How not to blush in the wrong situations

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
BLUSH explained ! Placement, colors, textures, mistakes | ALI ANDREEA
Video: BLUSH explained ! Placement, colors, textures, mistakes | ALI ANDREEA


Almost everyone blushes at some point. However, what do you do if this happens more often than normal? It is difficult to control the process when you have already blushed. If you are constantly blushing, it can upset you. However, the good news is that over time, you can learn to control or minimize redness. This article will walk you through a few simple tricks to help you stop blushing and deal with your fear of blushing.


  1. 1 Relax. Under pressure, you blush more. As soon as you feel yourself starting to blush, immediately relax all of your muscles. You cannot completely control the process when you are already blushing, but you can prevent your face from turning into a red tomato! Practice blushing in front of the mirror and relaxing your shoulders. This will help you determine how you can handle the actual situation.
  2. 2 Accept this. If you are talking to someone and it happens, just voice it and move on. If you confess and change the subject, chances are that it will be such a problem. Be brief and move on. People will see that you are comfortable, even though you blush and will not be teased.
  3. 3 Don't be embarrassed. The more a person tries to hide his embarrassment and is ashamed of it, the more obvious it will be. When you are talking, dancing, or doing something else, just go with the flow. Say: “Something I blushed. It's OK. “Self-acceptance will help you in the future. Encourage yourself with the words "this is not a problem", "I am great." What you say to yourself will become true.
  4. 4 Prevention. If you blush frequently or during a certain activity (such as public speaking), visualize before going to bed. Imagine all the situations when you blush. Imagine what others think of you; imagine they know what confuses you.Think about why this confuses you. How embarrassing is this? The more often you do this, the more comfortable you will be alone with yourself, and eventually in the company of other people.
  5. 5 Make it a game. Try to find out how red you can get. In most cases, this will help reduce redness.
  6. 6 Wash your face and apply a thin layer of a non-greasy moisturizer (otherwise the makeup will dry out your skin). This keeps your face cool and helps when you start to blush.


  • Try chewing gum. Take a break from the situation.
  • Chat as often as possible. The more comfortable you feel around other people, the less you blush. Connecting with people will make your life more whole, and it will also just turn you into a more confident and interesting person.
  • Continue drinking water if you feel yourself starting to blush.
  • If you blush every time you are in the same room with someone you like or talk to him, you will certainly blush. It can be so intense that it cannot be hidden. The only thing you can do in this situation is to calm down by taking a few deep breaths.
  • Try using a foundation that matches your natural skin tone. It can work miracles.
  • Try lightly covering your cheek with your hand if you feel yourself starting to blush and can't stop it.
  • If the situation is nowhere worse, go to the nearest bathroom or kitchen and apply a damp cloth to your face. Conditioning can also help.
  • Try using a lighter foundation or a shade that matches your skin tone. Relax and just try to ignore it!
  • Do not worry, blush is quite natural, it is beautiful and gives a person a lively and healthy look. People do not attach as much importance to this as you think; in fact, your body language is important, so if you blush, ignore it and keep your body language normal.
  • Remember, people don't really notice unless you make it a problem and try to hide it.


  • Don't be hard on yourself, it's not easy to break habits.
  • DO NOT try to hide blush with makeup. It never works as you usually try too hard and it looks awful. If you blush constantly, people will understand what you are trying to do.
  • Do not give up. If you blush and get nervous, then you give up. You have to take risks in life. You will give up many things if you let it control your interactions with others.