Getting a guy to like you

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get a Guy to Like You
Video: How to Get a Guy to Like You


You've discovered a boy who looks absolutely perfect on all fronts - he's smart, cute and interesting. He even likes to talk to you on a regular basis. That he's going to look at you in a romantic light might be a bit more difficult to accomplish than building a friendship. While you can't force someone to like you, you can help them notice you in another way.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Flirt with your crush

  1. Make eye contact when talking to your crush. Eye contact is very important when flirting.
    • You can express your interest to someone by making brief eye contact.
    • Make eye contact for about 1-2 seconds, then look away.
    • Prolonged eye contact before starting a conversation can be a deterrent. Staring makes people feel uncomfortable.
    • Good rules for eye contact during a successful face-to-face conversation: Look at his face while you listen, then look away every now and then when you say something yourself.
  2. Smile when you see that nice guy. Smiling is key to friendly, non-verbal communication.
    • This shows that you are confident.
    • A smile sets a pleasant tone for your contact.
    • Smiling as body language conveys approval and sympathy.
    • Keep the rest of your face relaxed and relaxed.
    • Don't force an exaggerated or fake smile.
  3. Keep your approach and initial conversations light and playful. You don't have to immediately reveal your innermost feelings to your crush while you're just getting his attention.
    • Keep your topics of conversation light in nature. Stick to things like school, your pets, your sports, or other activities.
    • Don't be afraid to be playful during conversations. Add a little humor with harmless jokes.
    • Keep your expression upbeat and happy.
    • For example, if you're in the same class, you could talk to your crush about an assignment or test and suggest studying together.
    • If you know he has a dog or a cat, ask if he also has pictures to display.
    • Talk about matches of the sport you or he is participating in. If he's not in a sport, choose something else he likes, like reading, art, etc., and bring it up.
  4. Use proper body language when connecting with that cute guy. You don't want to appear disconnected or nervous.
    • Attitude is very important for flirting. Beware of a "closed" attitude; this is when you sit or stand with your arms or legs tightly crossed.
    • If you turn your body away from your crush, you will appear uninterested.
    • While flirting, try to relax and keep your body open. Keep your arms relaxed and not folded and turn your body towards your flame.
    • Mirror your crush's body language. If he has an open and relaxed body position, adopt the same body position.
    • For example, if your crush is casually against the wall, make sure you have a relaxed attitude yourself. Also lean against the wall or stand in a relaxed position.
  5. Compliment your crush at the start of the conversation. Say something nice about his performance or appearance.
    • Be honest and tell the truth when you compliment him.
    • First, try not to compliment his appearance just yet. Rather, compliment his performance at last night's game or his part in a group project.
    • If you know he worked on a project at school, you can focus on those achievements: "I saw your art project during the open day. It was really cool ”.
    • You can compliment him on his appearance, but don't focus all your comments on that. Otherwise, you may appear as if you are completely focused on appearances.
  6. Don't talk too much about yourself. Going on endlessly about yourself and your hobby comes across as self-centered.
    • This communicates arrogance and self-centeredness.
    • When you seek contact with your crush, you naturally also talk about yourself from time to time.
    • However, stick to some relevant facts or stories about yourself.
    • For example, if he talks about sports that you also play, respond with comments or stories about your own track and field competitions.
    • Listening is a very important skill in flirting.
    • Instead of focusing on yourself during the conversation, say a few things about yourself and then ask him something. Listen carefully to what he is saying.
    • For example, "I was in the play last year, which was a great experience. Are you going to audition for a role this year? "
    • By nodding, show that you are listening to him.
  7. Talk and flirt through social media. Follow some of the same ideas for this type of communication.
    • Keep your first messages very casual. For example, "Hey, how are you?" Or "Hello, what are you doing?"
    • Ask him about his family, pets, sports or hobbies.
    • You could say something like, "I see pictures of you online playing with your little brother. That's sweet. What do you do in your spare time? "
    • Comment on the photos on Facebook or Twitter.
  8. Ask him out. Try not to appear too stiff, nervous, or too formal when doing this.
    • Call it naturally in conversation. Suppose you are talking about a sports game, you can intervene with something like, "Shall we go to the game together on Friday?"
    • Suggest doing something he is interested in together: "So you like music? Why don't we go to the concert next week? "
    • You can also be more direct and say "Hey, I really like you and would like to go somewhere together."
    • Try to radiate self-confidence. Confidence is attractive and shows the boy that you are interested in him.
    • Try not to mumble or stutter when asking a question. You want to appear happy and confident.

Method 2 of 2: Getting your crush's attention

  1. Be yourself. Trust in who you are. You want to be yourself.
    • Do not forget that you have many great qualities that the boy will find attractive.
    • Self-confidence will attract others. Confidence doesn't mean acting like an idiot out there. This will make you seem like a foolish attention grabber. Nor does it mean that you are better than anyone else. Trust means that you are a fun person to be around and have your own opinion. Feel good about yourself and love your body.
    • Don't be afraid to be yourself. You have your own interests and preferences.
    • You don't have to become a clone of your crush to make him like you. Being different can actually make you more interesting.
    • Keep your own friendships even if you have a crush on a boy. You can break the ice by inviting him to do things with your friends.
    • For example, if you go to a competition or go ice skating with your friends, invite him to join. Ask him to bring one or more friends if you find it easier.
  2. Do nice things for that nice guy. Discover some of the things he likes and surprise him with them.
    • Figure out what kind of cookie or snack he likes. Take them to school and put them in his locker with a nice note.
    • Create a playlist of his favorite music and send it to him.
    • Give him a jersey from his favorite sports team or a T-shirt from his favorite band.
  3. Get involved in some of the same school activities. If he sports or is a member of a school club, find ways you can participate.
    • Imagine your crush is playing a sport. Then try to volunteer to help during the competitions.
    • At the very least, go to competitions or other extracurricular events to cheer him on.
    • Taking an interest in the same activities will show him that you are interested in him.
    • If you can't directly participate in the clubs or activities he is participating in, offer to help with an event.
    • For example: "I am good at graphic design. I can help your theater group design a set for your performance this month "or" I heard your team has a sale of homemade cookies. If you like it, I would like to help with baking. "
  4. Get to know his friends. Always stay friendly and casual around them.
    • By mixing social groups, you may be able to spend a little more time with your crush or get to know them better.
    • By being nice and friendly to his friends, you can spend time with his friends.
    • For example, if you know they are going to an event, ask if you can come along.
    • Invite his friends to join you when you go out with your friends.
    • Do not gossip or participate in rumors about him or his friends. Gossip can be particularly against a boy.
  5. Dress nicely to impress your loved one. Wear clothes that suit your body type. Make sure your clothes match and are neat.
    • Keep your hair in good condition. Make sure your hair is beautiful before going to school and other events.
    • You don't have to wear a particular style, and you can even experiment with different looks to see what he likes.
    • Keep your makeup simple. Too much heavy makeup can seem like you're trying too hard.
    • Choose a natural look that enhances your eyes and lips. Try a simple mascara and some neutral lipstick or lip gloss.
    • While dressing nice is a great way to pique your loved one's interest, DO NOT OVERDO it. If you come to school with loads of makeup, he'll think you're looking for attention and praise. For example, wear a nice blouse and nice jeans. No need to wear stiletto heels and a form-fitting mini skirt covered in glitter. Not only will this make you look like a Barbie doll, but your crush may also think you're boy crazy.
    • By doing your best on your appearance, you can catch the eye of your crush, but you don't have to dress in a style that "doesn't suit you". Go for a neat appearance in a style that matches your personality.
    • You don't have to change your entire style. If your crush likes sports, wear a sporty shirt or sweater the next day, for example.