Create a professional looking brochure

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make a Brochure in PowerPoint / Print Ready design
Video: How to make a Brochure in PowerPoint / Print Ready design


When creating a brochure for your company, it is important that it looks professional. Your brochure is often the first impression your company makes and you naturally want a brochure that conveys that you should be taken seriously. If you need help achieving a professional look, use wikiHow.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Using the best tools

  1. Do your research. You have already found this article, which means that you are already doing your research. Which is good! Check out some sites where you can find brochure designs so you can see other brochures that look good. Check out what works and what doesn't and explore how you can use that information to create your own brochure.
  2. Get good software. You will want to use a program that has the functionality to design a brochure. If you do some cobbling together in Microsoft Word, it will just look bad and it will send your clients the wrong message. Good programs include Adobe InDesign, Scribus and Microsoft Publisher.
  3. Know how to use the software. Research what functionalities the software has so that you can use the program correctly and efficiently. Take the time to tinker with the program and try out the different functionalities. You can find video tutorials for the program on websites such as YouTube.
  4. Use good templates. You will probably start using a template often, but make sure you choose a good template. Do not use the templates that come standard with a program like Publisher. Instead, download unique templates from special websites.
  5. Hire a professional. The best choice is of course to hire a professional. You should have your brochure printed at a print shop or print shop (a brochure printed at home never looks professional) and they often offer professional services to help you design a good brochure. Spend extra money to give your brochure a professional look.

Part 2 of 4: Creating the layout

  1. Use the rule of thirds. According to the rule of thirds, people like to look at things divided into three parts. Brochures are often already divided into three vertical parts, but you can also divide them into three horizontal parts. Add text or images to divide some of the pages into three parts.
  2. Keep the text legible. Don't use text with a very small font size, or choose a lot of different fonts. Use up to two or maybe three fonts. The text should be easy to read, so use a font size of 14 points or more.
  3. Streamline the information. Think carefully about which information you want to include in your brochure and where that information should be placed. The information should be logically structured and you should only include information that is absolutely necessary. For example, don't spend two pages describing your background and just one page describing the services your company offers.
  4. Keep it simple. The design should be kept as simple as possible. Do not use more text or images than absolutely necessary. Do not use a patterned background or other elements that make the brochure look busy. A simple, modern look is important.

Part 3 of 4: Determining the colors

  1. Avoid very detailed or many images. It's okay to use images in your brochure, but keep this to a minimum. If you have a lot of very detailed images, your brochure can be very expensive and difficult to print. Your brochure is then also very busy to look at. Make sure your brochure is calm for your customers to look at and keep it simple.
  2. In particular, use colors with a high contrast. Your background should generally be a light or white color, and your text should be very dark or black. You can invert the colors, but then you have to make the text bigger. It is more difficult to read light-colored text on a dark background.
  3. Use some bright accent colors. Most of your brochure should consist of muted colors. In addition, use some bright accent colors to go one step further and make your brochure more interesting.
  4. Match the colors to your company. The colors you use in the brochure (less than 4 main colors, including the background and the text) must match the image and purpose of your company. Use colors that match your logo, or at least colors that match the images you used in your brochure.

Part 4 of 4: Choosing the materials

  1. Use high quality materials. Do not use your own printer and standard printer paper if you also have other options. Home printers often produce low-quality prints where the final result is not razor-sharp. If you go to a print shop, you can choose a higher quality paper that looks neat and clean. Talk to the printer to find out what's the best option for you and what's affordable for you.
  2. Opt for glossy paper. Slightly glossy paper can give a dull brochure a smooth, professional look. Discuss with the printer what options there are and what is affordable for you.
  3. Try a non-traditional shape. If you really have the money to do it, you can have a brochure made in a special shape that fits your design exactly. This option is the most professional and unique. For example, you can choose a triptych where the pages are not all the same height or you can have a diptych made with a rounded back. The possibilities are endless.
  4. Communicate with the printer. If you want the end product to look great, it's best to keep communicating with your printer all the time. He or she has experience and can give you advice, but you also need to talk to him or her and help the other see your vision. Good luck!


  • Printer
  • Ink
  • A suitable image
  • A4 size paper
  • A computer