Picking up a puppy

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


You should always be careful when picking up a puppy to hold it. They, like babies, can be easily injured. In addition, you also need to know what to do when you pick up a puppy to take it home to live with you. Either way, you'll find everything you need to do in this article.

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Method 1 of 4: Picking up and holding a puppy properly

  1. Place one hand under your puppy's chest. Start using your hand to support the puppy's chest, where the rib cage is located. You can also use your forearm once you've picked up the puppy. You need to enter from the side and place your hand between the dog's front legs.
  2. Support the back. When you lift the puppy, use your other hand to support the back. In other words, your other hand or arm should be under the puppy's hind legs and buttocks.
  3. Pick up the puppy. Once your hands are in position, lift the puppy. Make sure you keep supporting both the chest and the tailbone while you hold it. However, you can place an arm under the rump and an arm around the torso, and pull the puppy towards you once you have it at chest level. Hold the puppy close to your body and not away from you as it may squeeze out of your arms.
  4. Place the puppy in the same way. When you put the puppy back on the ground, make sure to support the puppy's chest and tailbone. Also, never drop the puppy. Gently lower it all the way to the ground.
  5. Never grab a puppy by its neck or tail. You may know not to pull a puppy's tail or pick it up that way, but you shouldn't do that by the puppy's neck, even if you hold it by its scruff. You could injure or even kill the puppy. Also, do not try to pick up the dog by the paw, as you could hurt the paw.

Method 2 of 4: Training a puppy to be happy to be held

  1. Sit with your puppy on your lap. A good way to get your puppy used to you is to sit on the floor and put the puppy on your lap. If you cannot sit on the floor, sit in a chair and put the puppy on your lap.
    • Try to hold the collar so that it does not run away. You can just put a finger in the collar.
  2. Calm the puppy. Stroke the puppy's head. Gently pat the puppy's head. Also pat his chest gently. Another good place to pet is at the base of the ears.
    • You can also speak to your puppy in a calming voice and tell him that everything is fine, that he is safe and comfortable.
    • Continue your soothing pats and talks until the puppy is completely relaxed.
  3. Turn him over on his back. Once your puppy is relaxed, you can turn him over onto his back while he is still on your lap. Gently pat his tummy in circular motions, making sure you are not too rough. You can also stroke where the thigh meets the abdomen.
    • Start with short sessions first, under five minutes. Get your puppy used to it.
    • After your puppy has been able to relax, lengthen the time he spends on your lap each time.
    • Never force the puppy to lie on its back. If he's squirming, he's probably uncomfortable. If this happens, have the puppy change position.
  4. Let other people pick him up. You don't want the puppy to hang out with you alone. You should also let him associate with other members of the family. Also, try to allow everyone who comes to visit to interact with your puppy by picking it up and holding it for a few minutes.
    • Teach them how to calm the puppy so that he feels safe in that person's arms.
    • Getting your dog to interact with different people will help when you take him out in public as he will be less wary of strangers. It also helps if you go to the vet, because your puppy is used to being restrained by strangers.
  5. Hold the puppy even if he struggles. If you let go of the puppy when he struggles, he'll learn that's the way to get on the floor. Therefore, if your pup struggles during a cuddle session, hold on. Place the puppy with its back to your stomach so it doesn't bite you in the face. Keep one hand on his stomach, press him against you, and the other hand on the collar.
    • Hold the puppy in this position until it calms down and then try to pet it again.
    • However, you don't want friends or family who come to visit to have a hard time with your pup.
  6. Try it with kibble. Another way to promote intercourse is the use of food. When it's time for the puppy's meal, have someone touch an ear or paw, for example, and then give the puppy a piece of his food. The puppy will associate touching with positive reinforcement.

Method 3 of 4: Picking up a puppy from a shelter or store

  1. Make a label and put it in a collar. Include a label with your contact information on it. Bring a suitable collar. You can put the collar on when you go to pick up the puppy. If the puppy escapes on the way home, at least your details will be on it.
  2. Make sure you have a travel basket with you. While it is tempting to just keep a puppy on your lap, a puppy is safest to travel in a carrier or dog crate. If it fits in your car, you can use a crate that you can use to confine your puppy at home. If not, consider a smaller carrier to keep your puppy safe.
    • Place a towel or blanket in the carrier for your puppy. It can help the puppy to feel more comfortable, although keep in mind that he may relieve himself on the way home.
  3. Take someone with you. If you are bringing a dog home, it may be helpful to bring someone else with you. That way, you or that person can sit in the back with the puppy on their way home.
  4. Ask for a feeding schedule. When you arrive at the place where you are going to pick up your puppy, ask when the puppy will normally be fed and how much. You should also ask what kind of food he is eating. When the puppy is home, try to stick to the same schedule and feed the puppy to make it less confusing for him.
  5. Fill out the paperwork. For adoptions and the purchase of dogs, you will need to fill out some paperwork. You also need the registration of the dog. You will probably also have to pay a fee before you leave.
  6. Place your puppy in the carrier. When you've filled out all the paperwork, it's time to take your pup home. Place the puppy in the carrier you brought with you and make sure the puppy can sit or stand in it.
  7. Have someone sit in the back with him. Have the person you brought sit with the puppy. Also keep things calm. For example, don't put on music, but let everything be calm and calm for the puppy.
    • If the puppy starts howling, the person sitting with him can hold his or her hand against the gate or speak to the puppy in a soothing voice.
  8. Secure the carrier. For a small travel basket, it is best to place it on the floor behind your seat, as buckling the basket in the event of a collision can cause problems. If the carrier is larger, put it in the back seat. The rear of an SUV is not a good option, as that spot is often considered a "crumple zone" upon impact, meaning that it is the place that designers allow crumple to protect passengers.

Method 4 of 4: Preparing your home for a puppy

  1. Make sure your house is ready. Puppies can and will get into anything. That's why you need to make sure your house is ready before you bring your dog home. That way you protect your new puppy as well as your home.
    • For example, you can start by demarcating the places where the dog will come with the help of baby gates. You may not want your puppy to be in carpeted areas because, for example, you need to make sure he is house trained first.
    • Move all dangerous objects away. Remove or store any chemicals that the puppy could get on. Remove plants, carpets and other things that could destroy or damage the puppy.
    • Tape off all electrical parts so your puppy can't chew on them.
  2. Have all supplies ready. Before you pick up your dog, make sure you have everything a dog needs at home. You will need a food bowl, water bowl, leash, toys, and crate if you plan to crate your dog. A dog bed or blanket especially for your dog is also a good idea.
  3. Discuss the house rules. That is, decide who feeds him and when. Also decide who exhausts him and cleans up his mess. Also make sure to determine which rooms the puppy is allowed to enter.
    • It is also important to determine which commands you will use. You don't want one person to say "Sit!" And the other person to say "Butt Down!" For the same action, because that is only confusing for the dog. Print out a list of commands and put it on the fridge for everyone to remember.
  4. Get the crate ready. Benchen give dogs a place that they have for themselves. In addition, a crate can help train your puppy. If you decide to purchase a crate, have it ready before your puppy gets home.
    • Choose a crate that is large enough for your dog to grow up in. When your dog is fully grown, he should be able to stand, stretch and sit in the crate.