Attracting any man

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
First 10 Things A Woman Notices About A Man | What Attracts Women To Men
Video: First 10 Things A Woman Notices About A Man | What Attracts Women To Men


Let's face it - there's no way around it all men to fall hopelessly in love with you. However, many men have similar requirements in their search for the perfect woman. So there are a lot of tricks to make just about any guy fall on you. Are you looking for concrete steps to turn every man's heads, or are you hoping to get the attention of a specific man? Whatever your reasons, these tips can help you a lot. Read more!

To step

Method 1 of 4: Be your best self

  1. Before you can attract a man you have to develop self-confidence. If you are not happy with yourself, it can be seen from miles away. Men are most attracted to women who seem to take pleasure in who they are, not those who are hopelessly looking for someone to fill the void in their lives. Here are a few tips to boost your confidence:
    • Tell yourself how great you are! Remind yourself of your best qualities and skills and be proud of what makes you unique. Keep a journal in which you can write down your strengths as a person. Make yourself feel like you are worthy of a man's attention.
    • Remember that you are beautiful inside and out. While we are all far from perfect, it is important to look in the mirror and remind yourself of your best qualities before going out. Whether it's your amazing smile, your perfect teeth or your never-ending legs. Focus on the positive aspects of your appearance, men will see them too.
    • Be confident when you meet new people. Dealing with new people can be scary, but if you're alert, ready for anything, and holding back judgments, people will want to get to know you. A man is more likely to be attracted to a woman with friends than a woman who looks pathetic and lonely. He will want to be part of your positive energy.
    • Keep improving yourself. It's one thing to be confident, it's another to be self-centered and think there's nothing wrong with you. Focus on your good qualities, work on the things that can be improved. Consider any constructive criticism before you ditch it.
  2. Develop your own identity and your own values. A man is attracted to a woman who feels good about where she is from, where she is now, where she is going. He wants someone who is in harmony with her desires, her limitations and her ambitions.
    • Developing your own identity before meeting a guy ensures that you don't completely change yourself because of him. Or that you always follow his steps.

    • Knowing who you are before meeting a guy also makes it ten times easier to talk to and attract him. Men want women who look like they could easily get by without them.
    • Don't compare me! Many people fall into the trap of comparing themselves to people around them. Put your own values ​​and wishes above those of others. If you liked your outfit when you left home, you should still like it when you get back home. Let other people, or your perception of other people, don't change your feeling about yourself.
  3. Maintain meaningful and loving personal connections. The key to success in feeling good about yourself is having space to be yourself and being loved for who you are. Friends, family, and other personal interactions are necessary to make you feel loved and deserve that love.
    • Make sure your personal relationships are good for your emotional state. Bad relationships, past and present, can adversely affect the way you see yourself. Find friends who focus on your positive qualities, who offer helpful advice, and who are honest about who you are and who you can be.
    • Have a warm relationship with your family members. Taking the time to talk to the people you've known the longest reminds you of your roots and how much you've grown.

Method 2 of 4: Being your best self - physically

  1. Looking good. Now that you feel beautiful inside, it's time to show off your outside with the right clothes and make-up. You don't have to develop a shopping spree, just look for a look that will appeal to men.
    • Find clothes that emphasize your best features. If you have muscular arms, opt for a sleeveless top. If you want to show off your long legs, find the perfect dress and heels for your body.
    • Dress appropriately. If you're hoping to attract a man to a wedding, for example, opt for classy - not trashy. You don't want to make men think your body is your best asset - it's just one of the things that makes you unique. However, if you are in a nightclub, a suit will ensure that you stand out in a negative way.
    • Wear the right makeup and haircut. Light maintenance on your hair and make-up will go a long way towards accentuating your best features. Most men prefer a natural look. So try not to use too many layers of makeup or hairspray.
  2. Maintain good hygiene. That new dress or your newfound confidence won't accomplish anything if you haven't showered for a week. It's important to stay clean and smell good.
    • Shower at least once every two days. Be sure to shower on the day of the special occasion. It's important to keep your body smelling fresh.
    • Wash your hair as often as needed. Some women wash their hair every day, others do it less often. Figure out what works best for you to keep your hair from looking greasy.
    • Keep your mouth clean. Remember to brush your teeth. Use mints or gum to keep your breath fresh when needed. You can smell your breath by blowing your hands for a moment. Nothing is more turn off than a horrible breath!
  3. Treat your body like a temple. While a real man will love you for who you are, eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise will help you keep a good figure. Moreover, it will give your self-confidence a big boost. If you feel good about your body, every man you meet will agree.
    • Exercise at least three times a week for at least half an hour. A good exercise program is essential to get and stay healthy. Don't let your routine stall - keep challenging yourself to get stronger and fitter.
      • If you don't have a lot of time to exercise, try to think of ways to increase your daily walking schedule.
      • If you are not interested in sports for exercise, or sports for your health, look for an external motivation. For example, go (kick) boxing because you want to be able to defend yourself. Or try yoga because you want to meet new friends.
    • Eat healthy. Take everything in moderation. It's best to have your favorite ice cream or pizza, but eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and other nutrient-rich foods. Try to avoid fatty and processed foods as much as possible. Your body will feel better and your skin will look better.

Method 3 of 4: Focus on body language

  1. Make a good first impression. Now that you are feeling great both physically and emotionally, it is time to get the attention of your prince.
    • Remember you only get one shot at a first impression. So take a positive attitude when you first meet the man in question.
  2. Make eye contact. The first thing you can do to express your interest is make eye contact.
    • Hold his gaze just long enough. You don't have to stare into his eyes for hours, just look into his eyes from a distance for a few seconds to express your interest.
    • Be a bit reserved, but accessible. When you look at the man, try not to look too favorably. Just show him that you'd like him to start a conversation with you.
    • Let your facial expressions carry the conversation. When the guy approaches you, don't forget to smile, smile, smile! A smile is the best way to show that you are friendly and attractive.

    • Smile, but don't overthink it. Make sure your smile looks natural. You will feel a lot happier. Try to smile when you're not happy - you'll feel a little better right away. You don't have to look too eager when you smile - just be natural.
  3. Always maintain positive body language. Now that your husband has seen the look in your eyes and your teeth, it's time to use your body to show him that the attraction is mutual.
    • Present yourself confidently. Don't look at your feet, cross your arms, or walk bent. Avoid nervous behaviors like playing with your hair or biting your nails. Face the man and move your arms while talking. This gives the impression that you are an open and dynamic person.
    • Show him you're interested. When you feel his love, it doesn't hurt to get closer to him. Especially when you are in a busy, noisy place. A light touch of the arm or knee can also show him that you like what he has to offer.
    • Keep his attention physically. Make sure you maintain eye contact, try not to look around - or worse, check your phone every five minutes - when he's talking to you. He wants to feel like he is the only man on the planet. Nothing will break a man faster than someone checking her email every two minutes and adding nothing to the conversation.

Method 4 of 4: Conversation skills

  1. Just say "yes". This doesn't mean you have to agree with every crazy idea your dream man has, but it does mean having a positive attitude. Show an interest in what he has to say to you.
    • If he asks if you've already been to a particular restaurant, don't cut the conversation by saying "no." Instead, say you've heard good things about it and ask about his experience with the restaurant in question. It's probably his way of asking you out!
    • If he's teasing you a bit, play along. Enjoy its playful character. If you say "no" to every unusual idea he has, you're going to look squeamish. Then you won't come across as someone he'd like to hang out with.
    • Don't overly disagree with him - even if you disagree with him. If you find out that your favorite football teams are arch enemies or that you have opposite political views, don't argue about it. Being a little playful with your differences is one thing; proclaiming your vision out loud makes you seem stubborn and selfish.
  2. Don't be afraid to be funny. Men like women with a sense of humor, and women who are confident enough to show it off.
    • While it may not be time for "Johnny" jokes now, you might want to joke at it every now and then.
    • Show that you can laugh at yourself. No man wants to show a woman who takes herself too seriously - showing that you can laugh at your own weaknesses not only shows that you have confidence, but also shows that you are aware of your imperfections. Men don't want a girl who is "too perfect." Showing that you can laugh at yourself makes them feel more confident about themselves.
  3. Show your sharp mind. Don't be afraid to show that you are smart. If he's the one, he'll be attracted to how smart you are. He will want to spend more time with you and ask you questions.
    • Show him your knowledge about current affairs, historical figures or even with your witty analysis of contemporary pop culture. If you know what you're talking about, he'll be happy to hear what you have to say.
    • There is a big difference between sounding smart and showing off. Don't brag about where you studied, what grades you got in high school, or any information that makes him feel like you're quite full of yourself.
  4. Show him what makes you unique. There are plenty of confident, funny and smart girls out there. But there is only one of you. Don't be afraid to show who you are.
    • When the time is right, tell him a funny or interesting story from the past. Show him what type you are and what experiences have shaped your life.
    • Don't be afraid to share your interests. If you're teaching yourself French or riding a unicycle, tell him. He will be impressed that you are walking your own march.
    • Share something about your family or friends. Don't tell him you want to introduce him to your parents after you've just heard each other's names. You can say something about your family or friends - choose something or someone who influenced you to be your best self.
  5. If the conversation goes well, make a new appointment. Part of attracting a guy is to keep him interested. When the flame of love grows, throw more wood on the fire!
    • You can of course still be a bit restrained, but make sure you exchange each other's data if the attraction is mutual. Don't be too eager, but express your interest in spending more time with him. You will be amazed at how shy men are and how happy they are when a woman takes the initiative.
  6. If your plans fail, don't despair. Unfortunately, some men aren't attracted to you no matter what you try. Don't worry - there are plenty of fish swimming in the sea. And besides, you have already become a better person by following these tips! If the guy you're looking for doesn't notice your newfound confidence, looks, or conversation skills, someone else will. Someone who may never want to leave your side again.
    • While you can do everything you can to attract a particular man, his heart may already be forgiven. Even if he's not in a relationship right now, he could still be heartbroken. Or maybe he is still hoping for someone else. There is nothing you can change about that.
    • If you get rejected, leave it there. You don't have to cry or send angry messages if your crush doesn't share your feelings. Don't let that fool you - you'll find the right guy by yourself!