Determine the scope of a data set

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Variable Scope - How to find the Scope of a Variable in Java
Video: Variable Scope - How to find the Scope of a Variable in Java


Within statistics, the range of a data set is the difference between the largest and the smallest value. All you have to do is sort the set of numbers from smallest to largest, then subtract the smallest value from the largest. If you want to know how to quickly calculate the scope of a data set, read on at Step 1 to get started.

To step

  1. Arrange the sequence of numbers from smallest to largest. Suppose your number sequence consists of the following numbers: {7, 8, 65, 8, 4, 7}. All you need to do now is write them down from smallest to largest to get a better understanding of the data you are working with. This looks like this: {4, 7, 7, 8, 8, 65}.
  2. Determine the smallest and largest numbers in the series. In the series that you are dealing with, 4 is the smallest and 65 the largest. You can place these numbers at either end of the data series because you have ordered the numbers from smallest to largest.
  3. Subtract the smallest number from the largest. All you have to do now is subtract the smallest number, 4, from the largest number, 65.65-4 = 61.
  4. Record the range. The range of this data series is "61". You are all set. If you want to know the range of a function, you will have to go through a somewhat more complicated process, but this is all you need to do to calculate the range of a data series.


  • Practice makes it easier.
  • If you don't know if the answer is correct, ask your math teacher or someone very good at math.
  • If necessary, use a calculator if necessary.