Being self-centered

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Getting Free Of Self-Importance Is The Key To Happiness: Polly Young-Eisendrath at TEDxMiddlebury
Video: Getting Free Of Self-Importance Is The Key To Happiness: Polly Young-Eisendrath at TEDxMiddlebury


If you are tired of feeling unheard, or if others keep taking advantage of you, then developing a self-centered attitude will appeal to you. All you need to do to appear self-centered is to adjust your behavior and attitude a little: be assertive, disobey authorities, look indifferent, and say whatever comes to your mind. Remember that adopting a self-centered attitude can get you in trouble with your friends and the authority figures in your life, so think carefully about whether you actually want to adopt this attitude.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Adopting the basic posture

  1. Be assertive. After all, you want to be dominant and you want to stand out. Because who else is going to notice that you go through life self-centered? Practice this so that you come across as natural.
    • Show that you are independent by not doing the same as everyone else because it is a trend or popular with your peers (clothing style, popular music, television programs, movies, etc.).
    • Pretend that you are better than other people, so you also have more rights to things. Link this to your assertive behavior. For example, borrow your sister's clothes without asking her, harass your parents until they buy you an iPhone, play loud music at night when others want to sleep. Never apologize for your behavior.
    • Be stubborn. If people want to get you to act differently and make you do something you don't want to do, or if they want you to change your behavior, stick to your position. Because you are self-centered and self-righteous, no matter how annoying that may be for other people.
  2. Ignore any consequences. If you are self-centered, you will encounter a lot of resistance from people who have trouble with your behavior. People (especially your parents) are not going to be happy with it, and they will probably try to punish you. If you are self-centered, you ignore these consequences, or you do things that show you don't care about the consequences.
    • Ignore the things you don't want to be confronted with, and dismiss everything as nonsense except the things you want to do. This means not doing your homework, doing chores that need to be done, and instead watching a movie, playing games, meeting your friends, etc.
    • Ignore reality. Everything you do has consequences. The more you take an untouchable attitude towards the authorities in your life, the more punishment you will receive. If you ignore things like skipping school, trying to get a job, and thinking that everything will work out on its own, life probably isn't going to work out too well for you. If you want to go through life as an ego tripper, you need to ignore the possible consequences of your attitude.
  3. Don't just accept the authority of authority figures. One aspect of self-righteousness is that you question the authority of people who have the power to make you do things you don't want and who can punish you if you don't obey them. Questioning their decisions and assignments also helps you learn to think independently.
    • Use phrases like "But the mother of so and so leaves her do it, "or" Anyone can, "if you're trying to get parental consent for something they're forbidding you to do.
    • Always ask why when someone asks you to do something (this works especially well with parents and teachers). For example, if you have math, make sure to ask your math teacher about the use of algebra. Or, if your parents say it's bedtime, question the bedtime and ask them why you should go to bed at that time.
    • Don't follow rules. If you really care about others and you really want to annoy the authorities in your life, then refuse to obey their rules. Then if they punish you (if they find out and they won't always be), pretend you don't care, and ignore any punishments they might give you.
    • Do things like come home late at night, borrow the car without permission, or meet friends without your parents knowing where you are. If you are subsequently grounded or given other penalties, ignore them.
    • Always push the boundaries, at school and at home, to see how far you can go without really getting into trouble. Assume that everyone will reach a point where he or she breaks, and that you can drive someone to that point by constantly arguing, lying, and breaking the rules.
  4. Develop an indifferent attitude. Being self-centered means that you don't give a shit about others. Develop a bored attitude that conveys that you prefer to be elsewhere, no matter what you are doing at the time. This is especially important if your parents, or other authority figures, want you to do something.
    • You are bound to come across as indifferent when you say "yes, I guess" and laugh sarcastically and sigh when you are asked to do things.
    • Sarcasm is a very effective tool for showing that you are dishonest and that you feel superior. These phrases are especially good if you want to seem like you don't care (if you say it sarcastically): "Gosh it was interesting" and "What am I? happy tell me this. "
    • Laugh with disdain when someone gives you advice or when you talk to an authority figure. This shows how little you care about their opinion.
    • Be busy texting your phone when others are talking to you. You can also do this in class if you don't care what the teacher says.
    • Do not communicate. If your parents are interested in you, make sure you answer as short as possible. For example, if they ask "How was your day?" You shrug and mumble, "Fine." When they ask, "What are your plans for this weekend?" Just say, "Uh ... I'll see."

Part 2 of 2: Looking like an ego tripper

  1. Make yourself look confident. Show others that you are confident and that you don't care. You can dress in a way that expresses indifference, or dress in a way that others find offensive.
    • Wear things that your parents don't allow you, such as clothes that don't fit, clothes with offensive texts on them, or ripped and dirty clothes.
    • Create your own style. You are meant to show that you don't care what others think about you, and one way to achieve that is to develop your own style. Remember, you can't see how confident you are by just wearing black (anyone can do that, after all). Try to look original.
    • Piercings and tattoos have an enormous attraction for wayward people and people who want to piss off their parents. You do need to be over 18 to get a tattoo done without parental consent - unless it's a shady spot (and you run the risk of infection, which is not recommended).
  2. Use the correct body language. Body language is a great way to express what you are feeling. You can achieve the right degree of coolness at the right time by consciously using your body language. This allows you to show others what your intentions are.
    • Cross your arms in front of the chest. While this is a defensive gesture, it can also express irritation or boredom, and thus it can also mean that you are not interested in the person or people you are with.
    • Rolling your eyes is a great way to express your irritation or show that you disdain the other person. Be sure to roll your eyes no matter what is said, especially if you got into trouble for not following the rules.
    • Not making eye contact, or making too much eye contact, are also good ways to assert your untouchable attitude. People can get really annoyed with you if you don't make eye contact because it shows you're not interested. On the other hand, too much eye contact can be intimidating.
    • By slamming doors and making a lot of loud noise (such as setting aggressive music very loudly) you show your dissatisfaction and disturb the lives of others. This tactic works especially well after an argument with someone in a position of authority.
  3. Do not allow anyone to enter your physical personal space. Your room is your personal base and you determine the rules there. This means, among other things, that you determine who (of your family) can come in, when and only if you want to.
    • Shout out to relatives trying to enter your room. Post signs on your door stating that people who venture into your room without an explicit invitation will be certain to die.
    • When someone knocks on your door, you shout "Get out!"
  4. Say whatever comes to mind spontaneously. Do not filter the content of your message. If you offend someone else with it: so what? After all, you are busy being self-centered, and that means you don't care what the impact of your words is on others.
    • Point out their mistakes to others. If other people make mistakes (especially adults like your parents or your teacher), make sure you make fun of them. Say things like "Oh my god, Mom, I really can't believe you left the food on. Can't you do anything right?"
    • Saying what you think is a quality that must be cultivated, and it is one that will serve you very well if you want to go through life as an ego tripper. For example, if someone is wearing an ugly outfit, you just say so. Or if your girlfriend is acting ridiculous because she's in love with a guy, say so loudly so that others might hear it too.
  5. Convince yourself that you are entitled to things. This is important if you want to live your life confident and cool, because that attitude stems from the belief that you are better than others (which is why you point out to others their mistakes and not follow advice). Also, pretend that the time and energy of others are actually yours (especially with people like your parents; of course they are there to serve you).
    • Pretend you know everything. If someone is trying to convince you of something, or wants you to change your mind, simply give a short laugh, or roll your eyes and walk away.
    • Never say "please" or "thank you." These are statements that are far too polite and well-mannered for your anti-social attitude in life; so avoid it at all times. Never help out with chores around the house, let alone help your teachers at school, even with something as small as holding the door open for them.
  6. Hang out with people you know your parents disapprove of. Of course you want to interact with people who like your attitude, which means that they are people who don't like or disapprove of your parents; because they are people who are just as stubborn as you.
    • You often run into people like this at school, because as long as you show an air of indifference in these people and in just about everything there is, they are eager to become your friends.
    • You need to make sure that the people you hang out with won't tell your parents about you if you come home late at night, or tell your teacher that you haven't done your homework all year.


  • Don't dwell too long on people who don't like you. If you take a self-centered attitude, there will be a lot of people who don't like you; so be prepared for that.


  • Taking a self-centered attitude with teachers, parents, and other authority figures can get you in trouble.And even if you are not actually doing anything wrong, they will see your attitude as "problematic" and treat you that way.
  • If you take a self-centered attitude, people will think you are bossy - they may even think you are a bully. So be careful!