Love a Libra

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Libra in Love! How to Make a Libra Fall Madly in Love with YOU.
Video: Libra in Love! How to Make a Libra Fall Madly in Love with YOU.


Someone born between September 23 and October 22 is a Libra. Libra, as the word implies, is represented by a Libra, which immediately stands for the most important characteristic of this zodiac sign: a desire for balance and harmony. If you have warm feelings for a Libra, you will need to be patient, romantic, and willing to provide them with the more refined things in life.

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Part 1 of 3: Putting on a Libra

  1. Always be honest. The Libra values ​​honesty and fairness very highly, and it is no better to screw it up than by behaving in a rough manner. Before making a decision, it is wise to consider all sides of the matter first. Your Libra will appreciate you trying to make a fair and balanced assessment of the matter.
    • If your Libra sees you acting unfairly - maybe you are selfishly trying to get more than you are due, or you reject someone without giving that person a chance to prove themselves - he or she will soon lose interest in you as a possible partner.
  2. Flatter your Libra with heartfelt compliments. Libra loves to be loved and appreciated. Ask yourself why you are attracted to your Libra - from that friendly smile to a great sense of style or an excellent ear for music - and let them know that you appreciate those things about them.
    • A Libra is mesmerized by beauty, wherever the own beauty is included, so compliment her new haircut, beautiful eyes or strong hands.
    • Don't compliment your Libra on a skill and never say anything about it afterward. Continuing to affirm how much you value your Libra will help make him or her feel safe and reassure that your compliments are genuine.
  3. Ask your Libra a lot of questions about him or herself. Libra likes to express themselves and your attention to his / her life will draw attention to you. Libra is often interested in the vision of others, and will appreciate it if you want to learn more about it to be vision.
    • Ask your Libra questions about interests and hobbies, favorite musicians, bands and directors.
    • Ask your Libra about news events - he'll want to highlight every side of this matter, so make it clear to him that you care about knowing what he thinks.
  4. Embrace the social side of your Libra. The Libra is a social butterfly - most people love them and they are often very popular. Be ready for him / her to go to parties and events, and to immerse yourself in his or her social life. If you can't keep up with his / her solid social calendar, no problem, but don't get mad at that person.
    • Don't freak out if your Libra flirts with others. A Libra wants to give everyone the same amount of attention, so you may just think that he / she has your eye on you until you notice that he / she is giving someone else the same amount of attention. This is part of his / her personality, so if this trait makes you feel insecure about the relationship, then it is better to look for someone else.
  5. Invite your Libra to visit the museum, the opera, the opening of a gallery, or anything else that appeals to their love of art and beauty. Libra is artistic and appreciates the beautiful things in life. Go on dates together that celebrate the creativity and beauty of life, such as watching an artistic movie, attending a concert, or taking a walk in a sculpture garden. Something that appeals to the artistic side of Libra.
    • Libra's love touches all aspects of his / her life, so always try to look your best, look your best, and clean your house when you know the other is coming over.

Part 2 of 3: Starting a relationship with a Libra

  1. Don't pressure your Libra to make big decisions. Because he / she cares deeply about honesty and wants to see things from every angle for themselves, a Libra will take the time to come to a decision - even if it concerns you! It may take a while for him / her to be fully convinced that you are the person he or she really wants to be with, but the best thing you can do is let him / her decide for himself / herself without pressure from you. When he / she decides that you "really" are the one, then you know that no hasty or impulsive decisions are being made here, and the other person takes it very seriously.
    • Don't fuss if your Libra seems a bit indecisive. This zodiac sign needs patience and understanding while making a decision.
    • If you put pressure on a Libra to make a decision, but they eventually feel they haven't done the right thing, you will be blamed and you will incur the wrath of this zodiac sign for being there. had to put pressure if necessary.
    • When it comes to smaller decisions like where to eat out, it's okay to take charge if the other person finds it difficult to choose. He may even feel relieved because you have taken that burden off his shoulders.
  2. Make sure there is enough room for romance in your relationship. The Libra is an absolute romantic and loves all the old-fashioned finery - flowers, chocolate, chocolate candies, candlelight dinner. The bigger the gesture the better
    • Put love notes in her jacket pocket or in a book to surprise her later.
    • Surprise her in the bedroom by decorating it with candles, flower petals and expensive champagne.
  3. The Libra loves luxury. Book a room in a class hotel, go to the best restaurants together, travel to exotic locations to enjoy a picnic under the stars. Make sure the presents you give are elegant and sophisticated, not knick-knacks, offensive or anything tacky.
    • Pamper your Libra with days at a spa and breakfast in bed - part of the rich feeling is being able to indulge in all the deliciousness without having to do the work.
    • Choose roses instead of carnations or a game bouquet.
    • Indulge in that expensive watch for his birthday and make a reservation at a 5-star restaurant to meet your Libra's need for luxury.
  4. Encourage your Libra to speak up honestly, even if he / she thinks it might hurt you. Fair communication can be very difficult for a Libra. When he / she tries to make things work harmoniously, troublesome emotions can be buried or ignored, such as being angry with you or having doubts about the relationship. He / she won't want to hurt your feelings by saying something you may not like, but in the long run, not saying something can be even more harmful.
    • Tell your Libra you value their opinion and emphasize it fairest that he / she can do is be honest, even though she expects the truth to hurt.
    • The Libra can sometimes seem detached from sensitive situations. As an air sign, they tend to view things from a distance, and distance themselves from tricky entanglements. This does not mean that he / she is insensitive, but only wants to be impartial and fair by stepping back from the situation.

Part 3 of 3: Decide what fits best and least for a Libra

  1. Get ready for a passionate, committed relationship if you are twins. You both enjoy traveling, spending money, socializing and adventure. You and your Libra are so in sync that it actually makes other people jealous. While you both love to flirt, the romance and spontaneity in your relationship will remain exciting. Exchange your thoughts, argue and be careful not to exhaust each other!
    • Just keep in mind that Gemini and Libra can both be very indecisive. If your Libra is not in a hurry to make a decision, you will need to make some arrangements to make sure things don't stagnate.
    • Watch your finances. Since you both love luxury and spending money on wealth, you are in danger of falling into debt. Treat each other, but handle money responsibly.
  2. You have found your best friend and lover when you are an Aquarius. You and your Libra will never be shy about a topic to talk about and are both very social and love to have fun. Choose activities for those times when you are together that can spark the conversation and allow you and your Libra to really dig deeper into something - think controversial movies, outsider art, or read the same book to discuss in depth.
    • Try to control your rebellious side - you may not care much about what other people think, but this is very important to a Libra.Don't joke because he / she cares about certain things like good manners or wants to be loved.
  3. Prepare for a casual relationship if you are a Cancer. While both of you are looking to bond with someone, a Libra is more looking for a spiritual bond and may appear aloof to someone who is primarily looking for an emotional bond. Cancerians can be gloomy, while Libra is obsessed with harmony and keeping the sweet peace. You will have to work hard to understand each other's way of seeing, to make this tricky combination work.
    • Being very social and flirtatious is part of a Libra's nature - try not to get angry about this or see it as a sign of infidelity if you want Libra to go out and spend a lot of time with friends. The Libra is very loyal!
    • Indicate what you want - A Libra does not sense this well.
  4. If you are a Capricorn, let the lightheartedness of your Libra cheer you up. The Capricorn is very serious and career focused, while the Libra are social animals and are more concerned with relationships than their career. Libra likes to be complimented and likes constant recognition, while Capricorns are not particularly generous with giving this kind of attention. If you want this relationship to work, you will need to open up and become more sociable, and keep some of your attention and energy for your partner, rather than just setting it aside for work.
    • Try to let your Libra's friendly nature and social skills help you in your career. He / she will be a great date for work situations - your boss, colleagues, clients, everyone will love your charismatic Libra.
    • A traditional role as breadwinner and housewife can work for both of you, but it can also cause things to stagnate and get boring. Make sure you take enough time off from work to go on vacation together, and not spend every weekend somewhere other than your Libra.


  • Remember that these rules are not set in stone. The aforementioned traits don't apply to every Libra you come across. Pay special attention to what your Libra says and how he / she behaves, even if it contradicts the characteristics of his / her zodiac sign.