Making that one guy fall for you

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
12 Phrases That Make A Guy Instantly Fall For You | Secret Phrases No Man Can Resist Hearing
Video: 12 Phrases That Make A Guy Instantly Fall For You | Secret Phrases No Man Can Resist Hearing


Do you get butterflies in your stomach when that one particular person comes your way? Are you trying to show him you're a good catch? You don't have to be afraid of anything! There are a number of great ways to get his attention. For example, you can flirt, wear the right clothes and listen to what he has to say.

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Part 1 of 3: Getting yourself noticed

  1. Try to look good. The first thing people notice about other people is what they look like. This is not necessarily good or bad, nor does it mean looking perfect 24 hours a day. It just means that if you want that one guy to see you, you are more likely if you accentuate your attractive features.
    • Healthy hair is, strangely, a major ingredient of attraction. How thick and shiny your hair is, as well as the smell of your hair, all play an important role in attracting a boy. Make sure to wash your hair at least a few times a week (not every day as this will remove all the oils your hair needs to be healthy) and use conditioner.
    • Wear flattering clothes and clothes that fit you well. This sounds obvious, but many people try to wear clothes that don't fit them well, or clothes that make them feel uncomfortable. It's true that a little cleavage (if you're a lady) is more likely to grab his attention than no cleavage. But it's more important to feel comfortable with what you're wearing.
    • Exercise keeps you healthy and fit. Look for a training form that you enjoy. This can be Zumba or yoga, running or dancing. Do this for at least 15 minutes a day, and your body will thank you!
  2. Wear red. Red attracts guys to girls faster than any color. There is something about that color that conveys desire and attraction. It will get you a lot more attention than any color.
    • You can do this unsubtly by wearing a bright red dress, or more subtly by wearing red lipstick, a red scarf, or red shoes.
    • Interesting fact: red also makes men sexier. This advice does not only apply to women who want to attract a man, but also to men who want to attract a man.
  3. Present yourself effectively. Dating can be a bit like applying for a job or marketing. This means knowing how to bring that guy in and how to present yourself. It doesn't mean you have to pretend to be someone else. It involves showing the best and simplest sides of your personality.
  4. Make an overview of your good qualities. If you can't think of that many (many people find this difficult due to self-esteem issues), ask a friend or family member you trust to help you. For example, you can write things like "good storyteller", "great dancer", "spontaneous", "helpful".
  5. Picture these qualities. Pick three things you have on your list. This does not mean that you should contain your complex individuality, but simply that you can provide a brief summary of yourself to present yourself to a boy. Using the above examples you can say something like: “a spontaneous storyteller who loves to dance”.
    • This does not mean that you should cover up certain aspects of your personality. If you love to dress up in Star Wars clothing and go to fantasy fairs, perfect! If he likes that too, he will undoubtedly bring it up. If you are less sure of his response, you can put that information on hold for a while. Let him know when you've gotten to know each other a little better.
  6. Radiate confidence. Self-confidence is so attractive because it shows how you feel about yourself. It also gives other people a clue as to how to view you. The worse you feel about yourself, the less likely other people will be attracted to you; no matter how attractive you are!
    • If you're struggling to appear confident, fake it until it feels natural. You can fool yourself by fake confidence. Start with baby steps (wear heels and put on that bright red lipstick), and build this up gradually. Tell him how you feel about him.
    • Do not try to compare yourself to others, especially to other women (if you are a woman). You will always find out in life that there is someone who is more handsome than you, more confident, richer or whatever. If you focus on the good things about yourself and your life, you won't care that someone else is better at something than you.
  7. Ask him about himself. People like to talk about themselves. And they like it even more when others seem to be interested in them. If the two of you are talking, make sure you focus the conversation on him. Don't take opportunities to talk about yourself, but dig deeper into what he has to say to you. Ask him questions.
    • It is worth remembering that the more intimate your conversation is, the stronger his attraction to you will become. Be willing to expose a little bit of yourself.
    • Don't let him hijack the whole conversation, though. If you find out that he wants to talk ONLY about himself, the best thing to do is run away. Such guys are not good romantic partners. Abuse can lurk in narcissists. Remember that your feelings, thoughts, ideas and life are also important.

  8. Be nice to his friends. Just like girls, his friends mean a lot to him too. They also play an important role in how he will ultimately feel about you. If his friends don't like you, they'll try to sabotage his feelings about you. If they do like you, they will be on your side!
    • Make sure you get to know them. Ask them questions about themselves and their interests. When you see them, make sure to ask them questions about what they have told you before. This way you show that you have paid attention. For example, if his friends like to play video games, ask them if they've already broken that high score they talked about last.
    • Again, if they're not talking about anything else themselves, or your opinions and interests are ignoring, then you should consult yourself. Is the boy in question really that nice?

Part 2 of 3: Flirt with him

  1. Get his adrenaline pumping. Interestingly, activities that increase his adrenaline make him more attracted to you, especially if there was any attraction at all.
    • Excitement stimulates the attraction. So if you get him aroused (in a non-sexual way), he'll be more attracted to you.
    • Here are some ways to get his adrenaline going: board games, card games, scary movies, rock climbing and so on.
  2. Maintain eye contact. If you're going to follow one of these steps, it should be this one. There is something about eye contact, especially extended eye contact, that sparks attraction and creates a bond.
    • While prolonged eye contact may feel uncomfortable after a while, don't break it. You'll work your way through the awkwardness and bond right away.
    • Suppose you are chatting with the boy just before class. Maintain eye contact while you talk. Not only will this show him that he has your undivided attention, but it will also excite both of you a little bit.
  3. Use your body language. You may not realize how much your body is conveying. Applying a few simple tricks can spark his interest. If you're flirting or chatting with him, try some of the tricks below.
    • Lean forward. People who are attracted to each other lean towards each other. Lower your voice and lean a little over the table. Or lean towards him when you chat in the hallway.
    • Mirror his movements. People respond best to people who are like them. If he takes a sip of his drink, do so. Or copy his hand movements when he has his hand on the table. It's the little things that don't immediately make him notice, but subconsciously attract him to you.
    • Smile. There is nothing more likely to spark his interest in you than a smile. This works especially well if you do it in conjunction with the eye contact.
  4. Make him laugh. Humor is one of the best ways to bring two people closer together. Gently poking fun at each other is a great way to flirt. Telling a funny story can show him how funny and relaxed you are.
    • While everyone has a different sense of humor, telling a true, funny thing can make anyone laugh. Tell your boy about the time you got on the wrong bus and ended up on the other side of town. Or the time your father forgot your name when he wanted to introduce you to his colleagues. Don't put yourself down when you tell the story (don't call yourself "stupid", "stupid", or whatever).
    • Verbal sparring can increase the appeal on both sides. Make fun of each other. If you're playing cards, for example, you can poke fun at his card choice. Or jokingly claim that you are the best card player in the world so he can tease you a little bit if he beats you.
  5. Read his body language. While your body language tries to entice him, his body language will tell you his own story on a subconscious level. It's not an exact science, but it can be useful for deciphering his moods and feelings.
    • If he leans over to listen or talk, that's a good sign. Especially when he speaks softly. This means that he uses his words to create a certain intimacy between you and does not want others to listen in.
    • A guy who touches you a lot is probably also a guy who is interested in you. He may touch you on the shoulder, offer you his hand when you get on or off something, put his hand on your back when he guides you through a crowd, etc.
    • If he checks your response to the things he does, it also shows his interest. This is especially true if he has done something really cool. He wants to see what you think about that.
    • Listening carefully is also an absolute sign of interest. If he listens when you talk, if he remembers things you told him, then chances are he wants to be with you.
  6. Flirting through social media. Texting, Internet, Skype, Facebook, and the like are all great ways to flirt with the guy you like. Of course you want flirting via social media to play second fiddle to flirting in person. But it can be a good way to keep his interest alive and make him think about you.
    • Text him about something you've seen that made you think about him. This is especially nice if it concerns a (funny) photo. If you have seen a very fat unicorn, you can take a picture of it. Send him this photo and remind him of his story about a squirrel who stole his lunch.
    • Keep your interaction via social media especially short. Don't obsessively text or Facebook him. send him a few messages to let him know you're thinking about him and get back to your day-to-day activities. This will only make you more attractive in the long run.

Part 3 of 3: Taking the relationship to the next level

  1. Tell him how you feel. If the two of you have been flirting, hanging out with each other for some time, and feeling like there is a click, then telling him is the adult choice. In the worst case, he doesn't share the feelings, but at least you know. You will also learn that you were brave enough to try, and that counts!
    • Talk to him in person, and make sure you are alone. You don't want an audience here, especially if he doesn't share your feelings. Plus, you don't want to put extra pressure on him by doing it in public.
    • Say something like, “I've really had a good time with you over the last few months, and I feel like we really click. I'd love to go on a real date and see what comes of it. How do you think about that? ”
  2. Take it easy. If he takes your revelation right, then you want to make sure you take it easy. If you throw yourself in right now and act hastily, you run certain risks. You don't want the relationship to negatively overwhelm you both.
    • While there's nothing wrong with having sex on the first date (especially if you've known each other for some time), sometimes it's better to hold off. Sex always makes things more difficult. Especially if the guy is a friend of yours, you want to make sure the relationship is really what you both expected before making things trickier.
    • This also gives you the chance to see if you really want a relationship with him. Relationships are often very different from what you suspected in advance, and you have to get used to reality again. You should also ask yourself if you are interested in him because you want a boyfriend just because you want a boyfriend. Maybe you don't really want a relationship with this guy, but just with "a" guy.
  3. Do your own thing. It is extremely important, both to get his interest and to keep his interest, that you keep doing your own thing. Go out with the girls, without the partners. Keep doing fun things yourself.You will show that you can have fun without him, and that you are not so clingy.
    • Don't try to be available all the time, or drop everything to hang out with him. You want to hang out with him, but you also want to live your own life. Show him that you enjoy his company, but that you also enjoy other things in your life.
    • Remember to be happy with yourself. Do the things you love and try new things. People who are happy attract other people, because those others also want to share in that happiness. This does not mean that you should fake your happiness if you are not happy. It's about developing a life for yourself in which you are truly happy.
  4. Temper your expectations. Expecting too much from the guy and expecting too much from your relationship is a guaranteed way to ruin your relationship. Starting a relationship with a fully mapped out plan for the future puts far too much pressure on him. He will feel overwhelmed, and that won't do your relationship any good.
    • If you've just taken the relationship to the next level, you don't want to be right about getting married, living together, having kids, or even saying you love each other. Wait a while, at least until the honeymoon period is over (usually about three months) before discussing serious future plans.
    • There is nothing wrong with daydreaming about the future of your relationship, but if you don't let your relationship take its natural course, then you force the relationship. So far, in fact, that the relationship can end up on the rocks.
  5. Show him you appreciate him. People like to be noticed and like when others show that their good intentions are not in vain. If you show him that you appreciate him, his interest in you will blossom.
    • Thank him if he doesn't do anything nice or sweet for you. If he drives you to school in his car, bake him some cookies. Tell him you really appreciate it.
    • Tell him what he means to you. You don't have to admit your undying love for him, especially if he doesn't feel the same way, but you can say something like "I'm so glad you helped with my math homework, it really means a lot to me."


  • Don't be afraid to be yourself. If you pretend to be someone else, he won't like it. Not even if he's your very best friend. He won't like it.
  • If something doesn't feel right, don't be to try something new.
  • Wearing a fragrance can be a huge attraction. Put a little bit behind your ear. Remember, the closer someone has to get to smell your perfume, the more enticing it is.


  • Don't flirt with his friends. He may think you don't like him. Or worse, being jealous. (If that's your plan, remember this is a risky tactic).
  • Be careful with modern technology. If it takes him hours to text you back, he is either busy or he doesn't feel like talking. He may also prefer to speak to you in person. Don't obsess over your text messages. You will look desperate or annoying if you do.
  • If you are going to be boyfriend and girlfriend, don't say you love him right away. This can put people off.
  • Never change yourself to pick up one. He should like you for who you are.
  • Maybe he doesn't like you. If this is the case, don't try to pretend to chase him. You can start to annoy him enormously.