Enjoy school

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Hate School? Watch This
Video: Hate School? Watch This


School doesn't have to be a prison. Whether you find school difficult, boring, or just stressful - you can make school a lot easier and more fun. Learn some concrete strategies to make school more fun, make friends, and keep it fun.

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Part 1 of 3: Making friends

  1. Find your group. If you have a group of friends who know what you like and enjoy hanging out with you, going to school can be a lot of fun. Whether you like music, judo, horses, or whatever, try to find other kids to talk to. Try to find children you can befriend. That is very important.
    • The break provides an excellent opportunity to make friends. If you like soccer, try to find other soccer players. Talk about your favorite players and have fun playing together. You will become friends in no time.
    • Don't worry about your popularity or your association with the popular kids. Hang out with the people you like; avoid children you don't like.
  2. Join an after-school club. Another great way to make friends is to sign up for a club or team. The music club, chess club, dance club, etc. Check out what your school has to offer, and consider joining a club that matches your hobbies.
    • If none of the clubs sound appealing to you, consider starting one yourself. Maybe a video game room? Dungeons & Dragons? Try to find a teacher who supports it, or organize it yourself with some friends.
    • Try to join a club that you're not really interested in. Get to know new people you would otherwise never meet. Even if you are not a good singer, try to join the choir. Think of it as an opportunity to socialize and make friends.
  3. Try a team sport. Some schools have sports teams. These allow you to compete with other schools and become friends with your fellow students. Most of the students have never played that sport, so you start at roughly the same level. Football, track and field, basketball, etc. - these can make your time at school a lot more fun.
    • If you don't want to play sports, consider attending the games. Encourage the squad with your friends. You can usually attend the matches for free, and it can be a great way to make new friends.
    • Sport is not for everyone, and some children exaggerate the importance of sport. But it can be a great way to learn skills, make friends, and have fun. Or it could be an unnecessary source of stress. Only do what you like.
  4. Relax. You can take a joke personally, and let it hurt you ... Or you don't, and start planning your comeback. Make sure it is epic! You can make friends at school by taking yourself a little less seriously and learning when to relax. Take it easy! School is not a prison. It can be a great place to have fun. Assume that you will have a good time, and soon you will. And in the meantime you will make a lot of friends.
    • Kids like to be friends with kids who are fun and funny; not with kids who are serious or angry. If you want to make friends, chill.

Part 2 of 3: Keep it fun

  1. Pep up yourself every day. You can get up every morning in a bad mood. Every morning will turn into a bad day. Or you can put on some energetic music, have breakfast like a champ, and make the most of your school day. Make the decision to enjoy your school day as much as possible. If you do, it will.
    • Choose a "pick-me-up" song that you put on for school every morning. You can even set the alarm on your phone to dial that number when you have to get up. That way, that tune is the very first thing you hear in the morning. It gives you full of energy and makes you wake up happily. That is very different from that nasty sound of your alarm clock.
    • Try to have a good breakfast every day. This way you make sure you have enough energy throughout. Choose healthy fruit and whole grain products. Avoid processed products and foods that contain a lot of sugar. Choose an apple.
  2. Personalize your school supplies. If that makes you happy and makes you feel more comfortable at school, try personalizing your backpack, folders, notepads, locker, and other school supplies. Use stickers, pens, markers, the logos of your favorite bands, and other stuff to spice up your school supplies.
  3. Wear clothes that make you feel good. Fashion is insidiously changeable. Trends run out just as quickly as they got in. So it's hard to say what the coolest clothes are at any given time. But enjoying school does not necessarily mean that you have to wear the very latest, most expensive clothing. Wear clothes that make you feel good and that make you feel nice and chill.
    • If you find that useful, you can prepare what you are going to wear the next day the night before. This way you can make sure that all your clothes are ready, clean and well. Learn to do the laundry yourself so you never have to worry about your favorite shirt not being washed.
  4. Let yourself daydream every now and then. The fact is, sometimes it will be boring at school. You will have to listen to endless lessons, and more than once you will have to choose a few intermediate hours. Use your imagination to make it a little more fun. Imagine that your school is a video game in which you are the protagonist, or if it is a story where you are both the writer and the protagonist. Cast yourself as a secret agent assigned to monitor the activities of the local youth. Try to find a way to bring some life to the brewery.

Part 3 of 3: Making school easier

  1. Keep your organization in order. One of the most stressful and frustrating parts of school is making sure you have everything in order. Where's your English homework? Where's that maths sum? Have you sharpened your pencil? The less you have to worry about things like that, the easier it will be to focus and enjoy school. If you are prepared for the lessons, everything will be a lot easier.
    • Get a good binder to keep your notes and homework assignments. Keep every important document in your folder, and clean your folder regularly. Make sure it doesn't become a mess. If there are still a lot of old assignments in it, throw them away.
    • Keep an agenda so that you never have unexpected surprises. Keep a close eye on all your deadlines and test dates. Make sure you are always one step ahead.
  2. Take it easy with your teachers. Teachers are just like students: some are great, others less great. But teachers rule the classroom. Even if you are frustrated or bored, make sure you are nice to your teachers. If you are, chances are they will be nice to you too. And that makes it a lot easier for everyone.
    • It may seem like chatting and messing around with your friends makes the class a lot more fun. When push comes to shove, that is not the case at all. It can be a lot more boring and a lot more stressful if you get bad grades or get punished.
    • If you get a "reputation" as a clown or a troublemaker, you're making things a lot harder for yourself. But it is never too late for change. Wait until after class to explain to your teacher that you are trying to change and that you are really doing your best. Ask your teacher how you can do your best in class to avoid getting in trouble. They will be impressed with your attempt.
  3. Manage your time more effectively. The burden of the homework will be much lighter if you allow enough time to complete it in time. Eliminate the worry and stress by starting early and trying to get it done as soon as possible. Don't wait until the very last moment. Wouldn't the morning before your school day be a lot more relaxed if you had already finished your work? Wouldn't school day be a lot more fun if you didn't have to worry about bad grades?
    • Suppose you have a month to complete a major project. You can postpone it all until the night before, or you can work on it for half an hour every night. Half an hour is not much, but your project will be a lot less stressful than when you have to work six hours in a row at the last minute.
  4. Ask for help if you are having trouble with your homework. If you're struggling at school, don't try to get it together on your own. Make it easy for yourself. Ask for help at school. Ask your teacher, take extra lessons, or set up a study group.
    • Ask your parents or older brother (s) / sister (s). They have probably taken the same courses as you at one time and will therefore be able to help you on your way. Use your family as auxiliaries.
    • If you're embarrassed to ask in class, ask your teacher after school if he / she has 15 minutes to go through your homework. It is always better to ask.
  5. Determine if you need more of a challenge. If you feel bored or uninspired at school, get bad grades, or jump out of line, it could be because you aren't being challenged enough.School could be more fun if you were given enough challenge. Explore the options in your area, or consider moving to a different school. See if you might be eligible to skip a class.
    • If your parents are not willing to help you with this, talk to your counselor. Or ask a teacher who you can get along with. Tell him / her how you feel about it and ask for help.
  6. Avoid distractions. Hiding an iPod under your sweater and listening to music may seem like fun, but it can also get you in trouble. For example, you can be punished or fall behind if you are not paying attention. It may not seem like it, but the best way to enjoy the lessons is to listen carefully. Not by looking for distractions.
    • It may sound a bit corny, but pretend that there is a crucial piece of information hidden in the maths sums. Pretend that you are not learning to multiply, but that you are learning complicated formulas for robot building. Use your imagination as a way to maintain focus.


  • Life is like a rollercoaster, and we may never get it under control. The fact that we try to gain control can cause us to get more and more stress. Take life as it is. Don't rush or give yourself the illusion that you are in control. Live, laugh, cry, it's all part of life! Cherish every second and try to get the most out of it. Be happy with what you have and always do your best.
  • Find your balance or routine and stick to it.
  • Stay accountable… This will help you immensely at any school.
  • If you're in trouble, or just feel a lot of pressure, stay calm. Analyze your problems and then try to solve them.
  • Always stay active and participate in activities. Keep yourself busy.
  • Don't start your homework or apprenticeship at the very last minute. Try to start preparing at least two weeks in advance.
  • It can help to be a bit competitive.


  • Stay out of trouble.
  • Always watch out for people who try to hurt you or manipulate you for their own ends.
  • Don't use terms that people might find offensive. You can get in trouble, and it can lead to suspension (or worse).
  • If you are going to decorate your backpack, make sure you have permission from your parents. Backpacks cost a lot of money.