Flirt with a girl

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Easy Flirting Tips For ANY Guy (that work!) | Negeen Dargahi
Video: 8 Easy Flirting Tips For ANY Guy (that work!) | Negeen Dargahi


When you're flirting with a girl, the most important thing is to let her know you're interested, but without trying too hard. You need to learn to be playful and charming at the same time and avoid overtly decorating her. If you want to learn how to flirt with a girl from the moment you make eye contact, follow these simple steps.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Let her know you're interested

  1. Use positive body language. Your body can, as it were, tell a girl that you are interested before you have exchanged a word. This allows you to flirt with her better during your conversation. There are only a few things you need to know to let a girl know that you are interested through your body language.
    • Maintain eye contact. Look the girl in the eye when talking to her and don't look at your phone or what your friends are doing. You have to show the girl that you give her your full attention. Now and then look aside, otherwise it will be too intense.
    • Let your arms hang by your sides or make gestures with your hands. In any case, don't cross your arms or you will appear closed.
    • Lean towards her when you talk. It doesn't matter if you are sitting or standing, just lean a little closer to the girl. Just make sure you don't get too close, because a lot of people find this very annoying.
    • Smile. Make sure she notices that you smile at her every now and then when you don't say anything. It's easier to flirt if you're giving off a positive vibe.
    • Stand upright. Straighten your back and you will appear confident.
  2. Be subtle. Subtlety is very important to be able to flirt well. You need to know the difference between saying you like her and saying you like her imply that you like her. Saying you like her is way too direct and leaves nothing to the imagination. The girl will be intrigued if you subtly show that you like her and this will keep the conversation going.
    • Compliment the girl in a subtle way. Instead of saying you like her clothes so much, say, "It must have taken you hours to put together your outfit."
    • Subtly indicate that you would like to spend more time with her. When she says she loves swimming, don't say you'd like to see her in a bikini. Instead, say, "I just happen to love girls who love to swim. Especially in the summer."
    • Let her know in a subtle way that you think she is very special. For example, instead of saying, "You are so hot," say, "It must be very easy for a girl like you to get a boyfriend."
  3. Ask her questions. You don't have to overload her with questions to let her know that you want to get to know her better. You are very good at flirting when you ask questions about her interests or her background and this shows her that you are interested in her. Here are some things you could ask her:
    • While you're having fun, ask her what she likes to do for pleasure. This indicates that you would like to get to know her better.
    • If the conversation happens to be about siblings, ask her if she also has any siblings. Girls really enjoy talking about this.
    • Ask her if she has any pets. If so, ask her if she likes to cuddle them.
    • Ask her opinion on something crazy or small. Say something that makes her laugh like, "What do you think about men wearing pink clothes?"
  4. Tease her. Once you get comfortable with a girl, you can start teasing her a bit. It can click so well that you dare to tease her after a minute, but this can also take a little longer. If you feel good about it, don't hesitate to show her your playful side while flirting by teasing her.
    • Tease her about her interests. If she says she likes to watch reality TV, ask her if she wouldn't rather be home and watch "The Bachelor."
    • Tease her about her appearance. Of course, do this in a complimentary way. If it is obvious that she is wearing fake gold, ask her if it is real gold.
    • Tease her with her smile. If she has a really nice smile, ask her if she's around funny people like you on purpose so she can laugh more often.

Method 2 of 3: Be charming

  1. Impress her with your wit. If you can show her that you are capable of making fun and witty comments, she will be impressed. Show her you know what you're doing by making quick and smart comments at the right time. Here are some examples of how to do this:
    • Show that you can joke. If she makes a sarcastic or clever comment, bounce the ball back.
    • Be original. Being smart also means that you think differently about old topics. Don't say things anyone else can say to her.
    • Immerse yourself in your audience. If she's very smart, you can make an intelligent comment in an unusual way. But if she doesn't come across as bright, don't try to impress her with your knowledge, because this will escape her.
  2. Show her your sense of humor. Guys with humor are scarce, so make sure you stand out by showing her your funny side. You can use your humor in different ways to get closer to the girl.
    • Learn how to convey something well. Make sure you don't interrupt the girl or stop the conversation when you're joking.
    • When she says something funny, never say, "Oh, how funny." Instead, make a funny comment back.
    • Don't try too hard. The girl will notice when you to try hard.
    • Don't take yourself too seriously. Girls like guys who know they aren't perfect and who don't take life too seriously.
  3. Be confident, but not arrogant. Being confident is very important when flirting with a girl from the moment you start the conversation. If you are confident and confident in who you are and what you do, you will find it much easier to flirt with her.
    • Be positive. Talk about things you like, such as your job, your interests, or your friends. If you are negative about everything, it will seem like you are not happy with who you are.
    • Don't beat yourself up. Not taking yourself too seriously is different from calling yourself a loser or saying you'll never find a good job.
    • Talk about something you are good at, be it sailing or learning a new language. You don't have to show off to show that you are a capable and interesting person.
    • Don't pretend she should be very happy to talk to you, because that really is a turnoff. It should feel like this for both of you that you are happy to talk to each other.

Method 3 of 3: Know what not to do

  1. Don't be too direct. If you make your intentions too clear, the girl will turn off on you almost instantly. Be subtle and not too aggressive, for example by making very sexual comments. That falls more into the category of "decorating" rather than "flirting".
    • Don't be too aggressive in your approach. If you say, “Shall we kiss?” She will walk away. Instead, say, "What a beautiful lip gloss you are wearing."
    • Don't make sexual comments. Don't say, "You have nice tits", otherwise you will probably get her drink all over you. Instead, say she looks great in that outfit.
    • Don't give the girl already your attention. If you just talk to her all night and ignore everyone else, it can get a bit too intense.
  2. Don't be too subtle. Being subtle is very important, but you don't want to be so subtle that the girl doesn't know you're interested in her. In order to continue flirting, it is important that you let her know that you are interested. These can be big or small things. If you try too hard to be subtle, you will come off as a bit distant and the girl may think you're not worth it.
    • At least a few times let her know that you like her. If you don't do this, the girl will think you don't like her.
    • Make it clear to her that you don't like her one ordinary girlfriend sees. Compliment her on her appearance, let her know how special she is, or see your conversation as an introduction to a date. If you don't let her know how special you think she is, she will think you only like her in friendliness.
  3. Don't forget to connect. Flirting is very important when talking to a new girl you like, but it's not a good idea to just flirt or you won't get closer to her. Remember to stop every now and then to ask her some questions about herself and all kinds of different topics. If your entire conversation is just flirty jokes, you're not going to get any further.
    • It is possible to flirt and to move forward in your conversation. You can still be playful and have fun while asking the girl some heartfelt questions in the meantime.
    • Make sure to also let her know a few things about yourself before your conversation is over so that she feels like she's really connected with you afterwards. You also need to find out some things about her.