Prevent gallstones naturally

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ways to prevent gallstones
Video: Ways to prevent gallstones


Gallstones are small crystallized stones that form in the gallbladder. Usually they consist of cholesterol and calcium deposits. Gallstones are often harmless, but they can also block the bile duct and cause pain, inflammation and potentially serious infection. There is no way you can prevent gallstones from forming, but you can make some diet and lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of this health problem.

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Method 1 of 3: Prevent gallstones through your diet

  1. Avoid saturated fats. Gallstones are made up of about 80% cholesterol. Saturation of cholesterol in the bile causes the substances to harden and gallstones form. A diet high in saturated fats has been associated with higher cholesterol. That's why you should stop eating foods containing saturated fats to reduce your risk of gallstones. Some foods that you should eat as little as possible include:
    • Red meat, such as beef
    • Sausages and bacon
    • Whole dairy products
    • Pizza
    • Butter and lard
    • Fried foods
  2. Include unsaturated fats in your diet. Saturated fats contribute to the formation of gallstones, but poly and monounsaturated fats can help prevent them. These fats are usually referred to as "good fats". Good fats help keep the gallbladder empty so that gallstones are less likely to form from your bile. Eat foods high in good fats to help prevent gallstones.
    • Olive oil. This is a source of good fats and helps to lower your cholesterol levels.Some studies show that eating olive oil regularly - about 2 tablespoons a day - reduces the risk of gallstones.
    • Avocado. Avocados are not only an excellent source of good fats, but also ensure that your body can better absorb other nutrients.
    • Seeds. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds mainly help to lower your cholesterol levels.
    • Nuts. Nuts such as walnuts ensure that your body gets good fats and can also help lower your cholesterol levels.
    • Fatty fish. Fatty cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel are high in monounsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids, which promote your overall health.
  3. Have a high-fiber diet. Studies show that people who eat a lot of fiber have a lower risk of gallstones. Fiber is also good for your overall digestive process because it ensures that food and waste products are transported smoothly through your gastrointestinal tract. Include the following nutrients in your diet to improve your digestion:
    • Fresh fruit. Don't peel the fruits you eat, as this will help you get as much fiber as possible. Berries with seeds, such as raspberries, blackberries and strawberries, are especially high in fiber.
    • Vegetables. Crispy leafy vegetables usually contain the greatest amount of fiber. Root vegetables such as potatoes also contain a lot of fiber. Don't peel the potatoes to get as much fiber as possible.
    • Whole grains. White or "fortified" products have been bleached and lack many of the nutrients found in whole grains. Switch to whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, whole grain breakfast cereals and whole grain oatmeal to easily get in more fiber. Barley, oat groats, and whole grain pasta are good choices. Whole grain products not only contain fiber, but also help lower your cholesterol levels.
    • Beans. You can easily make soups and salads with beans to get a lot of fiber. Split peas, lentils and black beans are very high in fiber.
    • Brown rice. White rice, like white bread, contains few nutrients. Switch to brown rice to get more fiber.
    • Seeds and nuts. Sunflower seeds, almonds, pistachios and pecans are not only excellent sources of "good fats" but are also high in fiber.
  4. Drink lots of water. Water is an essential nutrient that hydrates your body and helps flush toxins from your body. There are different guidelines regarding the daily fluid intake, but the rule with 8 glasses of water of 250 ml remains popular. You need to get enough fluids to keep your urine pale yellow or transparent.

Method 2 of 3: Preventing gallstones through your lifestyle

  1. Exercise regularly. Exercise, especially endurance sports, can reduce your risk of gallstones by helping you maintain a healthy weight. As a result, one of the risk factors for getting gallstones is tackled.
  2. Continue to maintain a healthy weight. Studies show that you run a greater risk of gallstones if you are overweight. Talk to your doctor and find out your ideal weight. Try to stay as close to this ideal weight as possible through the right diet and exercise.
  3. Avoid crash diets. To reduce your risk of gallstones, it is important to maintain a healthy weight, but you should not lose weight too quickly. Weight-loss surgeries and crash diets, which are characterized by eating a lot less calories, actually put you at greater risk of gallstones. People who follow a crash diet have a 40 to 60% chance of getting gallstones. If you are trying to lose weight, do it slowly. Try to lose half a kilogram to a whole kilogram every week. This is better for your overall health.
  4. Eat regularly. Skipping meals sporadically creates bile, which increases the chance that a gallstone will form. It is healthier to eat at regular intervals and not to skip meals. Stick to your normal meal schedule as best you can to reduce your risk of gallstones.

Method 3 of 3: Get medical attention if you have a gallstone

  1. Know the symptoms. Even with a good diet and a healthy lifestyle, gallstones can develop. When this happens, you will want to know what signs to look for. Not all gallstones cause certain symptoms and some are harmless, but there are some signs to be aware of. See your doctor for an evaluation if you have the following symptoms:
    • A sudden and rapidly increasing pain in the upper right abdomen. Usually this is right under the ribs, which is where the gallbladder is located.
    • You may also have pain in the center of the abdomen, under the sternum, or on your back between your shoulder blades.
    • Nausea and vomiting.
    • Bowel discomfort, such as bloating, gas and indigestion.
    • Some more serious symptoms include jaundice (where the skin and eyes turn yellow), severe pain and high fever. Get medical help right away if you have these symptoms.
  2. Go to your doctor and get examined. Make an appointment with your doctor if you have the symptoms of a gallstone. If your doctor has examined you and suspects you may have gallstones, he or she can perform a number of tests to confirm these suspicions. Usually this involves a blood test, an ultrasound, a CT scan and / or an endoscopy. If these tests show you have gallstones, your doctor will recommend the most effective treatment.
  3. Discuss the options with your doctor. If your doctor determines that you have gallstones, there are three primary treatments he or she can recommend.
    • Waiting carefully. It is estimated that a third to half of all people who have gallstones have no further problems with it. Your doctor will probably recommend that you wait and watch what happens, then check you again after a few weeks. Chances are that the stone will come loose on its own and you will not need additional medical attention. If not, your doctor will treat your gallstone more actively.
    • Non-operative treatment. Your doctor may recommend a variety of non-surgical treatments to get rid of your gallstones, such as dissolving the stones with bile salt or the drug Ursofalk (ursodeoxycholic acid) and using high-frequency sound waves to break the stones. Keep in mind that these treatments do not prevent new gallstones. You may have problems again later.
    • Gallbladder removal. If you continue to have gallstones, your doctor may recommend that you have surgery to remove your gallbladder. This operation is often performed. It is estimated that 750,000 people have their gallbladder removed every year in the United States. Without your gallbladder, you can still live a healthy life, and the risk of complications is usually quite small. If you have a lot of discomfort due to your gallstones, this may be the best option to get rid of your symptoms. However, always seek the advice of your doctor before having surgery.
    • In some cases, gallbladder removal can cause diarrhea. Often this is only a temporary problem, but sometimes the diarrhea can last longer. Your doctor can treat this diarrhea by prescribing your diarrhea remedies or medications that keep your body from absorbing bile acids.


  • Garlic is delicious, low in calories and adds flavor to your meals, but garlic has no measurable effect on your cholesterol levels.
  • Coffee may have some other health benefits, but there is no hard evidence that there is a link between caffeine intake and a reduced risk of gallstones.


  • Always seek the advice of your doctor before making any drastic changes to your lifestyle or diet. Your doctor can tell you if this is a safe idea.