Making your girlfriend like you even more

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to make your girlfriend like you even more
Video: how to make your girlfriend like you even more


Are you in a relationship with a girl or a woman and would you like her to love you more? It's not easy when you really care about someone deeply and feel like it's not mutual. Fortunately, there are other ways to make her like you even more.

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Method 1 of 3: Spend more time with her

  1. Make time in your schedule to be with her. It doesn't matter how busy you are - if you want a girlfriend, you have to be willing to spend time with her. The relationship cannot grow if you are never with her.
  2. Let her know you're thinking about her even when the two of you aren't together. Even if there are days when you can't make time to be with her, let her know that you miss her. If you do this all the time, it gets annoying, but if she's on vacation with family or for work, you can let her know you're thinking about her. This will make her feel like you need her.
    • For example, text her and tell her you miss her.
  3. Be flexible and willing to adjust your schedule for her. It's all about how busy you are. Let her know that you are willing to make time for her anytime, anywhere. Maybe you can take 30 minutes to have lunch together, or maybe you can just see her when she's with her parents. If you really like her and want your feelings for each other to deepen, it's important to be open to anything. You indicate that you want to be with her no matter what.

Method 2 of 3: Resolve your disagreements

  1. Keep an open mind. The worst thing you can become is stubborn. Understand that she is an individual and that you cannot just force something. Let her make her own decisions without constantly disagreeing.
    • For example, if she wants a tattoo and you don't really like tattoos, try to be open to it anyway. You may find a tattoo very attractive in the end.
  2. Don't be resentful. When you are in a very intimate relationship it can be easy to get frustrated or less patient than normal. Never lash out at the other person.
    • For example, if you get into an argument, stay calm and polite so that it becomes more of a discussion than an altercation. Don't yell at her.
  3. Find the compromise. There is always a middle ground. You don't always have to give in, but be willing to give in if this helps your relationship. If you really care about her, this is not that difficult. Try to be easy going.
    • For example, if she really wants to see one movie and you want to see another, ask her if she would enjoy watching the movie you want to see the following weekend if you guys are going to watch hers this weekend.
  4. Ask her for her opinion on things. Even if you don't agree on a topic, don't be afraid to ask her for advice on a variety of topics. Not only will you get to know her better, but it will also show that you really value her advice, even if you don't agree on that one topic.
  5. Respectfully indicate that you disagree. If you stand your ground and disagree with your girlfriend, make this clear in a respectful and kind way.
    • Say something like, "Well I don't know, I'm sticking with what I think - but you've identified some good points to consider."

Method 3 of 3: Treat her in a better way

  1. Spend more time doing the things she loves. Don't force yourself to see the movie you want to see or spend time together in a place you want. Ask her what things she would like to do and spend a lot of time doing that. Don't be afraid to show her what you like, but always pay attention to how much fun she is having. Ensure a fair distribution.
  2. Show her that she is important and valuable. Compliment her on her looks, personality, and sense of humor. Don't overdo it, but say it out loud when you feel such things. This makes her feel special and can make her feelings for you stronger.
    • For example, "You are better at math than I am. It's really fun going out with someone so smart. "
    • Another example - "I think your opinion about other people is very important. You pick up a lot of things. "
  3. Try to keep the conversation going. If you're having a hard time starting a conversation with her, ask her how her day went and what she wants to do. Feel free to talk about the things you thought about that day, or interesting things you saw. She will probably love that you share your experiences with her.
  4. Plan ahead. It's a great idea to plan your dates in advance. That way you can be a bit creative without the pressure of the moment. Don't try to do the same thing over and over.
    • For example, if you went to the movies the previous weekend, go for a walk this weekend.
  5. Give her presents. It's a cliché that girls should get presents all the time, but a present is always fun. Flowers are always appreciated, but you can also surprise her with a more personal gift. If she loves to run, get a new running backpack or stopwatch. You don't have to wait until her birthday or anything like this - unexpected presents are often the best.
  6. Do your best to get along with her friends and family. It is important that the people who are important to your girlfriend also know that you are a good person. She'll appreciate when you take the time to get to know the important people in her life and they might even put in a good word for you in the end.
  7. Introduce her to your family. It's also important for her to know that you are serious about the relationship. Introducing her to your family and showing that you are proud of her will show her that you want this to work in the long term as well.


  • Make sure she always knows you love her.
  • If she wants or needs something, give it to her or try to help her.
  • If she's into a sport, become her supporter.
  • If your friend is shy, show her that you like her by sending her notes.
  • Take your girlfriend home to get to know your parents and the rest of the family.
  • Before bed, tell her that you love her and how much she means to you.
  • Don't ignore your girlfriend, even when friends are around.
  • If she makes a small mistake, don't be fussy about it.
  • Handmade gifts can be more meaningful.
  • If she's insecure about herself, give her lots of compliments and show her affection.