Choosing the best type and race in World of Warcraft

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Asmongold Ranks Every Single WoW Race & Class Spec | TIER LIST
Video: Asmongold Ranks Every Single WoW Race & Class Spec | TIER LIST


Is this your first time playing World of Warcraft, or are you experienced and just want some info on all types? Here's some knowledge to get you started.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Choose your faction

  1. Choose a faction. If you have friends who play World of Warcraft, you should check with them so that you all belong to the same faction. Playing against your friends would be a bit strange, especially if you are playing on a PvP server. You have two options:
    • The Alliance: Considered the calm, peace-loving and "civilized" faction.
    • The Horde: Consists mostly of monsters and violent characters, not counting Pandaren and Tauren.
    • It is usually better to choose a faction first, then a type, then a race, but this is not necessary. However, not all types are available for every breed. An example of this is the Druid type. Only Night Elves and Worgen (from the Alliance faction) and Tauren and Troll (from the Horde faction) can be Druid-type. If you've already chosen to play as a Druid on the side of the Horde, you have no choice but to play as a Tauren. Draenei, Dwarf and Pandaren are the only races in the ranks of the Alliance who can progress through the game as Shamans. Blood Elves and Taurens are the only races in the ranks of the Horde who can progress through the game as Paladins. If you want to play as a Paladin, a Tauren is recommended. If you choose a race before deciding which type to play as, realize that your choices are limited.

Method 2 of 3: Select your type

  1. Think about who you want to be within a group. Which position you fulfill within the group will depend on which type you choose. There are a number of types specific to each role:
    • Tank: Tanks are the players with a lot of armor and health, the players who take the most blows when fighting multiple "mobs" at the same time, or a very powerful mob (bosses or elite warriors). Choose:
      • Protection Warrior
      • Blood Death Knight
      • Protection Paladin
      • Guardian Druid
    • DPS (damage per second): DPSes are the high-damage players who do most of the fighting in "dungeons" or on battlefields. Choose:
      • Arms / Fury Warrior
      • Feral / Balance Druid
      • Beast Mastery / Marksmanship / Survival Hunter
      • Arcane / Fire / Frost Mage
      • Affliction / Demonology / Destruction Warlock
      • Frost / Unholy Death Knight
      • Retribution Paladin
      • Shadow Priest
      • Assassination / Combat / Subtelty Rogue
      • Elemental / Enhancement Shaman
    • Healer: Healers heal other players (especially "tanks") in "dungeons" and on battlefields. They are the players you "really" have to rely on in a fight. Choose:
      • Discipline / Holy Priest
      • Restoration Druid
      • Holy Paladin
      • Restoration Shaman
    • Jack of all trades: These are the versatile types who can play all 3 roles.
      • Druid (link between aspects of animals and between talent trees)
      • Paladin (Switch between talent trees)
    • Pet Classes: These players not only have a wide range of enemy influence and attack abilities, but can also summon an ally to use in "off-tanking" and as a "aggro" reducing factor, and have additional DPS. While each character is not extraordinary in and of itself, their "pets" and "minions" can often do a significant amount of damage. These subjects of the character can also have more armor than the character itself. Learning how to control a Pet so that it doesn't cause problems in groups can be a fun and exciting challenge, but when these Pet Class types go on an adventure alone they are never really alone. Choose:
      • Hunter
      • Warlock
      • Unholy Death Knight

Method 3 of 3: Choosing your race

  1. Choose a variety. Before choosing, think about how you would feel if you played as a particular race. Keep this in mind when choosing a race as you will be looking at the character's back for months and maybe years. For example, you might find Gnomes 'movements and voice a little irritating, the bones poking through Undead characters' armor a little creepy, or the roughness of Orcs a little off-putting. The possible varieties are then:
    • Human (Alliance): Start in Northshire Valley. Extra points allocated to Spirit.
    • Dwarf (Alliance): Start in Coldridge Valley. Extra points allocated to Strength and Stamina.
    • Night Elf (Alliance): Start in Shadowglen. Extra points allocated to Agility.
    • Gnome (Alliance): Begin in Gnomeregan, the city of the Gnomes. (You originally started out in Coldridge Valley along with the Dwarves). Extra points allocated to Agility, Intellect and Spirit.
    • Draenei (Alliance): Start on Ammen Vale. Extra points allocated to Strength, Intellect and Spirit.
    • Worgen (Alliance): Start in Gilneas City. Extra points allocated to Strength and Agility.
    • Pandaren (both): Start on Wandering Isle. Extra points awarded to Stamina and Spirit.
    • Orc (Horde): Start in the Valley of Trials. Extra points allocated to Strength, Stamina and Spirit.
    • Undead (Horde): Start in Deathknell. Extra points awarded to Stamina and Spirit.
    • Tauren (Horde): Start in Red Cloud Mesa. Extra points allocated to Strength, Stamina and Spirit.
    • Troll (Horde): Start in the Valley of Trials (except Cataclysm, where they start on the Echo Isles). Extra points assigned to Strength, Agility, Stamina and Spirit.
    • Blood Elf (Horde): Start on Sunstrider Isle. Extra points allocated to Agility and Intellect.
    • Goblin (Horde): Start on Kezan. Extra points allocated to Agility and Intellect.


  • Tauren have War Stomp, which is a good narcotic attack for Warriors, and + 5% life, which is also good for Warriors. Because of this, most Tauren players are inclined to choose Warrior, Death Knight, or Feral Druid. For Night Elves, Stealth is an advantage, especially for "rogues" and "druids", who can use Shadowmeld to escape the fight and then their stealth (unique to each type) to get away.
  • It's all about how well you know your type. Find some information about your type. It will serve you in the long run.
  • You can create different characters at the start of the game and try to play with them for 1-2 rounds. If you find it difficult to play with, you can delete them and try others. This way you can decide what role you want to play.


  • Think of a name you want to keep using - don't make something stupid to have to change it later! It costs $ 15.00 USD and that's not something you want to pay for free.