Wearing a wedding ring

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Single People Wear Wedding Rings For A Week
Video: Single People Wear Wedding Rings For A Week


Have you recently gotten married? Congratulations! Now you may have a wedding ring and no idea how to wear it. Should you only wear the wedding ring or do you wear it next to your engagement ring? Maybe your job or hobby makes it unsafe to wear a ring. There are several ways to wear your wedding ring, and there are alternatives to the traditional wedding ring for those who cannot wear a ring. Try the suggestions below for tons of ways to wear your wedding ring.

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Method 1 of 2: Wearing a traditional wedding ring on your hand

  1. Wear your wedding ring on your ring finger. Your ring finger is the finger next to your little finger on your left. This tradition originated in ancient Rome, where it was believed that the vein in the ring finger ran directly to the heart. The Romans called this vein the "vena amoris," or vein of love, and wore their wedding ring on this finger as a sign of romance. This is a great reason to wear your wedding ring on your ring finger. Here are a few ways to do this:
    • Only place your wedding ring on your left ring finger.
    • Wear your wedding ring and engagement ring together in the order you got them. This means that you wear the diamond ring on the bottom and the wedding ring on top. This is the traditional way to wear rings, but it may not work for every ring style.
    • Wear both rings with your engagement ring on top. Maybe your rings look better this way or they fit better this way. Some people prefer to wear their rings this way because they feel that the wedding ring is so closer to the heart.
  2. Wear your wedding ring and engagement ring on different hands. Wear your wedding ring on your right hand and your engagement ring on the other, or vice versa. This is a less traditional way, but there are many good reasons to wear your rings this way. Here are a few things to consider:
    • This method may be more convenient for those with shorter fingers, or those who don't like to wear more than one ring on a finger.
    • This can be a great way to display your rings if you don't have a matching set or if your rings don't fit together properly.
    • You may like both rings so much that they should be visible separately and without distraction.
  3. Alternate between your wedding ring and engagement ring. While both rings are meant to be worn, and most women do, some choose not to wear them at the same time. Here are a few things to consider:
    • Maybe one of the rings is very expensive so you want to save it for special occasions.
    • Some people prefer to wear only one ring at a time, but still want to find a way to wear them both. Alternating rings can be a good compromise.
  4. Wear your wedding ring on whatever finger you want! You are now married, so you can make your own decisions about things like this! It's your ring, wear it however you want. Here are a few things to consider:
    • Engagement rings are usually worn on the ring finger of the left hand. Most of the people who wear their engagement rings adhere to this tradition.
    • Promise rings are often worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
    • While there may be an "official" way to wear your rings, it's the 21st century and you can decide for yourself. Your ring is beautiful and will look great no matter which finger you wear it on.

Method 2 of 2: Wear your wedding ring creatively

  1. Wear your wedding ring on a chain. This can be a great and safe solution to wear your ring if you have work or hobbies where it can get in the way. Hang your wedding ring on a beautiful chain and wear it as a pendant around your neck, close to your heart.
    • If it is dangerous to wear jewelry during work or other activities, wear your wedding ring as a choker.
    • This can be a safe way to wear your wedding ring when working with machines or diving or climbing rocks, where wearing your ring on your finger is impossible.
  2. Wear your wedding ring on a bracelet. Bracelets are another style of jewelry that is also often worn in place of traditional wedding rings. Bracelets give you more freedom to move your hands, without worrying about your ring getting stuck, damaged or broken. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to wear your wedding ring on a bracelet:
    • Bracelets can be extensively personalized. Try a precious metal charm bracelet and add gemstones that represent milestones in your marriage, such as your first year, fifth year, and so on. In this way, your wedding bracelet will become a collection of memories of your love.
    • Wedding bracelets may not be for everyone. If your bracelet is loose and dangling, you may still be in danger of getting stuck during work and other activities.
  3. Wear it like a piercing. In Indian cultures, it is traditional for couples to wear their wedding rings as a nose piercing. For those interested in Indian culture, or who love body piercing, this can be an elegant and unique way to wear your wedding ring.
  4. Wear a watch as a wedding ring. This is a common alternative for men. An expensive watch can be turned into a symbolic heirloom through extensive personalization. Here are a few things to consider:
    • Watches can be engraved with your wedding date, your partner's name, a romantic message, or whatever you prefer.
    • This option is very functional and stylish.
  5. Consider a wedding ring tattoo. This method takes all the hassle out of wearing a ring on your finger, and may be more comfortable for some. If you are thinking about getting a wedding ring tattoo, here are some things to consider:
    • There are numerous beautiful and elegant wedding ring tattoo styles that have become popular in recent times. You can get appropriate tattoos or create your own designs.
    • This way you never have to take off your wedding ring. How romantic?
    • A great tattoo idea is to use your wedding date and your partner's name.
  6. Wear a 100% silicone strap. If you like to wear your wedding ring but need to take it off for work or other things like exercise, this might be the perfect solution. Here are a few things to consider:
    • For people who cannot wear conductive metals at work, this type of ring can be a safe alternative to a wedding ring.
    • Because silicone bands are soft, they are safe alternatives to a wedding ring when exercising, playing hobbies, or when your wedding ring is uncomfortable or unsafe to wear.
  7. Come up with a personalized and creative way to wear your wedding ring. There are endless variations when it comes to wearing your wedding ring and expressing your sentiment to your partner. Couples looking for alternatives to the traditional way should think about their interests and what their partner would like most.
    • By looking for things that really stand out in your relationship, you can get the inspiration you need to choose the perfect wedding ring style and arrangement for yourself and your partner.


  • If you or your partner are from a religion or culture that traditionally does not wear wedding rings, you may feel more comfortable wearing your wedding rings on other fingers or as a necklace.
  • For people who are very active in their work and hobbies, it is better to choose silicone bands or rings that are thinner and rounded.
  • People who are allergic to certain metal alloys should invest in platinum. Its purity makes it hypoallergenic for most people.


  • Always take off your rings during activities to avoid injury! Unless you are wearing a 100% silicone band, take off your wedding rings and engagement rings for activities such as gardening, carrying heavy objects, exercising, or building.
  • Wearing a ring on your ring finger indicates that you are married. Keep in mind that if you choose not to wear a ring on your ring finger, some people will mistakenly assume that you are single.
  • The thumb, index and middle fingers are important to hand function, so avoid wearing rings on these fingers at all times.