Stop a crashed program

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
New Safety Options in Studio One - No More Crashes?!
Video: New Safety Options in Studio One - No More Crashes?!


Sometimes a program just doesn't respond to a command and has to be forced to shut down. There are a few different ways to do this, depending on the severity of the crash and your operating system.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Using Task Manager (Windows)

  1. Keep Ctrl + Alt + Del pressed. This key combination opens a screen with four options: Lock, Other user, Sign out, change Password and Task management.
  2. Click Task Manager. Task Manager contains information about processes, programs and services currently running on your system.
  3. Switch to the Task Manager window. See you after clicking Task management If no window opens, it may be hidden behind the crashed program. Press at the same time Alt+Tab ↹ to switch to the Task Manager window.
    • In the future, fix this problem by clicking the Options tab in the top left corner of the Task Manager window, then make sure that Always on top is selected from the drop-down menu.
  4. Find and click on the program that no longer wants to respond. You can probably find the program under the heading Apps. In the column Status the crashed program is probably marked with the tag Not responding….
  5. Click End Task. When the program is selected, click on the button End task in the lower right corner of the Task Manager window. click on End the program in the pop-up window when prompted.

Resolving problems

  1. Click the Processes tab. When finishing the task from the Programs tab or list, you may need to stop the current process. In Windows 8, click More data at the bottom of the Task Manager window, around the tab Processes to be able to see.
  2. Find the process and click on it. There will be a lot more in the Processes list than in Programs, because the background processes are also indicated. You may have to do some searching to find your trial.
  3. Click End Process. Once you have found and selected the correct process, click End process at the bottom right of the Task Manager window.

Method 2 of 3: Using the Command Prompt (Windows)

  1. Open Command Prompt as an administrator. Press ⊞ Win and typ cmd. Right click on the icon Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator in the drop-down menu.
    • If prompted, select Yes in the pop-up window.
  2. Close the program. Type taskkill / im filename.exe at the command line and press ↵ Enter. Replace "file name" with the name of the program. For example, if you tried to quit iTunes, replace "filename" with "iTunes.exe".

Method 3 of 3: Using Force Quit (Mac)

  1. Open Force Quit. Press Command + Option + Escape to open the Force Quit window. You will see a list of all active programs.
  2. Force the program to close. Find the program that is no longer responding, select it and click the button Force stop at the bottom right of the window.


  • If none of these steps work, you may have to force the computer to restart. While you risk losing work, this may be your only option. Press and hold the power button until your computer turns off. After a few minutes, turn the computer back on.