Always feeling happy

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Just Relax & Feeling Happy Vol. 1
Video: Just Relax & Feeling Happy Vol. 1


It's normal to feel a little more comfortable at one moment than at other times, but that doesn't mean you can't find a consistent pattern of satisfaction, contentment, and gratitude in your life. You must first learn to be happy with yourself. Be positive and feel gratitude in your daily life. For this joyful attitude to last, you must learn habits to stay in a content and confident mood.

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Method 1 of 3: Be more satisfied with your life

  1. Learn to love yourself. Learning to love yourself is important for feeling happy because it means that you have accepted who you really are. This can help you become more satisfied and confident.
    • Make a list of things about yourself that you are satisfied with. These can be physical characteristics, skills, personality traits or relationships. Review this list if your self-esteem is low.
    • Stand in front of a mirror and say something kind to yourself. For example, you can say, "I love who I am, and nothing can change that."
    • In difficult moments, you treat yourself as you would a good friend. Tell yourself what you would say to a friend.
  2. Tell yourself you can overcome anything. People often become what they believe they are. If you believe you cannot do something, you will not be able to do it. Instead, you better remind yourself that you can do anything.
    • If you are faced with a problem or impediment, don't give up, but say to yourself, "I can do this." Treat it as an opportunity to learn something new.
    • Do not fear failure. If you make a mistake, pick yourself up and try again. Remember, every failure is just another chance to learn.
  3. Don't compare yourself to other people. Everyone lives differently, so it is useless to compare yourself to others. Remind yourself of your own successes, talents and possibilities. Base your happiness on what you have achieved and not on what others have done.
    • Social media can help people to compare themselves with others. If this is an issue for you, consider deleting your social media accounts or spending less time on them.
  4. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes. When you've done something wrong, treat yourself the same way you would treat a friend in the same situation. Don't dwell on the mistake, but agree with yourself to do better in the future.
  5. Look for a balance in your work, relationships and hobbies. Balance is important in all aspects of your life. Give yourself plenty of time for work, social life, family activities, personal interests, exercise, and relaxation.
    • If you find it difficult to find a balance between work and private life, make a daily schedule. Set aside time for relaxation and social activities, and don't let work overflow during that time.
    • Try to incorporate self-care into your daily life as a routine. Give yourself a bubble bath, go for a run, or paint. Do something that helps you relax.

Method 2 of 3: Get more positive

  1. Practice positive thinking. When you find yourself thinking something negative, such as "I can't do this" or "what a terrible day," interrupt yourself for a moment. Turn the thought into something positive, such as "I can do this if I commit to it" or "this day will only get better."
    • To help remind yourself to think positively, stick motivational messages on your phone, computer, mirror, or in your wallet. This could be something like "You are amazing" or "You can make your dreams come true."
  2. Compliment yourself. Praise yourself for your efforts and achievements, even for small successes. Remind yourself how strong, talented, or hard-working you are.
    • For example, you can tell yourself, "You got everything done today! Well done!'
    • It can help to write down compliments, in a notebook or on the computer.
    • Give yourself rewards for accomplishing something great. Go out for dinner, buy yourself something special, or do something fun with loved ones.
  3. Smile when you feel depressed. Just smiling can make you feel better. If you are stressed, anxious, or angry, just smile. A real smile, when you squint your eyes, will lift your mood and release tension.
  4. Surround yourself with positive people. Your social circle plays a big role in how you feel. If you are surrounded by negative or cynical people, you can be infected by their behavior. Instead, look for positive relationships with happy, optimistic, and happy people.
    • If your relationships aren't going your way, look for new people. Volunteer at a local charity, join a club or association, or take a course to learn a new skill.
    • If certain people are complaining too much on social media, consider unfriending them or disabling their posts.
  5. Express your gratitude for the good things and the people in your life. Each day, try to point out a few things that you are grateful for. Think about your relationships, opportunities, favorite memories and other wonderful things that have happened in your life.
    • Record these thoughts in a journal every day. If you are feeling negative or angry, read your gratitude journal to cheer yourself up.
    • Tell the people you love how much you appreciate them. This will make both of you feel more comfortable.
  6. Write your life as a positive story. Write about your experiences in a notebook every day, but as a happy story. Focus on the good stuff. When writing about your difficult moments, emphasize what you learned or how the experience grew you.
    • Remember that everyone is struggling in life. This struggle doesn't have to get in the way of your happiness.
    • You can also focus on a positive thing you've noticed, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

Method 3 of 3: Create long-term habits

  1. Adjust your expectations along the way. Your life will change as you get older. Rather than sticking to the same expectations, goals, and dreams, feel free to make changes along the way. By adjusting your expectations, you can stay realistic and avoid disappointment.
    • In some cases you may have to adjust your expectations a bit. When you expect too much from yourself or others, this can lead to disappointment and frustration.
    • For example, that what you expect from a partner can change as you get older. You can even narrow down your list of requirements to make it easier to find someone to be happy with.
  2. Build strong relationships with your family, friends and loved ones. Relationships are an essential part of long-term happiness. You don't have to have tons of friends to be happy. Instead, spend your time building strong relationships with those around you.
    • Plan outings with friends or family every week. You can go for a picnic, watch a movie together or make it cozy at home.
    • For those who live far away, make sure to make regular calls, video chats, or letters.
    • Don't forget important dates such as birthdays, anniversaries and weddings. Give a nice card or a gift on such occasions.
    • Often tell family and friends that you love and appreciate them.
  3. Get between 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Not getting enough sleep can make you moody, pessimistic, or stressed. A good sleep schedule will ensure that you are your best self every day.
    • Avoid using bright screens and electronics less than an hour before going to bed. These screens can make it more difficult for you to fall asleep.
    • Make your bedroom an inviting place to sleep. Close the curtains at night. Use a white noise machine or earplugs to drown out sounds.
  4. Get more active. Sports and exercise are great for uplifting your mood. Include more activity in your daily life to keep yourself cheerful and happy. A few easy ways to become more active are:
    • Take a walk after dinner.
    • Going to the gym 2-3 times a week.
    • Taking the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator.
    • Play with children or pets.
    • Hike or go kayaking on the weekends.
  5. Go meditate when it all gets too much for you or you feel anxious and stressed. Meditation helps calm your brain and restore a sense of peace within yourself. Daily meditation can help you deal with difficult or stressful situations.
    • Go somewhere quiet and peaceful. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Don't think about anything else. If your mind wanders, gently direct it back to your breath.
    • Start with five minute meditation sessions. If you get better, work up to sessions of 10 to 15 minutes.
    • There are many videos and apps that provide guided meditation. Examples are Headspace, Calm and Insight Timer.


  • It's normal to feel happier at times than at other times.
  • Being happy doesn't mean you won't be sad, upset, or angry at some point. It just means that you are able to deal with these feelings and return to a feeling of happiness, rather than linger in them.


  • If you feel extremely sad, unemotional, or restless, or if you have lost interest in hobbies, work, and relationships, see a mental health professional for advice.
  • Being surrounded by negative people can be detrimental to your happiness. Keep some distance between yourself and the negative people in your life.