
Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: Impress


To be impressive literally means to impress someone. People today are not quick to show that they are impressed. So to be really impressive you have to find a way to elicit this rare reaction. There are many ways to impress, so don't see what you'll read here as the only way. Being impressive is being redefined every day. Maybe you can be the person helping to redefine it.

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Method 1 of 3: Part 1: Using your talent to impress

  1. Develop a talent. Whatever your talent, pursue it relentlessly. People who impress with what they do spend a lot of time getting there. Who said that being impressive would be easy?
    • Some theories claim that it takes about 10,000 hours of practice to be really good at something. That is quite a few hours and it is also very possible to have an impressive talent before you have practiced 1000 hours.
    • As you practice your talent, you need to find ways to motivate yourself. Break your goal down into small pieces. Reward yourself with some free time, a snack, or that new computer game once you've achieved what you set out to achieve.
  2. Show your talent to the outside world. You may be the most wonderful dancer or writer in the world, but you will not impress people if they have never seen your talents. Being impressive also means putting yourself down, however scary that may be.
    • Start small. Every now and then people start to develop a talent and have immediate success with it. It usually takes time for us mortals to develop talent. So start small. Work yourself up to greatness.
    • At the same time you have to biggest stage have in mind where you can display your talent. Bands want to sell out the Paradiso. Football players want to play premier league. Don't be afraid to have a big dream when you are developing your talent. That's part of what drives you.
  3. Ask for feedback. Whether it's from your coach, your parents, or a jury, it's essential to get advice on what to do better. A famous poet once said, "No one is an island". John Donne meant that you have to be able to rely on others to move forward. You cannot do everything alone.
    • Always ask experts in your own field how you can improve. Your desire to become impressive is directly related to your willingness to develop your talent optimally. Ask other singers for help; ask other actors about techniques; go on soccer camp to improve your skills.
  4. Get a mentor. A mentor is someone with a lot of experience in your field and is willing to give you advice and direct your talent. A mentor is very important for people who want to be impressive with a talent; a mentor gives you feedback, helps you find ways to show your talent to the world, can help you build a network.
    • Turn to other people who could become your mentors. You can say something like "I was hoping to get some advice from the best flutist in the world about the flute solo in Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 2. I would really appreciate your help!"
    • Understand what others can gain from mentoring. A mentor is not one-sided relationship, where the master shows the student how to do it. The mentor takes appreciation and happiness in helping the student to succeed, for helping you develop into a committed, impressive individual. That's great!
    • Show your mentor respect. You may sometimes think that your mentor's advice is false, but try it before you turn it down. There is a reason he / she is an expert and you are not. Respect him / her by taking the advice seriously.
  5. Learn from your mistakes. It is a given that when you develop a talent you will make mistakes every now and then. If it wasn't, you're not human. Most people give up when they fail. If you want to be impressive, you need to get up right away, shake it off and learn from your mistakes, and not give up.
    • Get rid of your ego. Not only does that help you shake off your mistakes, it also helps you adopt a more selfless, humble attitude. If you didn't know: the most impressive people are the ones who are great but still humble themselves.

Method 2 of 3: Part 2: Using your personality to impress

  1. Be funny. Everyone, except for a few hard-hitting cynics, loves someone who can make them laugh. That's why being funny is a big part of using your personality to impress. The good and bad about comedy is that there is no one way to do it. That means that you can develop your own sense of being funny by being absolutely original, but it also means that there is no manual for being funny.
    • Be funny with words. Word jokes are a great way to be impressively witty because we all use words all the time. Consider these examples of great puns:
      • "Some people make everyone happy wherever they go; others when they go." - Oscar Wilde.
      • "You rarely see men preying on girls with glasses." - Dorothy Parker.
    • Use physical comedy to make people laugh. Physical comedy includes imitating others, mime or slapstick. Pick one, experiment and try to fit it into a fun routine.
    • Tell great stories. We like people who can tell well, because we live for stories. Stories make us feel human, so people who can tell well delight us. Learn the basics of storytelling to impress even more.
  2. Be adventurous. Being adventurous means turning everyday possibilities into excuses to go on an adventure. You don't have to be Indiana Jones to be adventurous; you just have to want to get off the beaten track every now and then.
    • Travel to new, interesting places. Traveling doesn't mean you have to spend a lot of money or time. Just go somewhere nearby you've never been. You learn about a new place, get new impressions and you have the chance to show the locals how impressive you are.
    • Learn about unexpected things. Being adventurous can also mean traveling in the spirit. That may sound woolly, but it is absolutely true. The most impressive people in the world travel to new and exciting distant places, both in their heads and on their feet.
    • Don't be afraid to break away from the crowd if you want to. Sometimes an impressive person will be adventurous by following his / her heart and going out alone, against the advice of others. Be adventurous by doing some you want, not what others want you to do.
  3. Free your inner majesty. The most impressive people are often not even aware of how much of an impression they make. They just are without thinking about it. The majesty comes from a place within you. You cannot force it.
    • Don't focus on impress. Instead, focus on things that make you impressive, such as developing a way to turn certain substances into bio-diesel, or learning how to play billiards with ice hockey pucks. That way, people will be overwhelmed by your magnificence before they have time to question it.
  4. Impress with your style. Develop a unique clothing style. Don't imitate something you think is hip; make your own style hip by fully believing in it and not caring about what other people say about it.
    • Maybe you have an accessory that can serve as your trademark that everyone will recognize you as soon as they see you. Use it, but don't abuse it. Let go of any criticism you may receive from others (they are jealous, insecure, or both) and bear it with confidence.
    • Sometimes not having a style is also a statement. Some people really don't care about fashion, clothing or accessories. A lot of people appreciate that because those people are often completely absorbed in other things, such as using an oyster farm to filter the dirty water from the harbor (very impressive). If you're that kind of person, feel comfortable with your lack of style. Don't judge others if they do spend a lot of time on clothes (unimpressive).
  5. Have a fun personality. Realize that your personality says a lot more about you than your looks or appearance, although these can also be important. Be kind, understanding, kind, generous, and charming (both inside and out). People don't like a mean, selfish, unkind, boring person.
    • Some characteristics that are generally thought of as impressive
      • Dedication / faithfulness. You are incredibly committed to whatever you do, and you are very loyal
      • Reliability. You are someone people can always rely on when they need you, for whatever reason.
      • Kindness / generosity. You are literally willing to give up your whole family if that makes someone else happy.
      • Ambition. Even if you have high goals, you will never run over anyone to achieve them.
      • Perspective. You know how to separate the wheat from the chaff; you know that the simple things in life - friends, family, love, health - are too often overlooked.
      • Principles. You know what you believe in and you have good reasons to hold on to that belief.

Method 3 of 3: Part 3: Making an impression by giving

  1. Be a role model for younger children. You can be a role model in different ways. Remember this: If you decide to start helping children, make sure you do it for the right reasons. Helping kids to impress is a bit like going on a diet because you want people to like you more, not because you want to be healthy.
    • Volunteer as a teacher. Teach children to read, calculate or play sports. Keep your patience and remember that not every child learns the same way!
    • Be a mentor to a talented child. Just as you may need (or have had) a mentor, children also need a mentor. They want reliable information about relationships, drugs, careers and life. You can be that source of guidance for a child who clicks with it.
    • Make time to do things together. If you are cheerful, positive, responsible and mature, children will want to be with you. You don't have to do much to be impressive in their eyes. Give them some of your time and you will see that it can be a lot of fun doing things together.
  2. Get involved in politics. How often do we complain about politics? Constantly. How often do we do something about it? Rarely. You can test your political skills by standing for election. Who can say he is eligible? That's pretty impressive!
    • If you are a little younger you can consider joining the student council. It doesn't have the reach of a town or country, but it's just as important to the people around you. You learn a lot about yourself.
  3. Help people who are less fortunate than you. There is no legal obligation to do good deeds, but there is a moral responsibility. If you have ever been helped on your life path by someone else, or simply believe in the principle, remember to give something back. Help the less fortunate find their way.
    • Join your local church community. If you are part of a community of believers, ask other members of the Church if they know how to volunteer. Often times, the church has all kinds of programs or information about how best to help.
    • Consider providing a micro loan. A micro loan is a small amount (€ 20 for example) that you lend through an institute. People who receive that loan often live in third world countries; they use the money to build hospitals, schools, generators, or just a farm. After they have used the loan, you will get the money back. It's a great way to make a difference worldwide.
    • Just do something nice. Keep the door open for someone; give a homeless person half of your lunch; tell your colleagues how much you value their work. These small acts of kindness cost almost no energy or money, and can have a major impact.
  4. Get involved in a cause you believe in. What do you believe in? Do you believe in animal rights? Then work for the Animal Protection or a similar organization. Do you believe in fighting global warming? Then work for environmental organizations. Whatever you believe in, it makes an impression when you show the world what drives you.


  • Be yourself. People will criticize you at first, but later they will know your worth.
  • Be nice to everyone.
  • Don't ask for more than you give.
  • Don't be a jerk, because nobody likes jerks.
  • Remember, some people will say they hate you, but don't worry, they can just be jealous.
  • Impression comes from within. You may not know it's there. But it is in everyone, waiting to be released. You're fantastic, so show them who's boss here!
  • Become popular. It's so easy when you are incredibly nice to others and take action. Be a leader, but don't try to dominate your entire environment.


  • Don't do stupid things. Impressing doesn't mean you have to do dangerous things.
  • Don't try to become someone you are not because even if some admire you, you may lose your self-esteem, which is much worse. But you can always start new things or shift your interest.
  • Don't brag about how impressive you are. If you impress enough, people will notice.
  • Don't give too many things away to others or they will only like you because you give them things. That's not really impressive.