Taking a step with a girl

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sam is taking the next step in the relation with Chloe.
Video: Sam is taking the next step in the relation with Chloe.


Taking a step with a girl can mean showing interest, asking someone out, or initiating physical contact. You can take a step by asking permission or by showing interest. Maybe you spontaneously try your luck on the dance floor, or you have dreamed of your best friend for years. No matter what kind of step you are going to take, a little pre-observation and thinking as you go for it will help to let things unfold naturally.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Take a step on a date

  1. Taking a step during a movie. Whether you're in the cinema or at home on the couch, a movie can be a great time to make physical contact. Grab her hand lightly. If she likes you, she will hold or squeeze your hand. If she doesn't like you, she'll take her hand away.
    • If she holds your hand or moves closer to you, you can put an arm around her and see how she responds. Ask if it's okay if you can't say what she wants.
  2. Try something when you say goodbye. Saying goodbye is a great time to take a step, as there is a quick exit strategy for both of you. This is probably the best move to make on a first date. Make sure it's clear you're leaving so she doesn't feel pressured. If you are driving, drop her off and walk her to the door. Make it clear that you don't expect to be invited in.
    • First, go for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. If she steps back, hugs you briefly and then quickly lets go, or otherwise seems uninterested, thank her for the fun night and leave. If she holds you, gets closer, or offers you her lips, kiss her.
  3. Try something on a walk. If the two of you are on a date and are on a walk together, or you are moving from one place to another, you can initiate some public intimacy with a low stakes. Try to hold hands, put one arm around her shoulders or waist, or just touch her arm. She'll likely distance herself if she's uncomfortable with it, but just ask to be on the safe side.

Method 2 of 4: Taking a step during a party or a dance evening

  1. Talk to her. If the volume permits, start a conversation.If it's definitely too loud to talk, you can at least try to be humorous. If you get along well, ask her to go outside or find a quieter place. What you are talking about is not that important. Make sure to ask lots of questions so she gets talking. If you're talking most of the time, she'll probably think you like yourself more than her.
  2. Ask her to dance. If you like to dance, or don't mind dancing, you can ask while the music is fast. In the beginning dance casually and separately. You can offer to spin or otherwise dance her while touching her in a friendly manner after a song. When the music gets slow, put out your arms or ask her to dance.
    • If you can't dance, or if you've talked and feel ready, ask her to dance to a slow song together.
    • You can hold her close to you during a slow song, as long as she feels comfortable. However, don't push or impose her on you. Ask if it's okay when you've found a dance pose.
    • If the dance is going well, you can try moving your face close to hers and wait for her response.
    • Don't grab her on a whim. Even if she likes you, she may not like getting shamelessly physical in public.
    • Ask first. Don't just start dancing with someone you don't know.
  3. Ask her if she wants a drink or a snack. Parties can be difficult to navigate. Skilfully getting something she wants will make you appear competent and considerate. Unless you actually already know what she wants, you should ask first. Giving someone a drink she doesn't want can make her feel pressured or misunderstood.
  4. Try to relax. You don't have to go physically right away. Have a chat and leave a good impression. Ask for her number or give her yours. If you are nervous, talk to your friends or remind yourself that you are under no obligation to score. Do not drink to counteract the nerves, otherwise you will only get nervous and drunk.

Method 3 of 4: Pick up a girlfriend

  1. Look for signs of romantic interest. While there's no definitive way to know what she feels about you without explicitly asking, you can get a better sense of how she's feeling by paying attention to how she behaves around you.
    • Notice how she normally dresses compared to how she dresses when the two of you spend time alone. If she dresses up when she's with you, she may be attracted to you.
    • Notice if she leans towards you when she says something and if she touches your arm or leg when talking to you. These are possible signs that she is flirting.
    • If she always chooses to sit on the other side of the couch or pulls away from you when you try to hug her or dance with her, she probably isn't interested.
    • Pay attention to how she looks at you. Is she smiling at you? Do you see her looking at you when you are in a group?
    • Does she laugh at your jokes when other people don't? She may be smiling because she likes you and your crazy mannerisms cheer her up.
    • Notice if she wants to be alone with you. If she wants you to try to hook up with her, she will suggest doing things where the two of you can be alone.
    • If she only wants to spend time with you when others are around, she might prefer your friendship to remain as it is.
  2. If in doubt, ask. With a girlfriend, you really don't want to ruin it by appearing too bright. As your girlfriend, she cares about you, and she may be afraid of hurting your feelings. If the signals don't tell you whether or not she likes you, ask before taking the next step.
    • Asking can be just as fun and sexy as just going for it. Enjoy the awkwardness. Ask in person or write a note.
    • You can say one of the following: "I think about you a lot. I like you. I'm trying to find out if you like me too, or if you're just a really good friend. It's cool either way, but if you like me, let's go out. "
    • Compliment her. Go romantic rather than sexual because you don't want to make her feel uncomfortable if she just wants to be friends. Say she has beautiful eyes, a good sense of humor, and something special about her that you just can't put into words.
    • Be prepared for a yes! Have a plan for the date. Ask her about a nice place where you can be alone without the rest of your friends showing up or coming along.
  3. Don't worry about the "Friendship Zone." The "Friendship Zone" is an idea created by boys to scare other boys. It has nothing to do with how girls really feel. You don't have to rush it - once you know you like a girl you can either take a step or tell her how you feel about her.
  4. Make a move that feels natural. Once you've established that she's attracted to you, the next step may come on its own. However, if you feel the need to plan something, try expanding one of your normal friendly interactions. Sometimes friends who are attracted to each other develop weird physical habits, such as always hugging more than necessary, or giving each other massages, or struggling. If you do something like that, try to stop and make eye contact.
    • If you are always cuddling, decorate her by holding her. If she stiffens or distances herself, let her go. If she gets closer or holds you tighter, you can try to kiss her.
    • Check what she thought afterwards. If you went for physical contact, make sure she agreed with it enthusiastically.

Method 4 of 4: Determine if your feelings are being answered

  1. Confirm that she is able to consent. Consent means she can legally consent to sexual activity. Sexual activity includes anal, vaginal and oral sex, as well as touching, watching porn, kissing, or showing parts of your body. She can only give consent if she is sober, awake, and mentally able. A person who is drunk, high, unconscious, or mentally incapacitated cannot give consent.
    • Consent must be given voluntarily. Someone who is under pressure cannot give consent. If she's afraid of you, or if someone else is pressuring her, or if you're older, or if you have any power over her, she can't give consent.
    • If you are more than two years older or younger than the girl, it may be against the law if you try to hook up with her or if she tries to hook up on you.
    • Check the age of consent laws in your country before trying to hit on someone who is not your age.
  2. Find out if the other person is enthusiastic. Once she has verbally consented (from "yes!" To "absolute! Yes! All the way! That's what I want!"), Check for physical signs and listen to her tone of voice. She should initiate physical activity, respond to your touch, and appear relaxed and excited. If she doesn't respond, she may not really feel like it. If she turns around or moves away from you in some way, she may indicate that she doesn't feel like it.
    • Stop immediately if you notice any evidence that she is withdrawing her consent.
    • If she hesitates but says she's ready, take it slow.
    • Make it a game. Take turns touching, or let her tell you what to do.
  3. Get permission for each step. Before you kiss, touch, or otherwise attempt to seduce someone, ask if they want you to do it. This can be uncomfortable, but it can also be fun and save both of you from a really bad experience. Once you know she likes you, you can ask in a sexy way.
    • For example, say something like "Can I kiss you?", "May I hold you?" Or "I would like to touch you there. Would you like that?'
    • Remember that consent can be withdrawn at any time. If she said "yes" to one thing, it doesn't mean "yes" or "yes" to everything every time. Keep checking this.
  4. Ask what she thinks about a step if you took it. If you've done something new, ask how it feels. Say "does that feel right?" Or "do you like that" or "should I keep going?" Even if you're doing something you've done before, it's good to check. Something that feels right one day may not feel right the next.
  5. Distance yourself if she says "no" or doesn't seem enthusiastic. Accept no for an answer. If she says no, then stop. If she says something like "not now" or "maybe later", it also means "no." Stop if she doesn't consent.
    • Once you've taken your step, and she's not encouraging you, stop. She will tell you if she changes her mind.


  • Remember, if she wants you to make a move, she will make it as easy as possible for you to make it. If you find yourself unable to find the "right" moment even after multiple dates, it may be because she's trying to prevent the moment from happening.
  • Only do what feels natural. Don't try to plan in advance what you're going to do, just go with the flow. If you feel uncomfortable with a particular step, it will show.