Making a woman happy

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Keep a Woman Happy in a Relationship 🥰 (10 Relationship Tips!)
Video: How to Keep a Woman Happy in a Relationship 🥰 (10 Relationship Tips!)


Sometimes you seem to be able to get absolutely no knowledge of women. However, if you get some helpful hints, like this one from wikiHow, you can do a lot better. And getting a little height from women will make it a lot easier to make them happy. Whether you're trying to make your girlfriend happy or your sister, we'll help. Just start at Step 1!

To step

Part 1 of 2: Treating her well

  1. Respect her. Most importantly, and what you should always do (even if you don't do anything else), is that you respect her. This basically means that you treat her as you would like to be treated. If you love someone, that's the most important thing you can do. There can be no true love without respect.
    • Appreciate her opinions and beliefs, give her the opportunity to express herself, never belittle and insult her, don't judge her, appreciate her for who she is, be honest, etc.
  2. Remove the conditions for your love. A big part of respecting her is taking a step back - encouraging her to make her own decisions. Even if you have to tell her every day, make sure she knows that you love her - no matter what choices she makes. Her choices make her who she is. If a man makes his love depend on the choices a woman makes to please him, then essentially he loves only himself. A good woman deserves more than that.
    • Don't make her feel like she has to choose between making you happy and getting a job that satisfies her. Don't make her feel like she has to choose between looking attractive to you and the awful discomfort associated with waxing and shaving the pubic area. When it comes to these kinds of decisions, she needs to know that you support her regardless of the outcome.
  3. Listen to her. Don't just shut up when she's talking, but listen to her actively. Active listening involves asking questions and actually responding to what she says. This lets her know that you really pay attention to her. It also ensures that you can concentrate better and remember what she says better.
    • Sometimes when you hear someone talk about a problem (or anything, really), you get the feeling that you have to jump in, and someone has to offer solutions or say something else. However, that is often not what the person needs. If someone tells you about his / her feelings, he / she just wants to tell you. So just listen to it. When he / she is ready, he / she can ask you for advice. If not, ask if you can give it. Acknowledge her feelings, don't take control of the conversation.
  4. Don't be a jerk. Take full responsibility for what comes out of your mouth, as well as how you interpret what comes out of hers. If you've made a mistake, admit it - work it out to correct it. Don't be selfish in your interactions, especially the whole relationship.
  5. Avoid common non-excuses like “I'm sorry your feelings have been hurt.This is a common way of making women unhappy.
    • Even if you've done something that you think is normal, like watching a pretty waitress, and your girl gets mad at you, you should realize that the act hurts her. Whether you cheat or not, the burden of doubt weighs heavily. It can cause a woman to lose pleasure in your company.
  6. Never take her for granted. Appreciate everything she does for you, and let her know that you appreciate everything she does for you. Never assume that she is attached to you, or think that you don't have to do your best for her anymore because she loves you anyway. You can afford to let yourself go physically, but you should never, ever neglect yourself emotionally. The minute you start to take her for granted is the minute she starts looking at other men.
  7. Don't be a burden. This is the fastest way to make a woman lose interest in you. You don't want to be just one more “child” to be looked after. You're her husband, not her son. That means you have to be an adult, trustworthy, and responsible. Take care of yourself financially, help with the household, and try to be there when she needs help. Keep your word.
  8. Be faithful. The woman you are with will not be impressed with how smooth you are with other women. Planting the seeds of infidelity in her mind will only make her worry that you're a jerk, and she'll wonder if you'd ever cheat. Be faithful, and don't give her any reason to mistrust you.
    • Spend more time with her than any woman. Don't look at other women, don't comment on other women, and make sure her happiness is at the top of your priorities.
    • Stop trying to be attractive to other women as well. Do not wear clothes designed to be attractive to other women. Just wear clothes that you know she likes. You already have a wife, so you don't have to pull out all the stops to make other women want you too.
  9. Pay attention! Pay attention to what she says and does. Pay attention when she says she “wants” something or when she talks about “wanting to do” something. Also notice how she chooses to spend her time. This will help you see what is important to her. Just as she finds some of the things that interest you boring, you should at least be able to show some understanding of things that you don't care about. In addition, if you are not paying attention, you will never know if you have missed something that is indeed important.
  10. Be her life partner. That's what we all look for in a relationship: someone who is there for us. Help her solve her problems if she wants help and if you are able to help her. Don't solve them for her or take over the situation. Instead, provide her with the tools she needs to help herself.
    • This may mean taking on a little more household chores when she's dealing with bigger problems.
    • For example, you can also choose to take one of her family members with you to do something fun, for example when there is a stressful situation at home. Take her little sister to the mall if your wife needs to help her parents with a problem in the family. Or take her grandmother out for lunch if she's often lonely.
  11. Be yourself. Your wife wants to see you for who you really are. This will make her feel more connected to you. If she feels like you are a stranger, she will never be able to be happy. So let her in. Show her your vulnerabilities and tell her about the things you don't like about yourself. This will only make her love you even more.
  12. Remember that women can think differently about sex. If a woman doesn't want to have sex, don't take it personally. Once you understand that the “warm up” is a lot longer for women than it is for men, and that she needs to be informed beforehand so that she can anticipate it, it will become a lot easier. It's not about conversion. Very often she just wants to get closer to you, to cuddle, be cuddled, etc. When that happens, then of course you think about sex. Take it easy! Not so fast! It DOES NOT MEAN she wants to have sex. You will scare her. Take it easy, take your time. Once she's ready, she WILL enjoy it as much as you, and maybe more. Patience is the keyword.

Part 2 of 2: Surprise her

  1. Cook for her. A great way to show her how much you care is to cook her a meal. Breakfast in bed, dinner after a long day at work, a surprise lunch at the office: do what feels right for you. Having to cook, especially after a hard day, can be extremely stressful. Taking the burden off her shoulders will put a smile on her face.
    • wikiHow has tons of great cooking items for you to use! These are simple recipes that even the worst cook can prepare without a hitch!
  2. Give her thoughtful gifts. Giving a present is, of course, a great way to make her happy. However, stay away from necklaces and rings. You could give it to any girl, wouldn't you? Instead, give her something that says you understand her. These could be tickets to her favorite band or a huge teddy bear of her favorite animal.
  3. Compliment her appropriately. Compliments make a woman happy, just like everyone else. But you have to do it right. Don't compliment her on her body, because it will stress her about keeping that body in shape. Don't compliment her eyes or hair. Everyone has eyes and hair. Rather compliment her on things she can control: good dress taste, well-developed talent, good sense of humor, etc.
  4. Do things with her. Your wife likes to spend time with you ... that's why she's with you after all! If you are busy, or if you don't see her often, it's important to make sense of the time you spend with her. Do things together so that you can really engage in conversation. Consider, for example, a dinner or a walk through the park. She probably has a few ideas for things to do herself. Ask her about it!
  5. Say how you feel. Women must be told we love them. We mistakenly view our actions as work, and so we believe that caring for the family strongly conveys our love for it. Often we think that the more we work, the stronger the message of our love. Wrong. Nothing gets the message across better than looking her in the eye and telling her, "I love you."
  6. Focus on your skills in the bedroom. Getting better in bed is a good goal for everyone. Even if you think you are the king, most likely there is room for improvement. Study the female anatomy and the erogenous zones. Ask her to refresh your memory so that you can satisfy her to perfection again. She will love the opportunity to show you what she likes.
  7. Encourage her. Encourage her to pursue her dreams and goals in life. If she finds something that makes her happy, give her the space and resources to do it. She would do the same for your happiness. This is how relationships work!
  8. Make her feel the way she always wanted to feel. Every woman has had ideas at a younger age about what she wanted to be later on. Maybe she wanted to be a good mother, maybe someone who solves problems. Whatever her desires, help make her feel like she has achieved those goals. This means giving her opportunities and compliments and encouraging her to do the things she wants to do.
  9. Be fun! Everyone wants to be with someone who makes their life more interesting. Nobody wants a boring partner! Be the source of pleasure in her life by keeping your activities varied and unique. Register the two of you for dance lessons. Take her on a weekend walking tour. Do things she likes and keep discovering new things!


  • Get advice from the other women in your life. Or ask her friends!


  • These actions do not ALWAYS apply to EVERY woman. Most of the time, however, they can be useful, and are usually not far from the ideal scenario. Watch it by day.