Find out when someone has died

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When Someone we love has died
Video: When Someone we love has died


When faced with the death of a loved one, it can be difficult to say goodbye if you are not sure when exactly he or she passed away. You may be looking for a death date because you are doing genealogy work or trying to find missing information about an ancestor who died long ago or somewhere in a remote area. Fortunately, there is a wealth of information on the internet to help you find the date you need.

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Method 1 of 3: Perform an online search

  1. Start with a general search of the person's name. If you look up the person's full name, you can find newspaper obituaries, or other information about them, that will lead you to a death date. These types of searches often yield better results if the person has an unusual name.
    • Even if the person has a relatively common name, you can filter out the less relevant results by including other information about the person. For example, if you know in which city they were born, you can add the name of that city. An obituary often indicates where the person was born.
    • If you know the names of other people who were related to the person or who survived the person, adding those names can also help narrow your search results.
  2. Try genealogy websites for older deaths. If you're trying to find out when someone who lived hundreds of years ago died, genealogy websites could be your best bet. Many of these websites have collected data dating back hundreds of years.
    •, for example, has a global grave index available at This database contains data on cemeteries and burials dating back to the 1300s.
    • You will get better search results if you have a lot of information about the person. Otherwise, be prepared to sift through lots of results.

    Did you know? Most genealogy sites require you to purchase a subscription to access many of their databases. However, public libraries or historical associations often have an account that you can use to research for free.

  3. Check government databases online. Many governments provide at least limited access to digitized government databases. Perform an online search for "death index" or "death certificates" with the name of the country the person is from.
    • If you think the person died more recently, or at least within the past 50 years, there may be a death certificate in the government databases.
    • Older databases can be spotty, especially if the country has been involved in a war or civil war, or has undergone a major change of government. For example, it can be more difficult to find out when someone died if they lived in Eastern Europe in the early 1900s.
  4. Search obituaries in the newspaper. Local newspapers often publish an obituary if there is a death. For many people, this may be the only record of their death. If you can find the person's obituary, you can find out when they died.
    • To find death and funeral notices published in Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, the UK or the US, go to or

Method 2 of 3: Do your own research

  1. Talk to relatives of the deceased. Family members may have information or memento of the deceased person. This can help you roughly determine when the person died if you can't find an exact date.
    • Older family members can be especially helpful when trying to track down when an ancestor or distant relative has passed away.
    • Prepare questions for the person before meeting them and be careful not to overwhelm them, especially if they are older.
    • If you have photos, documents, or other artifacts of the deceased, take them with you to refresh the person's memory or focus their attention.

    Tip: If the older generations kept a family Bible, it can contain a wealth of information about the death of ancestors.

  2. Look for documents related to estate at the local town hall. If you know where the person died, the town hall may have documents about his death. An estate document should exist if the person had a will or if he died without a will but did have assets to be divided among the surviving family.
    • Some town halls have these documents digitized and available online, but most do not. If someone was overloaded many years ago, you often have to visit the town hall to find court documents related to death.
    • If you cannot travel to the area easily, call the registrar's office and let them know what you are looking for. They may be able to perform a search for you and email you the results.
    • You usually have to pay a fee for searching court files, as well as for copies of found files. This fee is usually minimal (often a few euros).
  3. Visit a regional or national archive facility. Most countries have archives of important documents and other historical information. The public often has access to these archives, although you may need to make an appointment or register as a researcher first.
    • Some documents may also have been digitized and available on the national archives website.
    • National archiving facilities are more likely to have records of someone who died in war or in military service.

Method 3 of 3: Finding the official death certificate

  1. Contact the embassy of the country where you are staying for foreign deaths. If the person was a resident of the Netherlands but died in another country, the embassy of that other country may have information about their death. Typically, embassy staff can provide you with a copy of the person's death certificate.
    • If the person has recently died, the nearest embassy or consulate will also have the person's personal effects. These items are normally released to the person's next of kin.
  2. Check the life and death certificates with the municipality where the person was transferred. In smaller countries, life and death certificates and statistics are kept at the national level. In many places, however, death certificates are often kept locally.
    • In the US, for example, you'll find death certificates at the state or county level. Older records are usually kept at the provincial level.
    • Figure out the process of getting a copy of the death certificate before bothering to order one. For example, some offices require you to pick up the copy in person. If that is not an option for you, there is no point in submitting a request.
  3. Fill out an application form to get a copy of the death certificate. The office has a form that you must complete to request a copy of the death certificate. You often need to provide information about yourself, the deceased, and the reason you want a copy of the death certificate.
    • Access to death certificates is limited in some places. Limitations are more common in more recent deaths.
    • Some offices require you to have your request notarized. Look for a block on the form for a notary's seal. If notarized confirmation is required, do not sign the form before standing in front of a notary so they can verify your identity and signature.
  4. Submit your form with the required fees. The application form contains information on how to submit the form and what costs you must pay to receive copies of the death certificate. If you need a certified death certificate, the costs are often higher. You don't necessarily need a certified death certificate, however, just to find out when the person passed away.
    • At some offices you can submit the form online. However, if the form is to be notarized, you must send it in or personally take it to the office.
  5. Receive your copy of the death certificate. After your request has been processed, the office will send you a copy of the death certificate. The death certificate lists the date the person died along with other information about their death.
    • If you are able to make your own way to the office to submit your application form, you may be able to receive a copy of the death certificate immediately. However, if it is an older death, the archives can be kept in a different location. Retrieving older death certificates can take a little longer.

    Tip: Death certificates can contain sensitive information and can be edited to protect the privacy of the deceased. However, the date of death is usually not edited.


  • If you think the death occurred in recent years, you may be able to find out on social media when the person passed away. If the person was active on social media, friends and family may have posted about their passing.


  • Be respectful when contacting family members to inquire about a deceased person, especially if the death was fairly recent. Don't bother anyone who refuses to talk to you or ignores your calls or messages.