Log in as an administrator on your own website

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Login As Administrator in Windows 10
Video: How to Login As Administrator in Windows 10


This wikiHow teaches you how to log into the admin area of ​​your own website. You can usually do this through the website hosting service, although Windows users can also use the "Havij" program to find the administrator's login address to log in to a site if you don't know where to log in.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Log in to your own website

  1. Make sure you try to log in to your own website. If you have the details of a domain administrator (for example your e-mail address and a password), you can log in to the administrator panel of your website by entering it in the correct location.
  2. Try to log in to the website of the hosting address. Most website hosting services (for example: WordPress, Weebly, GoDaddy, etc.) have an admin panel that you can access by logging into the hosting service's website.
    • For example: for a WordPress domain, go to the URL of the hosting service (in this case https://www.wordpress.com/), click login, enter your login details, go to your admin page by clicking My Site, scroll down and click WP Admin.
  3. Determine the base address of the website. You must do this if you cannot log in through the host's website. The base address is the url of the website that most people will see.
    • For example, Facebook's base address is "https://www.facebook.com".
  4. Add various "admin" tags to the base address. If you cannot access the login page from the hosting company's address, then you can try doing it directly using the following variations:
    • www.website.com/admin
    • www.website.com/administrator
    • www.website.com/user
    • www.website.com/login
    • www.website.com/login.aspx
    • www.website.com/wp-login.php
    • www.website.com/admin.php
    • www.website.com/wp-admin
  5. Enter your username or email address. Once you arrive at the login page, you will usually see two text fields; you enter your login name or e-mail address in the text field "Email" or "Username" (usually the top text field).
  6. Enter your password. Enter the administrator password in the "Password" text field, usually directly below the "Username" or "Email" field.
  7. Click on the "Login" or "Register" button. This is normally below the "Password" text field. This will log you in to the website's admin panel.

Method 2 of 2: Finding the administrator page with Havij

  1. Understand how this method works. You can use a free program called "Havij" to scan a base address (for example, your website address) for the correct administrator login address. Havij will often return about 100 addresses, so you should only do this if you have no other access to the administrator's login page.
    • Havij is unfortunately not available for Mac computers.
  2. Download Havij. Go to this Havij download page to download the file "Havij_1.12_Free.zip" to your computer.
    • Depending on your browser settings, you may need to confirm that you want to download the file and / or specify a save location before continuing.
  3. Extract the file. Double-click the folder "havij.zip", and click the tab Unpacking at the top of the window and click Unpack everything. Give darknet123 as the password when prompted, and then click Unpacking to complete Havij decompression.
    • Havij's extracted folder will open.
  4. Install Havij. Double click on the setup file Havij 1.12 Free and do the following:
    • Click four times Next one.
    • click on to install.
    • Make sure the "Launch Havij" box is checked.
    • click on Shut down.
  5. Wait for Havij to open. Once Havij opens, you can proceed to search for your web address for the admin login page.
  6. click on Find Admin. This is a blue person-shaped icon at the top of the Havij window.
  7. Enter the web address of your website. In the "Path to search" field, type the address of the website for which you want to find the admin login page.
  8. click on Start. You can find this on the right side of the web address.
  9. Wait for Havij to find the admin URL of the website. Immediately after you click Start clicked, Havij should start creating a list of website addresses in green text at the bottom of the window.
    • Once Havij has found all available addresses, you will see a confirmation message at the bottom of the window.
    • If Havij does not immediately generate a list of URLs in the pane at the bottom of the window, close Havij and reopen the program by harbor typing in StartTry the URLs Havij found. Copy a url in the panel at the bottom of the window and enter this address in the address bar of your browser. If you are asked for your login credentials as an administrator, you have successfully found the login page; you can log in with your email address (or username) as administrator and the corresponding password, as usual.
      • This process can take a long time due to the number of addresses Havij may have found.


  • Often times, the easiest way to log into your site as an administrator is through the hosting service's website, then log in and search for the admin panel.


  • Trying to log in to the administrator portal of a website that you do not own is illegal in most countries.