Have a girl

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun (Official Video)
Video: Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun (Official Video)


If you've got your heart set on having a baby girl, you're not alone. Plenty of couples prefer the sex of their future baby, and resort to gender selection to "balance" their family — especially if the family has only been able to conceive a sex so far. Read on to learn what you can do to increase your chances of conceiving a girl.

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Part 1 of 3: The diet

Dietary changes can dramatically increase or decrease the chances of you conceiving a girl. The uterus pH and mineral values ​​can be adjusted through the diet, making it either more or less "friendly" to the X chromosome of sperm.

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Dutch research on female fertility has shown that couples who followed a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and rice in the nine weeks before conception were more likely to conceive a girl than couples who did not. Scientists believe that the high amounts of calcium and magnesium in these foods were the deciding factor (the women were also given nutritional supplements of these minerals).
    • Of the 32 couples who followed the diet, as many as 26 gave birth to a girl, compared to only 6 boys.
  2. Avoid foods that are high in sodium and potassium. These minerals are recommended for women who would like to conceive a baby boy. So if you're hoping for a little princess, don't eat bananas and salty foods a few weeks before conception.
    • Other foods that are high in potassium are salmon, mushrooms, yogurt, acorn squash, white beans, and baked potatoes.

Part 2 of 3: When and how to get pregnant

  1. Use positions where penetration is shallow. It is believed that sperm with the Y chromosome are faster, but sperm with the X chromosome have more stamina. To increase the chance that sperm with the X chromosome will reach the egg first, you should therefore make the distance to it as large as possible.Some doctors recommend that the man withdraw at the time of conception (without completely leaving the vagina, of course) so that he ejaculates as close to the vaginal opening as possible.
    • The missionary position, and woman-on-top are best for conceiving a girl; positions with deep penetration (such as doggy-style) should be avoided.
  2. Try to get pregnant 3-4 days before ovulation. Scientists believe that timing is extremely important in determining the sex of the baby. Chart your ovulation, and free on those days to increase the chances of having a girl.
    • You can chart your ovulation in several ways. The most accurate way to do this is with an ovulation kit. You can also predict the margins by counting back 12-16 days from the date your most recent period started. Obviously, this method only works for women who have regular cycles.
    • Mapping ovulation can also increase the chances of getting pregnant at all (regardless of the baby's gender). This is because women are most fertile in the few days before ovulation.
  3. Don't cum during sex. Sounds nice, doesn't it, ladies? Joking aside, orgasms temporarily cause the vagina to become more alkaline. This makes the vagina more receptive to sperm with the Y chromosome. Sperm with the X chromosome, on the other hand, thrive in a more acidic environment.

Part 3 of 3: Guarantee of success

  1. Choose IVF (in vitro fertilization). This treatment allows physicians to create and identify embryos of a specific gender, enabling gender selection for unborn babies. The procedure is expensive and invasive and raises an ethical dilemma. In fact, this use is prohibited in some countries. In certain countries, including the Netherlands, exceptions may only be made if there is a medical basis for this, such as gender-specific hereditary diseases.
    • This treatment works by determining the sex of the embryo in the lab, even before it is inserted into the uterus - and is therefore 100% effective.
  2. Consider adoption. If you've set your sights on a girl but can't conceive one of your own, consider adopting an unwanted girl who is looking for a loving home. If you are going to adopt, make sure you take the time and find a child who is a good fit for your family. Adoption agencies look for parents who are stable, reliable, and flexible, and who can take care of their children.
    • Determine whether you are going for a domestic or an international adoption. Keep in mind the costs of the adoption, as well as the waiting time, the medical and family history of the child, and the cost of living.
    • The waiting time will depend on several factors, such as the adoption program you choose and whether you choose a domestic or foreign adoption.


  • To maximize the chances of conceiving a girl, consider combining multiple methods. For example, change your diet and choose the recommended sex positions.
  • Women who achieved results through a modified diet were carefully monitored by scientific researchers. The researchers prescribed diets, monitored their mineral values, and prescribed supplements where necessary. If you want to ensure the effectiveness of these methods, consider hiring a dietitian.


  • Talk to your doctor first if you are going to make any drastic changes to your diet (such as taking new supplements). This way you can be sure that they are safe and will not interfere with the effects of other medications you are taking. The doctor can also reassure you that the changes will not affect any pre-existing conditions.