Wake someone up

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 19 September 2024
Cheese People - Wake Up (Lyrics) "hey come on you lazy wake up, hey come on take your drums" Tiktok
Video: Cheese People - Wake Up (Lyrics) "hey come on you lazy wake up, hey come on take your drums" Tiktok


When you have trouble waking a friend or family member, it can be tempting to startle the person with a wet washcloth or by making a lot of noise. Still, it is better not to do this, especially if you do not want to become the victim of a well-thought-out act of revenge the next day. Better to try more cautious, kinder ways first and if that doesn't work then you can get a little more creative.

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Part 1 of 3: Waking someone up naturally

  1. Make them a cup of coffee or a cup of aromatic tea. Go to their room with the cup of tea and let the aroma of the coffee / tea and your weight on the bed as you sit on the curb wake them up in a peaceful transition from sleep to the world of consciousness.
    • You can also come in, put the coffee / tea on the table (out of reach, because otherwise there is a risk that the cup will be knocked over) and then leave again. The combination of the smell and the sound is often enough to wake someone up in a natural way.
  2. Fill the room with a scent that makes everyone hungry. Fry eggs with bacon, or spray lemon scented in the room. Lemon is especially good for becoming more alert and can even wake up a deep sleeper.
    • Make sure you use a scent that is pleasant. If the person doesn't like meat, then bacon might not be such a good idea. If the person is more into chocolate chip cookies for breakfast, that's a better bet. What do they get out of bed for?
    • If it's not enough for the scent to penetrate the house, bring the sleeper (s) breakfast in bed. Not only does it wake them up, but everyone considers it a treat to have breakfast in bed.
  3. Make a little more noise than usual. Enter the sleeper's room and make some noise. Make sure you don't make too much noise, otherwise they will wake up with a shock, which could cause someone to "get out of bed on the wrong foot". The sound of the door or window opening or closing is probably enough.
  4. Open the curtains to let in the light. It's not just our nose that wakes us up, but another, natural way is light. Slowly open the curtains, and the incoming light signals the body that it is time to wake up and get busy; unless the person is a night person, of course!
    • You can do this in a pleasant way, or more rigorously. The pleasant way is to gently open the curtains, so that the light from the sun can slowly fill the room. The less pleasant way is to turn on the light in the room, or open the curtains, so that the sleeper has to wake up because of the light that comes over him / her.
  5. Adjust the temperature. If you have a little more time, you can make the house wake everyone up. If there is a thermostat in the house, you can set it so that the heating switches on and at a certain point it becomes too warm to stay in bed comfortably.

Part 2 of 3: Getting creative

  1. Pretend you're looking for something in now room. Open some drawers, move a chair or boxes. Move clothes. If it's the weekend, you can pretend you're doing laundry. If you're going to work or school, say you're looking for your books or bag.
    • If you don't operate too furtively, the person will likely wake up. Then make sure you come up with something convincing and come up with something actually in the room if you don't want to be exposed as the morning alarm.
  2. "Pretend you're getting a call."If these steps didn't work, pretend you're getting a phone call in the adjoining room; just have the ringtone play or text someone (just make sure your phone is ringing). Or leave your phone in his / her bedroom and call the mobile from another device, there was nothing you could do about it.
    • If they wake up a little irritated, you can always apologize and say you didn't know the phone was there.
  3. Sound the car alarm; if that doesn't wake the person up either, stop and they'll think someone else's alarm went off. They can't blame you, can they?
    • If your car's engine is noisy, you can start the car to see if it wakes the person up. Getting any outside noise done.
  4. Remove the blankets. If the person is still sleeping like a log, try taking the blankets off quietly. This will quickly make it uncomfortably cold and the person will have to wake up.
    • ... make sure the sleeper is wearing clothes.
  5. Set an alarm. If there is a telephone or alarm clock next to the bed, set it to a specific time. The late sleeper has clearly forgotten that. Set the alarm for 5 minutes, so that you can at least run away. When the alarm goes off they probably think they did it themselves, "Huh. I didn't know I set my alarm. Strange."
    • An alternative is to set the alarm on your own phone and leave it in the other person's room. When you hear the alarm ringing, you can walk into the room, realizing that you "accidentally" forgot the phone. Oops.

Part 3 of 3: Taking desperate measures

  1. Tell the sleeper it is time to get up. Shake the person up and tell them loud and clear to get up now. You can indicate this more and more clearly (and louder) until the person has woken up. It's a new day and there is a lot to do. So get up and get started!
    • If they respond with a muffled, "ughhhhhh," just keep going. They are awake, but just don't want to get up. Remind them what needs to be done that day and possibly tempt them to get up with coffee / tea and breakfast.
  2. Put on music. You can choose light music, such as classical or pop music, depending on your mood. If you are a bit annoyed because someone refuses to get out of bed, you can of course also opt for metal. But be ready for the repercussions in the future if you don't want to get up once.
  3. Turn on the TV at a reasonable volume. You don't have to say anything (but you should have already tried to) - the light and sound from the TV should be enough to wake someone up. Put it on a channel that you know the person will enjoy watching, especially if you want the other person to wake up in a better mood.
    • An even friendlier way is to watch TV yourself (if you have the time). Eventually they will wake up and watch. Then you can look back and say, "Hey, when did you wake up?"
    • Do not turn the sound so loud that it will bother you. Just at a volume that your ash normally experiences.
  4. If doesn't seem to work, use cold water. Splash a little water on the side of the sleeper. He will not be happy, but he will be awake.
    • Be careful with this method. Maybe it looks nice, but for the other it is "not" nice. He can get quite irritated. If you choose this method, be prepared for an angry response.
    • Don't throw more than a few tablespoons. What you should definitely not do is throw a whole bowl of water over the person so that he / she wakes up gasping for breath. This is also dangerous if you do it wrong.


  • Open the door in a normal but noisy way, move around the chairs, turn on the lights, etc.
  • Before trying any method in this article, consider how you would feel if you were woken up that way.
  • If they can't stand tickling, that's an effective way.
  • Bake something that smells good just before the sleeper needs to wake up; the delicious smells should be enough to wake you up.
  • If it is night, turn on the light in the room.
  • Prepare breakfast and then tell them, "Breakfast is ready!"
  • If the person does not belong to your immediate family or a close friend, do not touch them. This certainly applies to members of the opposite sex than yourself. If necessary, touch only the person's hand.
  • If nothing else works, say their name nearby.
  • Set an alarm.
  • If the person has a large dog or cat, let them into the bedroom and it will wake the other up.