Convert feet to inches

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Convert Feet to Inches and Inches to Feet
Video: How To Convert Feet to Inches and Inches to Feet


"Feet" is an imperial unit measuring exactly 12 inches (30.48 cm) in length.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Convert Feet

  1. Write out the number of feet. Converting from feet to inches is quite easy. First write down the number of feet you want to convert. Label this number "feet" or "ft".
    • It is helpful to see a real world preview to see how feet are converted to inches. Suppose you want to know how long the wall of your room is in inches. If the wall is eight feet long, write this down first, like this:
    • 8 ft
  2. Multiply the number of feet by 12. Then multiply the number of feet by 12. Since there are 12 inches in each foot, this will give you the original number of feet in inches.
    • In the example problem, you now write "× 12" after the number of feet, and so you multiply to find the answer, like this:
    • 8 ft × 12 = 96 in
  3. Label your answer in inches. Don't forget to label your answer "inch" or "in" to indicate it is in inches. If you don't, your answer could be confusing to someone reading it (and, if you do this for schoolwork, you could lose points.)
    • For example, in the example problem, label the answer as follows:
    • 8 feet × 12 = 96 inch
  4. To convert from inches back to feet, divide by twelve. If you ever want to convert an inch to feet, just do the reverse of the multiplication you did to make it inches: in other words, divide it by 12. Do not forget to put the unit feet after your answer.
    • To convert your answer in the example problem back to feet, divide it by 12:
    • 96 in ÷ 12 = 8 ft

Method 2 of 2: Convert a value to feet and inches

  1. Write down the number of feet. Lengths are not always given in only feet. Sometimes, especially when it comes to a person's height, the height is stated in feet and inches (such as, for example, "100 feet, six inches). In this case, start writing the number of whole feet - omit the number of inches for now.
    • As another example exercise, let's say you are five feet and three inches tall and you want to find out exactly how tall you are in inches. Start writing just the number of feet, like this:
    • 5 ft
  2. Multiply the number of feet by 12. This part is exactly the same as when dealing with just feet. Simply multiply by 12 and state your answer in inches.
    • In the example problem, you multiply as follows:
    • 5 ft × 12 = 60 in
  3. Add the remaining centimeters. Now add the remaining inches to the answer you just got. This will give you your final answer in inches. Don't forget unity.
    • In the example problem, you will end up with your height in inches, like this:
    • 5 ft × 12 = 60 in + 3 in = 63 in
  4. Divide by 12 and use the remainder to convert back to feet and inches. If you want to go back to the same way of specifying the length in feet and inches as before, you'll have to do a little more work now. To do this, divide by 12 to find the rest. The answer to dividing by 12 is the number of feet and the remainder is the number of inches (for example, 4 with a remainder of 5 becomes four feet, five inches).
    • The remainder is simply the number that "remains" if one number does not completely fit into another number. For example, four goes exactly three times into 12, but five doesn't exactly go into twelve - five goes into 12 two times and only partially for a "third" time. 5 × 2 = 10, which is two less than twelve, so we say we have a remainder of two (or R2) to have. In other words, five goes twice into twelve, then we have to add an "extra" two to get to twelve.
    • In the example problem, you calculate back to feet and inches, as follows:
    • 63 in / 12 = 5 R3 → 5 ft 3 in


  • To convert from inches back to feet, you can also multiply by 0,08333.
  • If you're also dealing with yards and feet, know that there are three feet in a yard. This means that if you want to convert from yards to inches, you have to multiply the number of yards by three to get feet, then multiply this number of feet by 12 to get the value in inches.