Knock someone down with one blow

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Knock Someone Out with One Punch
Video: How to Knock Someone Out with One Punch


There are situations such as boxing, MMA and self defense where your goal can be to knock down the opponent as quickly as possible. In such situations, it can be the fastest way to end the fight. In general, a person is knocked out when their head flips sideways; this causes the brain to come into contact with the skull, causing a blackout. Whether in self-defense or winning a match - here are some tried-and-true methods for knocking out your opponent with one hit.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Put a hit on the temples

  1. Make sure you are in the desired position. Place your left leg in front of you and your right leg slightly back for the correct position of a right swing. Your knees should be slightly bent.
  2. Try to relax your body. As your impulse increases, make sure your body stays relaxed. This increases your dynamism and the power of your swipe.
  3. Focus on sleep. The temple is the place on the side of the face, between the hairline and the eyebrows, at eye level. If the sleep is hit accurately, this blow will cause the brain to forcibly hit the skull wall, resulting in a blackout.
  4. Clench your fist and lash out. It is sometimes easier to hit someone with the palm of your hand, but a fist is more accurate in this case. Hitting the side of someone's face with force is extremely difficult with the palm of your hand.
  5. Use your hips to generate power, not just your arms. Put more power in your swing by twisting your hips as you move towards the target. If you want to put more power into your swing, make sure to use your hips and arms.

Method 2 of 4: Putting a punch to the jaw

  1. Put your left leg forward. If you are going to hit with your right hand, put the left leg in front of your other leg. Keep your knee slightly bent and your left leg slightly back. Feel your body slightly bouncing in this position.
  2. Practice twisting from the waist. Pull your right elbow close to your body with your fist clenched as if you were about to punch. Your body should be turned to the right. Then turn your upper body towards your opponent. This gives your swipe more power.
  3. Find an opportunity to strike. To give a knockout punch, you have to time well. Wait for your opponent to swing or weaken their defense before lashing out.
    • If you dodge your opponent's punch, his jaw will hang in the air and his shoulder will be facing down, so it will be easier to hit him.
  4. Tighten your body. Just before you lash out, rotate your body. Don't forget to keep breathing. This keeps your body focused and your muscles are tensed for more strength. It also keeps you calm and helps with a confrontation that lasts longer.
  5. Target the jaw, or the center of the chin. Hitting your opponent on the jaw or chin increases the chance of a knockout. There are two ways you can hit the jaw:
    • Uppercut. A punch aimed at the jaw, raising your fist straight up, restricting any sideways movement as much as possible. The intention is for your opponent's head to flip up and back.
    • Sideswipe. A punch aimed at the jaw, with your fist coming from the side. The intention is for your opponent's head to flip sideways, resulting in a blackout.
  6. Use your hips to generate power, not just your arms. Remember, you can generate more power by rotating your hips while attacking the target. Baseball players also use this strategy to generate more power when they hit.
  7. Don't forget to move with your arm. Your goal is to hit your opponent's jaw from the bottom or side. When performing the sideswipe, make sure your range of motion is slightly curved. The trajectory of your swipe should be more circular than linear.

Method 3 of 4: Kick to get someone knocked out

  1. Stand in a firm position. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and plant them firmly on the ground.
  2. Protect your face. Bend your elbows and keep your elbows locked. Then raise your fists so that they protect your face.
  3. Raise your leg. Swing your right leg up and aim for your opponent's face, just below the jaw.
  4. You can expect your opponent to pull their head back and become unbalanced. Be careful as this can cause your opponent to lose consciousness.

Method 4 of 4: Using the throat stitch

  1. Be warned: a throat sting can seriously injure someone. This method can seriously damage a person's trachea. Only use it when the situation is desperate and your life is in danger.
  2. Stand in the desired position. You can use your index and middle fingers to hit your opponent in the throat. To get your fingers in the right position, make a peace sign with your index and middle fingers. Then you place these fingers so that they touch each other. Now tighten your fingers and prepare to stab with them.
  3. Reach the aggressor's throat with your fingers. More specifically, the dent located between the left and right collarbone at the base of the neck.
  4. Use your fingers to hit the aggressor's throat. Thrust your fingers forward against your opponent's throat. This pushes the aggressor's pharynx inward, blocking breathing.


  • If you find yourself in a situation where running away is no longer possible, try lashing out in the middle of a sentence, or when they least expect it.
  • Always be prepared to counter and watch your defense in case the opponent tries to attack first.
  • Stay focused on the opponent. If you don't keep an eye on the opponent, they will beat you.
  • A severe blow to the radial nerve on the forearm can overload the motor center in the brain, causing disorientation or even unconsciousness and allowing you to escape.
  • If you have to hit first, pay attention to their eyes and strike when they blink. This can give you just the edge you need to end a fight quickly.
  • Make sure you do the blow to the temple correctly, because if you do it wrong, it can be deadly!
  • Learn about the mechanics of your body and swing. This helps to develop much more strength!
  • Always use combinations with your attacks.
  • If your opponent walks away, leave him alone and leave that spot immediately.
  • A blow to the throat is very dangerous and painful; only use this in life / death situations. Be willing to take responsibility for your actions.


  • The momentum of a blow is downright physics. It's about the relationship between mass and speed. If you don't have enough mass, make up for it with speed. Of course, having both is also very nice.
  • Only fight when you have no choice.
  • Only use method 3 if you are physically unable to do anything else. Little physical strength is required.
  • Keep in mind that you will be faced with the consequences of your actions, whatever they may be.
  • Only do this if there is no other way out.