Wash a fluff blanket

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024


Blankets made of fluffy fabrics such as fleece have a luxurious feel, but keeping them that way requires special care. Most blankets can be safely washed in the washing machine on a gentle cycle with warm water and regular detergent. If you need to let your blanket dry, put it in the tumble dryer on a low setting, or hang it up to air dry if possible. Keeping your blanket away from high temperatures and harsh chemicals such as bleach will help maintain its soft texture.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Cleaning your blanket

  1. Follow the care instructions on the label or label. Before washing your blanket, read the directions on the label to find out how best to do this. Most manufacturers provide specific cleaning and care instructions for their blankets designed to keep them soft and comfortable for years to come.
    • For example, the care instructions on a synthetic blanket may indicate a maximum heat setting, while blankets in vibrant colors or patterns may require a certain type of detergent.
    • If no care instructions came with your blanket, you can look up tips online on how to wash the fabric safely.
  2. Wash your blanket on a gentle program. Adding your blanket to the rest of your laundry can strip it of its softness and this will also happen when you wash delicate fabrics with more aggressive wash cycles. During the gentle cycle, the machine's agitator will slowly swing your blanket back and forth and clean it without roughening it.
    • An additional advantage of the gentle wash program is that it is shorter than the other programs, which means you can be back under your favorite blanket in less time.
  3. Use a normal detergent. Use a normal strength liquid detergent without additives such as bleach, fabric softeners or perfumes. You only need to add a small amount - excess detergent will not always rinse out and can coat the fibers of your blanket, making them feel sticky.
    • Most fleece blankets are stain resistant, so a basic soap and water combination is usually more than enough to get them nice and clean.
    • Fabric softeners can damage fabrics treated with water-resistant finishes, so it's best to avoid these products.

Part 2 of 3: Let your blanket dry

  1. Hang your blanket to dry so that its softness is preserved. If you have a clothesline or drying rack, stretch the damp blanket over the top and let it air dry naturally. You can also place a freshly washed blanket on your bed or on an ironing board and leave it overnight. Undoubtedly, this is the best way to dry fabrics such as fleece, as it restores them to their original softness without the risk of heat-related accidents.
    • It can take up to 24 hours for a wet blanket to dry completely.
    • Turn on your ceiling fan or place your blanket in front of a portable fan or air conditioner to circulate some extra air around it.
  2. Make sure to use a low temperature. If your dryer has adjustable heat settings, choose the lowest. A little heat will help to shake up a lifeless blanket, but too much can cause it to shrink. You can scorch synthetic fabrics like polyester and acrylic at higher temperatures if you're not careful.
    • A low temperature will take longer to completely dry your blanket, but it is the best way to keep it looking and feeling like new.
    • If you prefer, you can throw a tumble dryer towel with your blanket to give it a fresh and clean scent. While you shouldn't actually be using liquid fabric softeners, tumble dryers won't damage delicate fabrics like fleece.

Part 3 of 3: Taking care of your fluff blanket

  1. Do not iron the blanket. If using a high temperature in the dryer is a no-go, ironing is absolutely out of the question. Irons can easily burn or even melt the loose fibers of your blanket. Even when the iron is not turned on, it is heavy enough to increase the chances of felting and lint.
    • To smooth out wrinkles after the blanket has dried, fold it up and drape it over the back of your couch or place it on the bottom of a stack of other blankets.
  2. Stay away from bleach and other harsh chemicals. Bleach is very abrasive and can make your favorite blanket feel abrasive and brittle over time. It can also ruin the paint used to color the fabric. Fortunately, most newer types of fleece have stain-resistant properties, which means that bleaching is generally not necessary.
    • If you need a powerful solution for dirt or discoloration, go for alternatives such as white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or oxygen-based cleaning products.
  3. Remove lint with a disposable razor. With frequent washing, the fibers of your blanket can build up, creating small balls known as "fluff". An easy way to get rid of fluff is to lightly run a disposable razor over the surface of the blanket. The blades shave off the annoying lumps and your blanket becomes soft and smooth again.
    • Be careful not to press too hard with the razor or you could accidentally cut or scrape the fabric.
    • A razor can work wonders on light lint, but it may not be as effective against felting and other texture imperfections.


  • Before putting them away, fold a tumble dryer towel into your clean blankets so they smell nice while in the closet.


  • Failure to follow the care instructions for your blanket can cause permanent damage to its color or texture.


  • Washing machine
  • Dryer
  • Ordinary laundry detergent
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Paper towel
  • Clothesline (optional)
  • Drying rack (optional)
  • Dryer cloths (optional)