How to please a guy (for young teen girls)

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A teen age girl wants to feels good and trying hard to pleasure herself
Video: A teen age girl wants to feels good and trying hard to pleasure herself


So, you are a young teenager and you may not have enough experience with guys yet. You really want to please a guy, but you do not know how to do it. In this article, we'll show you how to get his attention, like him and start a relationship with him!


Part 1 of 4: Get to know him better

  1. 1 Let him notice you. If he often looks at you, then most likely he already likes you. But if not, don't be discouraged. Get to know him better so he starts to notice you.
    • Laugh more often. It always gets the attention of guys. Just don't go overboard. If you laugh every 10 seconds at everything he says, it will look unnatural. Also, don't laugh at low-quality jokes - show that you know your worth.
    • Find out as much as possible about what interests him and keep him company. Do you both enjoy playing sports? Maybe study? If possible, then next time be where he will be to do the same thing together.
  2. 2 Declare your presence. Say hello or goodbye. Wave your hand to him. If he answers you, then he noticed you. Just because you are somewhere nearby does not mean that he could notice you. He may simply not pay attention to you. Feel free to talk to him.
    • Ask him to help you with your homework, even if you can do it yourself.
    • Ask how his weekend went, what he did.
    • Tell him about the parties and meetings you plan to visit.
  3. 3 Be helpful to him. Don't accidentally blurt out, "What do you do after school?" He may think that you are stalking him. Just be yourself, don't try to imitate anyone.
    • If you are in the same class and he sits next to you - you are in luck! If not, that's okay. You can get hooked on it yourself. Offer it to him if the opportunity arises.
    • If you see that he has a problem: big or small, be there and offer your help. Find a way to communicate with him. Write him a note or send a message.
  4. 4 If he doesn't notice you, try changing your style. Most guys are attracted to stylish and confident girls. You don't have to be a supermodel! Just try to boost your self-esteem by telling yourself, "I'm beautiful, smart, popular, and cute."
    • Treat yourself to new clothes. You don't need to update your entire wardrobe to get noticed. Buy some stylish things (for the season, of course) that will help you stand out.
    • Get a new hairstyle. Talk to your stylist or your mom's stylist and discuss what can be done with your hair? What if you cut your hair short? Or maybe get a multi-level haircut? Think about these options to get your guy's attention.
    • Need to lose a couple of pounds? Ask your mom if you can join a gym or sports group. Even if you do not need to lose weight, it will never be superfluous to get rid of one or two kilos for your well-being. Although if he does not accept you for who you are, then he is not a match for you.

Part 2 of 4: Become his friend

  1. 1 Let the acquaintance grow into friendship. To become his girlfriend, you must first become his friend. In fact, the girl you love is not the one who is always romantic, but the one who, above all, is a true friend.
  2. 2 Support what he says and offers. This does not mean that you need to give up your beliefs and principles. Your opinion is just as important as his. Discuss controversial issues when the opportunity arises.
    • Listen carefully when he speaks. Always try to understand what he is saying. You can learn something new and interesting from him. Show respect for what he says, but do not forget to form your own opinion about what you hear.
    • Chat with him. Intimate relationships often begin with emotional attachment. This attachment will arise if you communicate as much as possible on topics that interest both of you. It doesn't matter what to talk about, maybe something funny or funny - the main thing is that you will have something in common that will bring you closer together.
      • Ask about his life - childhood, parents, siblings. These are very personal topics, so be gentle and respectful. Offer to tell about yourself, so that he would better imagine who you really are.
      • Ask about his goals, what he dreams of, what he enjoys, what makes him happy. Knowing what a person is striving for will help you understand him better. Think about your goals to share with him.
  3. 3 Try not to say anything bad about him to your friends. Even if you trust your friends, you can quarrel, and one of them will retell what you said behind your back.
    • Support him if there is any conflict or someone teases him. Don't let him doubt that you are his friend - he must be absolutely sure of this.
    • Don't gossip about him. Gossip spreads like wildfire.You don't want any juicy details to come to him. Eliminate all kinds of gossip.
  4. 4 Get close, if possible, with his friends. In the beginning, just keep general conversations going; if you immediately try to become part of their company, it will seem strange. Just smile, be nice, keep a conversation with his friends, and he himself wants you to be with them all the time.
  5. 5 Do something together. You may have to take the initiative, but if he agrees, it will no longer matter who suggested it.
    • Walk with the company first. Go to a lake or beach; have fun in the park on roller skates; cheer together at a football match.
    • Here are some more options for how a group of teenagers can have fun:
      • go to an amusement park (rides, slot machines, etc.);
      • go to the cinema;
      • go to the fair;
      • walking together after school (sometimes just walking together is the best pastime).

Part 3 of 4: Let him know you like him

  1. 1 Give him a hint. If you have already found a common language, then it's time to let him know that you are interested in him more than just as a friend. Scrapbook works well. It can be a message, but a handwritten note is better - then he will have a memory of you.
    • Ask him to carry your backpack or books. See how he reacts.
    • Invite him to dance. If the white dance is announced, you will have a great opportunity: the girls invite the guys.
    • Flirt with him. There are many ways to flirt:
      • Flirt with your eyes. If you meet eyes, give him a gentle smile. Hold your gaze a little longer than usual.
      • Flirt with touch. Gently touch his shoulder as you speak.
      • Flirt with words. Tell him that he is a good athlete or praise his new haircut. He will be delighted that you have noticed this.
      • Take his hand. This will clearly show him that you are interested in him.
      • Hug him more tightly than your average friend, and maybe more often.
      • Give him a little gift. An ideal gift would be a heart for Valentine's Day with the words “I like you”.
  2. 2 Don't be discouraged if he doesn't answer. Some guys your age may just not take the hint. Girls tend to reach puberty earlier than boys, which means they have emotional maturity earlier.
  3. 3 Ask him for his phone number. Do it as if by accident: "Hey, I see, I don't have your phone number." If you have an informal friendship outside of school, this is what you need.
    • Wait for him to call you. You don't want to show yourself in an unfavorable light; guys don't like talking on the phone as much as girls.
    • Write to him regularly on general topics. Just don't make it pointless - guys don't like empty talk.
    • Flirt with him in messages (you can write to Facebook, email or SMS). Write something like: “I never imagined that you would defeat the entire football team on Friday alone. Well done!"
  4. 4 Be patient. Guys don't often use words to show that they like the girl. But you will feel it intuitively.
    • Notice if he is nervous in your presence. This may mean that he likes you. These are the signs:
      • Does he sweat or blush when he talks to you? This is a clear sign that he is passionate about you.
      • He looks at you, but as soon as you look at him, and at the same time looks away? He cannot get enough of you and daydreams.
      • Is he constantly spinning around you, but hesitates to approach? This may mean that he wants to be there and admire you, but does not want you to know about it.
  5. 5 There are more obvious signs that he likes you. If he hugs you or takes you by the hand, then you are lucky. He is in love with you. But if you're not completely sure, here are some more signs:
    • Does his pupil dilate when he looks at you? Sometimes his eyes may change color slightly.
    • Does he often, as if by accident, bump into you, touch you, pat you on the back? He may be looking for any excuse to touch you because he likes you.
    • Does he stutter and stutter when he speaks? His heart jumps out with excitement.
    • But do not overly trust the minute changes in his behavior. Perhaps these are just physiological changes that are natural for his age.
  6. 6 If he still doesn't get the hints, ask him directly. Remember, even if it doesn't work, it was worth the try. It's better than not trying at all. Choose the right moment. You will feel when it comes.
    • If you are ready to ask him, then it is better that at this moment you are alone, because he may say "no".
    • When asking him, be calm, cold and calm. Look into his eyes and smile. Be confident in yourself. It won't be easy to ask him, but are you ready to challenge him?
    • Ask him if he wants to go to the movies or grab a bite to eat. You don't have to give a date, he has to tell you when.
  7. 7 If he doesn't show interest, don't worry. Yes, you will feel bad for a while. But it won't last forever. Remind yourself that you did your best. There will be other guys.
    • If he says no, just smile and walk away without showing your feelings.
    • Try not to embarrass him or yourself. If you remain attractive to him, he may change his mind.

Part 4 of 4: When you start a relationship

  1. 1 Don't take any serious steps at the beginning of a relationship. For example, kiss him when he agrees to be your boyfriend, but then during the first weeks limit yourself to just hugging and holding hands. If he himself decides to kiss you - go ahead!
    • But remember - the first kiss doesn't have to be passionate. If you want him to be interested in kissing you again, the first kiss should only be a promise of something more.
    • Don't let him put pressure on you in anything. There should be mutual respect in your relationship, no one should force the other to do what he does not want.
  2. 2 It's not worth discussing the breakup or the end of your relationship. When starting out, many people think it's a good idea to agree to stay friends if something goes wrong. Do not do that.
    • This gives the guy a sense of security - not feeling responsible, he can easily dump you.
    • And in general, it is strange at the beginning of a relationship to talk about their breakup. How do you know how you will feel when you break up? You cannot know this. Better talk about something fun and enjoyable.
    • Instead of discussing the relationship, build that relationship. It will help you stay together. Sometimes it is better and easier to do rather than speak.
  3. 3 Leave him some space and freedom. Guys need space. Just because he spends time with his friends doesn't mean that he doesn't love you or that he loves someone else.
    • Let him see his friends. Don't hold it. Yes, spend most of your time together during the afternoons and weekends, but at school, let him hang out with his friends.
    • But if he does not find time for you at all, this is a dangerous signal. Of course, he should spend enough time with you. Since you have a relationship with him, he should be by your side; you can say yourself that you need him and want him to pay more attention to you.
    • Don't be discouraged every time he talks to another girl. When this happens, the main thing is that he does not cross the legal line and does not flirt with them. Trust him until he gives you a reason to doubt himself.
  4. 4 Don't overdo it with VK, Facebook and Twitter. You shouldn't spend all night chatting with him on social networks or exchanging messages. If you don't write to him every second, his desire to talk to you will only increase!
    • Speak in person or over the phone most of the time. It's okay to call him every day. You do not want to have only online relationships, and when you meet in person, you feel uncomfortable.
    • It's okay if you send him cute messages from time to time. Let it be a surprise to him. The less often you send them, the more thrilling it will be for him to receive them. Just don't expect a response for every message.
  5. 5 Make sure there is equality in your relationship. He shouldn't wipe his feet on you. You are a free person and a person who deserves respect.
    • Don't let him guide you and tell you what to do. Stand up for yourself when you need it.
    • First of all, you need to love yourself. If you don't love yourself, it will be difficult to love him too. Your relationship will lead to the fact that many flaws will surface, both in him and in you. They are like a mirror.
      • Work on your weaknesses, but don't forget about the strengths you have. Relationships are built by two people. Nothing good will come of it if you take over everything, and he will only use the results of your efforts.
    • Make sure he values ​​you. You deserve love and respect. He must remember this.
  6. 6 If you have a fight, try to be mature about it. Breakups happen all the time - if there is a chance to make up, try to do it, if not, then do not forget - there are many other guys around.
    • It is not necessary to remove him from his Facebook or Odnoklassniki friends. Just unsubscribe from him and no longer communicate with him.
    • Be nice to him, but keep your distance. Try to be polite, but don't give him a reason to fantasize. You want him to regret losing you.
    • Keep your head high. You will soon be a young and beautiful girl. Be confident and others will appreciate you.


  • Always be yourself: if he does not love you the way you are, then he does not suit you. If you feel bad around him, then you'd better break up.
  • Please note: if next to you he smiles and laughs more often than when other girls are nearby, then this is a good sign.
  • If he wrote you a message, you shouldn't reply right away. Wait 2-3 minutes so that he does not think that you have been holding your phone all day while waiting for him to write to you.
  • If he shares everything with you, telling in detail what happened to him during the day, it means that he trusts you.
  • Always be yourself: if he does not love you the way you are, then he does not suit you. If you feel bad around him, then you'd better break up.
  • Do not try to provoke his betrayal. A true friend would never do that. If you want to be his girlfriend, you must first of all be his friend.
  • Observe good hygiene practices. Always brush your teeth, watch your hair, and dress nicely.
  • If you find out that he likes him, don't expect to necessarily become his true love. Time will tell. Let him sort out his feelings and decide for himself.
  • It's not worth living just for him. Learn to be happy no matter if you have a boyfriend.
  • Give him a birthday present. He will appreciate it.
  • If he's new to your class, show him everything at school and offer friendship.
  • If your friends or family don't like him and they are trying to warn you, think about their words. They might be right. Although they may be wrong.
  • Choose your boyfriend carefully. Don't rush just because you feel like you should have a boyfriend.
  • When inquiring about him, do not ask for his address and telephone number.He must give this information to you himself, otherwise it will look as if you are chasing him.
  • If you notice that he sits down so that his knees and socks are directed in your direction, then he unconsciously shows his interest in you.


  • Don't be rude to him when he tries to talk to you just because you don't want him to guess that you like him.
  • Don't be jealous when he talks to other girls instead of you. They are just friends to him. For example, you don't have to throw another girl's pencil if he borrowed it from her and not from you. Jealousy will not achieve anything.
  • Be nice to his friends if you want him to be nice to you.
  • Don't change for a guy. He should appreciate you for who you really are, not when you pretend.
  • Don't get obsessive. You don't need to always know where he is. He has a right to his privacy as you do to yours.
  • Never provoke or seduce him. This will not only ruin your reputation instantly, but you will also make a lot of trouble.
  • In order to get it, you shouldn't do anything that will embarrass you.
  • You don't need to stare at him all the time and follow him.
  • Don't be discouraged if he refuses you - the world is still full of guys.
  • Don't do anything just to please him.