Making a fly trap

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Making the best DIY fly trap, with the ultimate fly bait
Video: Making the best DIY fly trap, with the ultimate fly bait


Flies can be a problem whether they are in your house, on your balcony or in your yard. You can buy many different traps and sprays at the store, but these often contain foul-smelling chemicals that are bad for your health. A fly swatter is useful for killing a single fly, but it is difficult to control a fly infestation. A good, natural solution to your fly problem is to make your own fly trap. In a few steps you can control the problem and eradicate every fly you see.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Using a plastic bottle

  1. Grab an empty soda bottle. This can be a used bottle, or you can just grab a new bottle and pour out the soda. Make sure that all the soda is out of the bottle and that you have rinsed out the bottle with warm water.
  2. Cut off the top of the bottle with scissors. Poke a hole in the bottle with one of the blades of the scissors. Do this where the funnel-shaped part of the neck merges into the large center of the bottle.
    • After poking a hole in the bottle, insert your scissors and cut around the bottle. Cut off the entire funnel-shaped portion at the top, leaving two separate pieces: funnel (top) and center (bottom).
    • Try to cut as close to the edge of the funnel-shaped section as possible. If you turn the funnel upside down, it will otherwise not stay in place.
    • You can also use a sharp knife to cut away the funnel at the top, but be careful not to cut yourself. If you make the fly trap together with your children, it is better to use safe scissors.
  3. Turn the cut piece upside down. Stick it in the bottom half of the bottle. If you cut close enough to the edge of the funnel-shaped part, the cut part should stick to the inside of the bottle when you slide it in.
  4. Join the two cut edges of the pieces together. The simplest and most effective way is to staple the edges together. Don't just fix the bottle all around in three or four places, at equal distances from each other.
    • If you are making the fly trap with children, an adult must staple the two parts together. If you don't have a stapler, the following two options will work fine too.
    • Tape is another great option, but make sure to use water-resistant tape. Apply three or four pieces of tape around the bottle.
    • If you want to use superglue or regular glue, it will also need to be water resistant.Before sliding the funnel into the bottle, apply a thin layer of glue to the inside of the center of the bottle. Do this at the top, just below the cut edge. Then insert the funnel upside down into the bottle. Press the two parts together with your fingers and hold them until the glue dries.
  5. Make a melted sugar mixture. Pour five tablespoons of sugar into a pan and place the pan on the stove. Smooth the sugar so that there is an even layer on the bottom of the pan.
    • Pour enough water into the pan to cover the sugar completely. Slowly heat the mixture over medium heat until it boils.
    • Stir the mixture well. Dissolving sugar in hot or warm tap water gives you fresh water, but when you boil it you get a kind of syrup, a concentrated attractant. Leave the liquid in the pan until it cools from hot to warm.
  6. Scoop the liquid into the funnel-shaped end of the bottle with a spoon. Try to let it drip down the edges of the funnel so that the flies will stick right when they fly to the funnel.
  7. Use a different bait. Cut some apple wedges into pieces and push them through the hole in the funnel. A piece of raw meat will work just as well, as will a few tablespoons of old wine. You can also pour water into the bottle that you mixed sugar or honey in.
  8. Add vinegar. If you choose to use a liquid bait, add a few teaspoons of vinegar. Preferably use white vinegar. This keeps bees and other unwanted insects away from the trap.
  9. Place the bottle in a sunny spot. This will cause the fruit or flesh to rot, making it more likely that flies will smell the bait. Liquid bait will evaporate from the sun, creating a pheromone that attracts the flies to the trap. Admire your new fly trap as it catches flies.
  10. Breathe into the bottle several times. You will catch more flies this way, because insects are attracted to heat and carbon dioxide. You can also rub the bottle between your hands to warm it up.
  11. Discard the bottle. When you see a large number of flies in the trap, discard the bottle and make a new fly trap. The effects of the bait will eventually wear off and you will have to start over. Trying to empty the bottle will be difficult as the flies and bait will stick to the inside of the funnel. Do not grab dead flies with your hands.

Method 2 of 4: Using a can

  1. Find a suitable can. A standard can of dog food or a soup can is perfect. Remove the paper label and lid, and rinse the can with warm water. Dry the can before starting the next step.
  2. Cut strips of duct tape. Make the strips long enough so that you can wrap them around the can. Try not to touch or dirty the sticky sides. The trap will not work otherwise.
  3. Wrap the strips around the can. Push the duct tape firmly against the can with your hands. Gently rub the duct tape to transfer the glue to the surface of the can.
  4. Remove the strips of duct tape from the can. The surface of the can is now tacky. Gently touch the can to see how sticky it is. If the can is not very tacky, wrap new strips of duct tape around it and repeat the process.
  5. Stick a small flashlight to the bottom of a can lid. Stick the lid to the bottom of the flashlight. This way you make a bottom for the fly trap. This trap works best with a UV flashlight, as flies are mainly attracted to UV light.
  6. Put the can outside at night. Place the can upright so that the sticky surface is completely uncovered and you can catch flies with it. Turn on the flashlight and put it in the can. Make sure the flashlight is upright and you have inserted new batteries.
  7. Wait for the flies. They will be attracted to the light, but will stick to the sticky sides of the can.
  8. Replace the can. If you managed to catch flies with the can, you better throw it away afterwards. Wear gloves when handling the can so you don't have to touch the flies. It's best to put the can in a plastic bag before throwing it in the trash.

Method 3 of 4: Using a plastic or glass jar

  1. Find a small pot or container. This can be a glass jar (a jam jar) or a plastic container, such as a container where you put nuts or peanut butter. Remove the lid from the jar or container, if it has one.
  2. Pour vinegar into the jar. Buy a bottle of apple cider vinegar and pour a two to three centimeter layer into the jar. This will attract the flies to the pot.
  3. Pour dish soap into the vinegar. Add a few drops of dish soap or soap to the vinegar to break the surface tension. Otherwise, the flies can stand on their feet on the vinegar to drink it.
  4. Add fruit or raw meat. Instead of pouring a vinegar and dish soap mixture into the pot, you can use meat or fruit. Cut the meat or fruit you want to use into pieces and place it on the bottom of the pot. The smell of rotting food will attract the flies to the pot.
  5. Cover the jar with cling film. Tear off a piece of at least eight by eight centimeters. Press the foil firmly around the rim of the jar with your hands. If the foil does not stay in place, tape it with some pieces of tape or put a rubber band around the foil.
  6. Poke holes in the cling film. Use a toothpick, scissors, knife or something else to poke at least four small holes in the cling film. This way the flies can get into your trap.
  7. Place the trap outside. The flies enter the trap through the holes. However, it will be nearly impossible for them to escape because they cannot find the holes. They will also be tempted to eat whatever is in the pot.
  8. Kill the flies. Some flies will likely have died in the trap over time. However, some other flies will still be eating whatever you put in the jar. Take the pot inside and set it by the sink. Turn on the hot tap and make sure you have closed the drain with the sink plug. This way, your sink will fill with water. When the sink is full, put the pot in the sink for ten minutes. The flies will now drown.
  9. Discard the dead flies. Remove the cling film from the jar and throw it away. Put the jar in the trash can and hit it on the inside of the trash can. Continue this until all the flies are gone, as well as the mixture you put in the jar earlier.
  10. Disinfect the pot. You can do this by simply rinsing the jar with warm water and soap. You can also use certain safe chemicals to make sure the jar is clean and ready to be used again. After you have cleaned the jar, you can use it again to create a new trap.

Method 4 of 4: Making your own sticky flypaper

  1. Get a paper bag from the supermarket. Make sure you get a high bag because you want to be able to make long strips of sticky flypaper. Do not use plastic bags. The sticky mixture will not stick to plastic.
  2. Cut strips from the paper. Use scissors and cut strips about three by six inches. You will need about four or five of these strips. After cutting them out, lay them flat on the table.
  3. Poke holes in the strips. Using scissors or a knife, poke a hole about an inch from the end of the strip. Do this with each strip. You can also use a hole punch if you have one.
  4. Tie a string through the hole. Cut a piece of string or wire that is at least six inches long. You need a string for each strip. Thread the rope or thread through the hole and tie it in a knot.
  5. Make a sugar mixture. Place part water, part honey and part sugar in a saucepan. Place the saucepan on the stove and heat the mixture over medium heat until the ingredients are well blended together. Then let the mixture cool to room temperature.
  6. Immerse the strips in the mixture. Place the strips in the mixture to cover them with the syrup. Then place the strips on a baking tray and let them dry.
  7. Hang the strips. Find a nail or pushpin and hang the strips. You can hang them all together or spread them around your house. If you hang them close together, your fall will be more effective.
  8. Discard the paper. When the strips are covered in flies, just take them out and throw them in the trash. If for some reason the strips don't catch flies, chances are they don't have enough syrup on them. You can always make a new pan of syrup and dip the paper in again, or start all over and make new strips.


  • Instead of using the top half of the bottle as a funnel in the first method, you can also use a paper funnel. Simply turn a piece of printer paper so that it curls up in the shape of a funnel and insert it into the bottle.
  • Make sure you have put new batteries in your flashlight and that they are charged.
  • You can also use bug spray to kill the flies if you don't want to drown them in your sink (see method three).


  • Make sure to use safe chemicals when cleaning the can.
  • If you find that your traps are attracting dangerous insects, such as hornets, buy bug spray and kill them before heading to the trap.
  • This trap attracts flies. So make sure you place the trap at a reasonable distance from your dining table.