicate with your body. Thoroughly analyze how you feel. Are you really hungry? There is a big difference between feeling full and feeling overloaded. We can struggle to tell the difference by overeating.
    • Avoid restaurants. If you do go out for dinner, ask for a doggie bag. Most restaurants serve too much food. Another option is to just order another starter. This is usually closer to a healthy portion of food than a main course.
  6. Eat more often. Eating more often can make you feel less hungry. It is also better for your metabolism because people are simply so developed (the collector part of the hunter-gatherers). Eat more smaller meals that you spread throughout the day. That way you can stick to that low number of calories.
    • Eat, for example, a small bowl of oatmeal in the morning, a banana around 10 a.m., a turkey sandwich for lunch, a bowl of cottage cheese and a slice of toast as a snack at midday and a salad in the evening.

Part 3 of 4: Move more easily

  1. Exercise your whole body. It's important to realize that if some diets, trainers, or exercises claim to remove fat from just one part of the body - they are either lying or very confused. It is impossible to concentrate the removal of fat from your body by movement on one area. All you can do is to lose fat in general. You need to train your whole body if you want to achieve your goal.
    • This is why, if you are already quite thin, exercise and nutrition cannot reduce your bust. Your body has already burned as much fat as it can.
  2. Walk more. You don't have to hang out in the gym ten hours a week to get thinner. You can increase calorie burn just by getting more active. A good and easy way to do this is to keep walking. Walk at least 15 minutes at a time, at least 30 minutes a day. This can play a big role in your weight loss.
    • A good way to walk more is to take the lift less and use the stairs more often.
    • Another easy option is to walk further than necessary to get to where you need to be. Choose the furthest parking space at the mall, at school or at work.
  3. Burn more calories in your daily activities. You can easily burn some extra calories by getting more exercise during your daily activities. Purchase a standing desk or even a treadmill desk at work. Sit on a gymnastic ball instead of a chair. You can also mix a number of exercises into your daily activities. Do some squats while waiting for the microwave or before going to bed. Every little bit helps!
  4. Movement as a means of transport. Adding more exercise to your routine by walking to the supermarket, cycling to work or jogging to school is easy, especially if you have shower facilities there too.
    • If you have to travel far, take the bus for a part. Cycle or jog the rest.
  5. Do efficient exercises. Many people lose the energy to exercise because they do exercises like sit-ups. These are tricky, and certainly not that efficient - they take a long time to see the results. Efficient exercises take less time, making it easy to perform them consistently. In addition, they deliver impressive results.
    • Efficient exercises include squats, planks, and burpees.
  6. Stay motivated. Staying motivated is crucial to keep exercising. You have to keep it up consistently, and make sure that it becomes part of your life in the long term. One-month diets and exercise programs will work for a while, but the fat (and therefore the big bust) will soon return. Stay motivated by performing exercises that you enjoy and can fit into your lifestyle without too much effort.
    • For extra motivation, you can listen to music or exercise with a buddy. This can do wonders for getting you "in the mood" and sticking to your plan.

Part 4 of 4: Reducing the appearance

  1. Wear a sturdy sports bra. A high-quality sports bra with maximum support is probably the easiest way to constrain your bust as comfortably as possible. Buy a sports bra from a reputable brand for the best results. Sports bras of inferior quality wear out quickly, so that they also lose their effectiveness.
  2. Wear a minimizer. You can buy bras that "narrow" the bust, in the sense that they do nothing to make your breasts look bigger. These bras are called minimizers. Again, a good quality and branded bra is preferred here. They generally only work with breasts that range from a C to a DD cup.
  3. Make sure you wear a supportive bra that fits. Simply wearing a minimally padded bra in the right size can have roughly the same effect as a much more expensive minimizer. Also, this is by far the most comfortable option, and generally just good advice.
    • It is estimated that 80% of all women are wearing the wrong size bras.
  4. Try to tie your breasts. If you are really desperate and the other options have not proven effective, you can try binding your breasts. Never use pressure bandages. These are intended to keep sprains and bones together. Pressure bandages can deform your ribs and lungs. Instead, consider purchasing a chest binder. These have been specially developed for transgender people and are safe.
    • Whatever you do, never tie your breasts off for longer than 6-8 hours.
    • This trick will not work for women with extremely large breasts. It worked best for women with a B-DD cup. For larger breasts, this method will not put a dent in a packet of butter.
  5. Avoid problematic clothing. Of course, you should never let a cosmetic factor influence what style of clothing you want to wear. You have the right to dress the way you want. But a few small adjustments can make a big difference in how your breast looks.
    • Avoid clothes that are too tight. Also, don't wear clothes that are too loose. Wear clothes that fit well.
    • Avoid cutouts that accentuate your chest such as turtleneck tops, natural-waisted garments, and bustier tops.
    • Instead of these garments, opt for something that accentuates your hips. This will make your breasts appear smaller in proportion.


  • If you're unsure whether a particular exercise will help you shrink your breasts, check with a fitness instructor.


  • If you want to reduce the size of your bust, make sure you do this gradually. Sudden changes in breast size lead to weakened muscles, loose skin, and sagging breasts. Don't try to lose more than 1-1.5 kg per week.
  • Birth control pills work by releasing hormones in the body. These hormones can have a breast enlarging effect. If you are taking birth control and do not want to stop, discuss the alternatives with a doctor.
  • Binding your breasts can permanently damage your rib cage after just a few hours. So don't do this.