Making a hookah

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Make Hookah | Proper Way to Pack a Bowl | Tutorial | Shisha Tips and Tricks
Video: How To Make Hookah | Proper Way to Pack a Bowl | Tutorial | Shisha Tips and Tricks


Smoking tobacco with a hookah is a lot more complicated than smoking regular cigarettes. You can buy different types of tobacco for your hookah to make smoking as pleasant as possible. If there is no store near you where you can buy a hookah, you can search the internet or make your own hookah from household items. Then sit back, relax and enjoy this great smoking experience.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Assembling a bong

  1. Fill the glass reservoir with ice cubes and water. Put enough water in the glass reservoir so that the shaft is about 4 centimeters in the water.
    • Make sure to leave just enough space in the reservoir so that the smoke doesn't flow into the hose.
    • Do not put milk or dairy in the container. Adding milk will create an unpleasant odor, mold and foam in the vase and ruin the hose.
  2. Install the sealing ring. This connects the shaft to the glass reservoir. Most bongs have a rubber or plastic sealing ring. It is best to have a silicone sealing ring, or you can attach the reservoir to the shaft with electrical tape.
  3. Put the container where the coals belong on the water pipe. You will need to put the container on it before attaching the tobacco bowl, as the bowl may not fit on the container.
  4. Insert the short end of the hose into the designated hole. If your bong has two holes, you can buy a rubber seal to seal the other hole.
  5. Prepare your smoking materials. Follow all these steps for the best smoking experience:
    • Mix your tobacco well so that everything is covered with flavorings and molasses.
    • Shake up your smoking stuff and let it fall loosely into the tobacco bowl. Leave 2 millimeters between your smoking material and the rim of the bowl so that the smoking material does not touch the foil when you light the tobacco. Burnt tobacco gives the smoke a bad taste.
    • Buy a good quality hookah tobacco. The quality of your tobacco determines the taste of the smoke. You can also combine flavors to make the smoke taste better. Buy 50 gram portions so you can try different varieties without spending a lot of money.
    • You can crush the tobacco leaves with kitchen scissors to make it easier to put them in the bowl. Don't cut your smoking stuff too fine, or everything will fall through the holes and clog your bowl.
  6. Put heavy foil over the top of the bowl. Make sure that the piece of foil is 5 centimeters larger on all sides, so that you can close the bowl properly.
    • Pull the foil taut over it so that the heat distribution is not disturbed by wrinkles. If you only have thin foil at home, fold the foil in half.
    • When you're done, the foil-covered bowl should look like the top of a drum.
  7. Use a toothpick, pin, or pen with a sharp point to pierce about 15 to 20 holes in the foil. Be careful not to tear the foil. You can try different patterns depending on the type of bowl you have:
    • Egyptian bowl: start by making a circle of holes along the outer edge, then make a spiral that goes inward.
    • Funnel-shaped bowl: make 3 concentric rings, one along the edge, one around the tip and one between the two circles you have already made.
  8. Light the coals. Hold the coals with tongs and light a corner with a match or a lighter. Since there are sparks, it is a good idea to go outside or do this near a window.
    • Always use the tongs that came with your bong to light and move the coals. Do not use kitchen tongs as they may have a polymer protective coating as a non-stick coating so that they can be used when preparing food and cleaned easily.
    • When the coals start to spark and smoke comes off, remove the lighter or match. The coals should continue to spark until they all turn a bright orange color.
    • If the embers still have some dark spots that aren't burning, blow on them to get the spots burning.
  9. Place the coals on the foil with the tongs. The sides you grabbed with the pliers should not burn. Blow on those pieces to make them burn orange. Leave the coals on the foil until they are covered with ashes.
    • Never light the coals while they are on the foil. The particles that come off the coals will end up in the reservoir and make your tobacco taste different.
    • If you don't have a stove, lighter, or matches, you can use quick flaming coals.
    • Natural coals burn a lot faster than quick-ignition coals, but you need something warmer than a lighter to light them. Most people use a gas burner or a butane burner to light natural coals.
  10. Blow through the hose to remove any dust particles that may have entered it. Do not rinse the hose unless you are sure it is washable.
  11. Smoke your hookah. Let your smoking materials heat up naturally. Don't suck hard on your bong to heat up your smoking stuff faster, because you'll just burn the tobacco. Take time to smoke. With a good water pipe you can smoke for 45 minutes to an hour.

Part 2 of 3: Making a bowl of fruit for a water pipe

  1. Find a round fruit. An apple, a mango, or an orange is a good choice, but you can actually use any round fruit you have at home.
  2. Cut the top part of the fruit. Leave about three quarters of the fruit intact. Remove the pulp and leave about an inch of pulp on the sides.
  3. Poke a hole in the bottom. You can use a corkscrew, potato peeler, or other sharp object. Make sure the hole is the size of your index finger.
  4. Sprinkle your tobacco in the bowl. Leave about 2 millimeters of space at the top.
  5. Cover the fruit with foil. Prick holes in the foil at equal distances from each other.
  6. Place the bowl on the shaft. Light the coals and smoke your hookah. Because the fruit is so cold, you will need a little more coals than usual to smoke.

Part 3 of 3: Making a hookah out of stuff in your house

  1. Cut the top quarter of an apple. Remove the pulp and leave about an inch of pulp on the sides.
  2. Poke a hole in the bottom. You can use a corkscrew, potato peeler, or vegetable peeler.
  3. Cut a piece of garden hose to the desired length. Slide the apple onto the hose and fasten them together with a little plasticine.
  4. Burn a hole in the side of a plastic bowl. Smooth it near the bottom. You can use a lit cigarette or other concentrated heat source to make the hole.
  5. Put a straw in the hole. Make sure the straw connects properly. If you see a gap between the plastic and the straw, fill the hole with more plasticine.
  6. Fill the bowl with tobacco. Cover it with foil, poke holes in the foil, light the coals and place the coals on the foil. Enjoy your homemade hookah.


  • If the smoke ever gets thick, tastes bad, and hurts your throat, just breathe very lightly into the hose. You should see smoke escaping through the hole or the top of the bowl so that the old smoke disappears from the bong. Don't blow too hard or water will splash on the coals, ruining your tobacco.
  • Add a little honey or molasses to your tobacco when your tobacco is dry.
  • Try HydroHerbal or non-tobacco hookah tobacco. You will consume fewer carcinogens.
  • To clean your bong, dip a cloth in vinegar and push it through the shaft with the bottom of a fishing rod or other fabric. Soak the reservoir in warm water and soap for a while. Then rinse the reservoir thoroughly. Clean the shaft once a week and the reservoir once a month.
  • The smoke in the hookah should be thick and white. If you see good smoke, it means that you have prepared your bong the right way and you are smoking the right way.
  • Many people have a strong preference for using a diffuser. A diffuser works much like an aerator on a tap. You place the diffuser on the shaft and submerge it so that it is about 5 millimeters below the water surface. This way the smoke can absorb more water vapor, making the smoke taste better.
  • Many Middle Eastern countries use a base of milk or juice to improve the flavor and thickness of the smoke. Ali Baba's Hookah Bar (founded in 1760 in Istanbul) uses 1 part milk or juice to 2 parts water as standard. Just make sure to rinse your bong thoroughly if you use dairy so that your bong doesn't smell like rotten milk.


  • Do not use coal for domestic use, as it produces an enormous amount of carbon monoxide. Use special charcoals for a water pipe for a pleasant smoke. You can choose natural charcoal or quick-fire charcoal.
  • Do not inhale while the rapidly igniting embers are sparking. The chemicals contain various carcinogens and other unhealthy agents.
  • According to the World Health Organization, smoking a hookah exposes you to an amount of carcinogenic substances 200 times that of a cigarette. Sharing your water pipe with others can also spread diseases such as tuberculosis and hepatitis. So be careful.


  • Hookah
  • Water and ice cubes
  • Hookah tobacco
  • Sturdy foil
  • Toothpick, pin or pen with a sharp point
  • Coals
  • Lighter, matches or butane burner
  • Round fruit
  • Corkscrew, vegetable peeler or paring knife
  • Piece of garden hose
  • Plastic bottle
  • Plasticine