Looking like a fashion model

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
We Faked a model to the top of Fashion Week
Video: We Faked a model to the top of Fashion Week


Being a model means that you are satisfied with yourself, love your appearance and that you are happy. Models have an aura of confidence around them. Even the most conventional, beautiful models carry an aura that radiates style, grace and health. They have a glow in their photos: that glow is self-confidence. Read through this article to learn how to get in touch with your inner fashion model, and who knows, you might find yourself on the cover of a fashion magazine.

To step

  1. Become your own makeup artist. Makeup is amazing stuff and every fashionista knows that. You can transform yourself into as many different looks as you want, as long as you have the necessary tools and skills.
    • Check out the various fashion magazines and practice the looks you encounter on yourself and your friends. Then invent and perfect your own looks.
    • Being able to apply makeup like a pro is a must for any aspiring model. This requires practice, practice and more practice.
  2. Be seen. What's the point of looking beautiful just for your family and your teddy bears? Dance with friends, go out for dinner, or whatever you like to do. Have fun and indulge.
  3. Think about your appearance. Your appearance also determines the way other people notice you, more than you think!
    • Lift your chin, shoulders back and soar through the air as if you just signed a million dollar contract.
    • Practice your posture at home by balancing a book on your head.
    • Move like a dancer. Keep your head straight, chin up, and shoulders down and back. Remember, every moment is a potential pose!
  4. Be fashionable. This makes sense, but a lot of people don't realize how bad they look in the clothes they wear. Learn everything about your body type, height, skin color and preferences.
    • Discover yourself and the fashion comes to you. Free yourself from all insecurities, because even in Gucci & Manolo you don't look when your shoulders hang and you have a frightened look on your face.
    • You don't have to wear branded clothes, especially if you can't afford them. Browse the fashion magazines, choose your favorites, then find models that look like you. Remember: clothes don't make you, they complement you.
    • Being fashionable is also all about being aware of the different styles. Nobody expects you to dress like it's a 24/7 fashion show. Knowing which clothes work and which don't, which styles are in and which aren't, gives you the opportunity to dress lavishly or more modestly, depending on the occasion.
  5. Smile and pretend you mean it. Models can be very happy, although they can appear bored or fierce. They make tons of money, have a lot of beautiful friends, go to the hottest parties, and let's not forget that their job is to walk around in really expensive clothes. So overall they seem to have a good life.
    • Who cares if you're broke, don't know celebrities, and cook burgers to make a living? Make sure you are the happiest burger baker in that place! Smile, be happy and people will start to notice.
    • If you want to be able to smile genuinely, then you have to be genuinely happy with yourself. Some models are very unhappy, have eating disorders and take unhealthy drugs to lose weight. But just because they do that, you don't have to do it yet.
    • Don't hide behind your smile all the time. If you are unhappy about something, show it - the key to being a good model is being able to handle your own emotions.
  6. Make sure every part of your body is as flawless as possible. We often feel that models are perfectly human beings with super powers, but they are normal men and women like you and me. Sure, they've been polished, polished, reinvented, and perfected. You can do all that too, with the necessary maintenance!
    • Don't bite your nails and keep them shiny at all times.
    • This does not mean that you always have to put on nail polish. Just make sure to polish and maintain them.
    • Keep your feet in pristine condition at all times (you never know when to take your shoes off!).
    • Soft elbows and knees are important too!
    • For softer skin, try exfoliating it at least twice a week with something as simple as a mixture of white sugar and lemon juice.
    • Keep those pearly whites pearly white too! Consider using whitening strips if you prefer, and stay away from cigarettes and coffee, which can cause your teeth to turn yellow. Always use enamel-safe whitening on your teeth, otherwise your teeth may crumble or become translucent and look very unhealthy.
  7. Make sure you are fit. Being healthy is a million times more important than being thin. Check with your doctor to find out your correct weight and work to achieve and maintain your weight.
    • Exercise, eat well, and respect your body. You are what you eat, so learn to provide your body with healthy nutrition so that you are as healthy as possible. As long as you maintain your weight, you will look fantastic.
    • Drink lots of water. Women should drink about nine glasses of water (2.2 liters) a day on average - at least that's what doctors advise! Drinking water will help digest food, reduce the need for soda, and make you feel full even when it isn't. Green tea (without sugar) is an excellent alternative if you are fed up with water. It is mainly water, but full of antioxidants.
    • If you are already satisfied with your body, you can still look like a fashion model. You don't have to be thin. You don't have to lose weight to look great. Don't you want to change? Then you can still look insanely good!
  8. Learn about countries with an active fashion scene. Go travel or watch Travel Channel. Professional models learn to feel at home in any part of the world, including you - or at least pretend!
  9. Looking like a fashion model doesn't mean you have to fill yourself up with makeup. Models don't do this, so neither should you.
    • Apply moisturizer every morning.
    • Curl your lashes with a curling iron for your lashes.
    • Use bronzer if it suits you, but don't be afraid to learn to appreciate your natural complexion. Foundation you bring light.
    • Eyeshadow is nice too, but don't overdo it. Eyeliner and mascara are better in brown or similar natural colors. (Check out some of the young, natural models. They don't apply the makeup in thick layers; they are super natural and beautiful!).
    • Makeup should be about enhancing your beauty, not covering it up. Tyra Banks told the girls at America's Next Top Model that as a model, you wear natural-looking makeup until you stop modeling.
  10. Think about your style, from head to toe! There are 2 things that can make or break your look: your hair and your shoes.
    • Browse magazines and talk to your hairdresser about what goes well with your face. Always keep your hair clean and in shape, and make sure to go to the hairdresser every 2-3 months.
    • Make sure the shade of your hair is vibrant; There is nothing worse than dull hair. If your hair color is dull then you may want to consider dyeing it. If you don't want to dye your hair, use a conditioner to add shine.
    • Wear clean, nice shoes. Models also wear sneakers, but they wear them with style.
    • Make sure your shoes are not worn out, and that you can walk comfortably in them (a grimace accompanied by a limp from the pain of wearing a pair of torture implements like shoes is not attractive). For more advice on shoes, see the Tips section.
  11. Clean skin is imperative. No blemishes, blemishes, blackheads or acne.
    • Use a good facial cleanser twice a day. Use a moisturizer after each wash.
    • Use a good toner, spot treatment and lotion. Use this at night.
    • Use face masks and exfoliate once a week. Exfoliating more than once a week is unnecessary.
    • Drink lots of water. This helps your body flush out waste and harmful chemicals.
    • Get plenty of sleep (this has many benefits).
    • Wear concealer as needed.
    • Wash the makeup off your face at night - no excuses like "I'm tired, tonight I can skip washing my face."
  12. Trust yourself. You won't get anywhere if you don't believe in yourself.


  • Also try brushing your lips with a new toothbrush. This removes dead skin and ensures smoother lips. In addition, they may look a bit bigger than they are afterwards.
  • Most people don't know, or refuse to admit, that foundation and cover-up can be bad for your skin. Wash all makeup off your face at the end of the day to protect your skin.
  • Don't be someone who chases everything. Create your own trends.
  • Just because you look like a model doesn't mean you have to become a fashion model too. You can also be a sexy scientist or even a gorgeous housewife. Don't make the fact that you've become beautiful a handicap.
  • Pouting can be a natural response that draws attention to your lips. Use lip balm if your lips are chapped or dry. Use petroleum jelly or lip gloss to increase their attractiveness. If your lips are thin, use lip liner or lipstick to make them more eye-catching
  • Here's an old trick: pick a fashion model you admire and follow through the years. You learn a lot about fashion from them. After that, you can put your own spin on her style if you want!
  • Remember that you are never going to see the fashion industry as a guideline for your life. Their ideals are constantly changing and are not realistic, so remember that it is more important to be yourself than to pretend. Don't make yourself unhappy just by wanting to be thin.
  • When you walk, make sure your feet are straight. Some people walk with their left foot straight and their right foot slightly crooked, or vice versa. This can be considered less attractive.
  • Do not be afraid.


  • Don't act like a bitch. You need your own attitude, but looking beautiful doesn't entitle you to look down on others and treat them badly. Clients are always impressed by a sweet character.
  • Watch out for plastic surgery. 99 times out of 100 it is not necessary. If you are really desperate and think you should have this done anyway, always make sure you get a second opinion and consider counseling.
  • Don't worry too much about your appearance. Remember that loving yourself is the most important thing, more important than anything else, because this is what will enable you to achieve your goals. Being a fashion model is mainly about having a good time. Being fashion conscious these days is almost the same as your dress-up parties from the past.
  • If you are actually going to do modeling, watch out for "agents," "photographers," "model scouts," or the like. Bring your parents, a chaperone or a friend for a photo session. Never agree to anything that doesn't make you feel good.
  • You don't have to be a model to look handsome and beautiful. Your personality and friendly character contribute enormously to a beautiful appearance. Even though beauty is often related to appearance in our society, it takes a lot more to really become a beauty. Be yourself and stay true to yourself and others who love you the way you are.
  • Don't curse, especially around photographers.
  • Women and men can easily become obsessed with their weight, often resulting in eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, among others. Remember, it's more important to be healthy than thin, and healthy doesn't automatically mean size zero!


  • Natural make-up (bronzer, foundation, etc.)
  • Fashionable clothing (create your own style)
  • Healthy hair care products for shiny hair
  • Barber
  • Vibrant Hair Color Shade (ask your hairdresser)
  • Fashion model trade magazines (for inspiration)
  • Face mask, toner, spot treatment, lotion, water, sleep, etc.
  • Trainer (to get fit)
  • Doctor (to keep you 100% healthy!)
  • Self confidence
  • Pearly whites (use whitening strips, brush and floss three times a day, etc.)
  • Comfortable shoes
  • Practice a lot with applying make-up
  • Flawless skin! (no nail biting, strengthening the nails, polishing, soft elbows and knees, softer, healthier skin, etc.)