Finding something your parents hid

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Find Christmas Presents That Your Parents Have Hidden
Video: How To Find Christmas Presents That Your Parents Have Hidden


Did your parents hide something that you want back? Maybe you want to know what you will get for your birthday or Christmas. Your parents may not know, but you are much too smart not to know the typical hiding places. By looking strategically in every room and every corner, you will certainly be able to find what you are looking for.

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Method 1 of 4: Choosing the right room

  1. Think about the size of the object. If your parents have hidden something big, it will be somewhere very different from something small, like your favorite DVD. Think about where something will fit and where it can best be hidden.
    • Little things like DVDs can be hidden in the narrowest corners. Search between books, in bags, and among other small, light objects.
    • If you're looking for something like a bicycle, avoid rooms where it wouldn't fit without being obvious, like the bathroom.
  2. Search their bedroom. The master bedroom is usually off-limits, so it's the most obvious place to hide something. Think about which place is the most private; the place that would get you most in trouble if you searched it.
    • Check their drawers. Sock and underwear drawers are definitely off limits, and a bit strange to search. This is a very natural hiding place.
    • Check their closet. The space in the closet offers many hiding places. Make sure you check the drawers, between folded clothes, and in any messy areas.
    • Crawl under the bed. For some reason, people think that the space under the bed is a good hiding place. For adults, this is a more difficult place to see because you have to crawl on the floor for it.
    • Look behind the television. The space behind the television is often dusty because the television is heavy and difficult to move. This is an obvious hiding place because people don't often look there.
    • Check their bathroom quickly. There probably aren't many good hiding places in your parent's bathroom, so check out a few obvious ones.
  3. Search cluttered rooms. The more things there are in a room, the easier it is to hide something in it. Colors, shapes, and patterns blend into the background when multiple items get in the way. Plus, there's a smaller chance that someone will go to the trouble of looking when there's a lot of stuff in the way.
    • Storerooms and utility rooms are perfect hiding places. Lots of heavy tins, cookbooks, and various items that make it difficult to see. It gets harder to find something when you have a lot of canned food in your way.
    • Look in the linen closet. If you don't change your own bed linen and towels then the linen closet could be where you should look. This is an ideal hiding place for thin things like DVDs, books, and video games.
    • If your parents have a home office, chances are you can find a lot there. The desk and drawers will be covered and filled with papers. Look between every object and every page.
  4. Search your own room. Indeed: your own room. It's actually quite a creative idea to hide something you would never look at, like your sock drawer. Your parents will most likely hide the object you are looking for somewhere you never look. If they always tell you to clean your room, they may well have simply hidden it in the mess.
    • Look in and on your closet. If you hardly ever look at the top or on top of your closet, this could be a good place.
    • Most people hardly ever look behind cupboards or wardrobes. If you're looking for something thin, try to look behind both of those spots.
  5. Search the garage / shed. The garage and / or shed are full of almost endless hiding places. Look behind and / or in garbage cans, recycling bins, boxes, and paint cans. Other storage boxes, such as tool boxes, usually also contain some small hiding places.
    • The lid of the garage opener can be easily removed.
    • Look in large containers that appear to be junk. Plastic bins, for example, are hardly ever touched and are perfect for hiding things.

Method 2 of 4: Look at creative places

  1. Look in the attic. Attics are often used as a hiding place, but are difficult to search thoroughly. Try to watch when you are home alone, but be careful not to walk where the floor is unfinished; you don't want to step through the ceiling and leave evidence that is impossible to hide.
  2. Look in the car. If you're not allowed to use your parent's car, that's a perfect hiding place. Pretend you've forgotten something in the car after you've all been in it and have a quick look. There is only a limited number of hiding places in the car, so check the most obvious places.
    • The glove compartment is a clear hiding place. If you're looking for something small, like keys or a remote control, look there.
    • The armrest is also an obvious hiding place. Search the papers and other things in here to find thin objects like cards, phones, and games.
    • Look in the trunk. There is usually a button that you can use to open it. Larger items can be easily hidden in the trunk.
  3. Think about your parents' hobbies. Your parents probably have some things they like to do with their free time. These things provide good hiding places because your parents often go there, and they will notice when things have been moved.
    • Golf bags are a perfect, deep place for elongated gear. If you think your parents bought you a baseball bat, that's an ideal place to hide it.
    • If your mom or dad does a lot of yard work, their gardening tools are probably pretty dirty. They may therefore think that you do not like to look between these things and choose to hide things there.
    • Crossword puzzles and Sudoku books are good places to hide flimsy things like gift cards, photos, and concert tickets.
  4. If your house has air conditioning, look in air ducts. Many air ducts have a reservoir in which to hide things. If your parents use this spot, they probably use it as a short-term hiding place. Of course they do not want the air supply to be blocked for a long time.
    • Large gifts should be hidden somewhere where there is enough space. First, look in the largest air ducts.
    • Small air ducts often have many bends. Shorter objects would likely fall into this, so look in smaller air ducts for elongated things that wouldn't fall away.

Method 3 of 4: See through distractions

  1. Look in the freezer. The freezer is a strange place to hide something because of its temperature. Some things can get messed up in the freezer, and freezers have limited storage space. Think about smaller objects that will not be affected by temperature.
    • Small items fit perfectly in bags of frozen vegetables. Maybe your parents know you don't like broccoli, so they may decide to have what you want where you don't want to go.
    • It would be smart to hide something between frozen desserts. A box of ice creams is an ideal hiding place. Maybe your parents know that you can't have dessert without permission. They probably also know how much is left.
    • Look behind the ice cubes. If there are bags or bowls of ice cubes in the freezer, look under and behind them. Older freezers also sometimes have a build-up of ice, making them an ideal place to hide something as small as a charger.
  2. Look among the vegetables. Believe it or not, there are boxes and hiding places specially made to look like food. Books and files are much more noticeable hiding places than between meals.
    • Who would think of hiding something in a head of iceberg lettuce? Well, someone does.
    • Frozen bags of vegetables are a good place to hide things from children. Parents know you probably won't be looking there.
    • Look behind vegetables in pantries. Vegetables are often close together, making them a good hiding place for kids who don't like vegetables.
  3. Check fake bottles. The fact that there are so many options makes this hiding place time consuming to discover. Your parents may even have wrapped the object in bubble wrap so that it doesn't make a sound.
    • Smell the spices. Empty coffee tins or spice jars are good hiding places. They are very common, but it is difficult to find the right one because there are so many different spices.
    • Shake pill bottles. Empty medicine bottles are ideal hiding places for small objects or money rolls. Check the medicine cabinet or maybe even a house plant.
    • Look in empty lotion bottles. Empty lotion bottles are an ideal place for keys, small remotes, telephones, and pin cards.
  4. Search devices. Your parents already know that there are a number of devices in the house that you do not use. Try to look in, on, or behind devices large enough to hide things.
    • Look in the vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner is perfect for hiding big things. Vacuum cleaners have a large, easily accessible cavity that can hold a variety of objects.
    • Mixers often have a bowl large enough to use as a hiding place. Carefully tip out each bowl to see if there is anything in it.
    • Open the doors of all appliances. The oven, microwave, mini oven; they are all good hiding places, especially if your parents are the only ones in the house who cook.

Method 4 of 4: Make sure you don't get caught

  1. Leave wrapped objects alone. You won't be able to make the gift look like you never touched it, no matter how careful you are. Follow some of these steps if you are not sure whether or not you need to arrive:
    • Do not touch adhesive tape. If you remove tape, the wrapping paper will likely tear, leaving evidence.
    • Wrapping paper is difficult to put back exactly the same way. Parents have years of experience wrapping gifts to make them look beautiful, so it's a bad idea to try wrapping a gift again.
    • Definitely stop when it has ribbons on it. Once a ribbon has come loose or is curled the wrong way, you may well not be able to put it back in the same way.
  2. Cover your tracks. Make sure you put everything back where you found it. For example, if you've looked under a stack of books, don't just throw the books on the floor and your parents will know you nosed around.
    • Make sure you know not only the position, but also the order of the items. Maybe your parents organized their stuff alphabetically or in some other way.
    • Look out for creases and wrinkles, especially in clothing. They will know you've run through their stuff when things are folded differently.
    • Clean smears on glass objects. If you touched a glass and left a fingerprint, use your shirt or a paper towel to clean evidence.
  3. Delete your browser history. Make sure they don't see this page! When they see this article, it won't matter how well you covered your tracks. They will know your intentions and not trust you.
    • If your parents find out that you've been snooping around, they may even take the time to find a better hiding place.
    • Log out of your computer. Don't leave any proof that you've been on your computer and make sure it's cool enough and not hot anymore so your parents won't notice.
    • Turn off the computer. If the computer was off to begin with, you want to make sure it is like that when you are done with it.


  • Clear your browser history after reading this article, or just clear this URL if you want to keep it less suspicious.
  • Do not let your brothers and / or sisters know. They can't keep secrets!
  • Make sure you don't get caught.
  • If you do get caught, be honest or make sure you get one very good have an explanation.
  • Be quiet, it really helps to walk on a floor that doesn't squeak!


  • It is very difficult to regain your parents' trust when you have lost it. Remember to put everything back in its proper place, as if you never touched it.
  • You will likely run into serious trouble if you get caught looking where you shouldn't be.