Seducing a girl who is busy

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hot Girl Becomes Obsessed With Her Teacher And Tries To Seduce Him
Video: Hot Girl Becomes Obsessed With Her Teacher And Tries To Seduce Him


If the girl you like already has a boyfriend, it can become difficult to date her. You are more likely to get hurt than if she were single, and you'll also have to prepare for possible revenge from her current boyfriend. If you really like her and want to give it a chance anyway, weigh the risks and the possibilities first. And if it works, realize that you will have to work hard to make your relationship work!

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Method 1 of 3: Determine your options

  1. Ask yourself why you want her so badly. Before taking any steps, ask yourself why you would hunt someone who is already in a relationship. Do you seriously care about this girl and genuinely want the best for her? Do you really think she would be happier with you than her current boyfriend? If not, stop and seriously consider whether it's really such a good idea to try seducing her.
    • For example, if you just want to conquer her because you're looking for a challenge, or because you want to take her current boyfriend in return, it probably won't be a happy and lasting relationship.
  2. Find out if she is happy in the relationship she is in now. Be reasonable: the chances that you will conquer her if she is head over heels in love with her current boyfriend is not that great. But if you think she might be fed up with her relationship, or if it looks like he isn't treating her right, then you might have a shot. Try to find out what she thinks about her current relationship without being too obvious.
    • If you have a chance, try to pay attention to how she and her boyfriend are together. Is there a lot of tension between them or are there awkward silences? Does he snarl at her or treat her in a disparaging way? Or do you see them laughing, joking and touching and caressing each other all the time?
    • It can also be helpful to talk to one of her best friends about how her relationship is doing.

    Tip: Even if you think her current relationship is awful, don't expect her to break up just like that. It can be very difficult to end an unhealthy relationship.

  3. Look for signs that they are is interested in you. If the girl you like doesn't like you at least a little bit, you're not going to make any quick progress. Before doing anything, look for signs that the attraction is mutual. Note whether they:
    • Make a lot of eye contact when you talk to her.
    • Lots of laughs and smiles when you are together.
    • Looking for opportunities to be near you.
    • Easy to talk to you.
    • You often touch.
  4. Stop if you think you are incapable of maintaining a complicated relationship. Dating a girl who already has a boyfriend at this point is guaranteed to cause a lot of problems right from the start of your relationship. Before you attempt anything, consider:
    • Are you prepared for the pain your actions are likely to cause for her current boyfriend, but possibly also for yourself and her?
    • Are you sure that you will be able to build a relationship with her that is stronger than the one she has now?
    • If she's willing to leave her current boyfriend for you now, are you prepared for her to break up with you in the future, for someone else?

Method 2 of 3: Start a relationship

  1. Spend time with her as a friend. Before doing anything, take a moment to get to know the girl better. That way, you will not only give her the chance to get used to you, but you will also be able to better determine whether it is indeed worthwhile to hunt her and, with all the risks involved, to start a relationship with her. Try to find opportunities to be around her and do fun things together without immediately having romantic expectations.
    • First, invite her over with some other friends so she'll feel more comfortable. That way, she won't feel like you want to ask her for a date right away.
    • For example, you can first ask her if she wants to go to a party or to a movie night with a group of others.

    Tip: you may fear that you will never get beyond the so-called "friendship zone," but research has shown that friendship is, in fact, a very good basis for a relationship. Don't be afraid to be a regular friend to her first, before moving on and taking steps to start a love affair with her!

  2. Treat her with respect. Remember, this girl is human just like you, and not just a potential conquest. Take her and the fact that she's already in a relationship seriously. If she doesn't seem comfortable with anything you do, whatever it is, respect her boundaries and distance yourself.
    • For example, if she says, "Hey, I don't like it when you embarrass my friend like that," don't argue. Just apologize and stop.
  3. Give her all your attention when you are together. Let her know that you value and appreciate her by showing a genuine interest in her when you are with her. Contribute to the conversation yourself, but let her do the talking most of the time. When she says something, ask her a question about it so that she sees that you are actively listening to what she has to say.
    • For example, if she says she would like to be a doctor, don't just say, "Oh, cool," and then talk about something else. Ask her something like, "How did you actually get interested in medicine?"
    • Don't try to plan what to say for the entire conversation. Instead, listen carefully to what she says and respond to it.
    • When you're together, put away your phone and other things that might distract you.
  4. Gradually tell a little more about yourself. If you can allow yourself to be more vulnerable with her, the girl you like will have a better idea of ​​who you are and where you are from. Telling her a little more about yourself can also show her that you trust her and feel comfortable with her.
    • For example, you could share a secret with her, admit a blunder, or show her that you dare to take risks by trying something new.
    • Don't be afraid to show her some of your sensitive side. For example, if you're watching a pathetic movie together and you get a little sentimental, don't try to hide it from her!
  5. Flirt a little with her if she doesn't seem to have a problem with that. If she seems comfortable with you and appreciates your company, try flirting with it a little. Don't forget to make eye contact and smile a lot while talking to her. You can also flirt with her in the following ways:
    • By making fun of her and teasing her in a playful way. If you're trying to tease her, do it in a benign, light-hearted way. Don't say anything mean or mock her as a person.
    • By acting confidently. Sit up straight and speak in a clear, strong voice. Keep your body language open and relaxed when you are with her.
    • By drawing attention to your mouth. This may sound strange, but making her notice your lips can make her wonder what it would be like to kiss you. Smile a lot and touch her chin every now and then. When you have a drink, hold your glass up to your mouth for a few seconds longer than you normally would.
  6. Show her that you would be a good boyfriend. If you want to conquer a girl who is already in a relationship, you will have to make sure that you are more attractive to her than her current boyfriend. Don't try to do exactly the way he does because you think that's what she likes. Instead, just try to be the best version of yourself with her. If you know there is something she's not getting in her current relationship, try to show her that you can give her those things.
    • For example, you may have noticed that her current boyfriend never jokes with her. If you are naturally funny, make sure your funny side shines. Chances are, she enjoys being around someone who can make her laugh.
    • If her current boyfriend isn't very interested in her hobbies, show her that you are different by asking her questions or finding ways to get involved in her activities. For example, you can say, "Oh, so you like board games? I've wanted to go for so long Catan play. Maybe we can give it a try! "
  7. Show your interest in her with subtle hints. Once you've gotten the chance to spend time with her and be closer to her, subtly try to let her know that you would like to be more than friends. Don't pressure her or expect it to be reciprocated right away; just let her know what you are feeling and give her a chance to respond.
    • If you want to give subtle hints, you can give her sincere compliments. For example, say, "Wow, Charlotte, you look so good today!" Or say something like, "When I see you, my whole day is always good right away!"
    • You can also show her that you are attracted to her by gently touching her. For example, you can put your hand on her shoulder or touch her hand briefly while you are talking to her. Just be careful to only do this if she doesn't seem to have any problems with it.
    • If you're not very good at giving subtle hints and you're pretty sure she's interested in you too, you could just say what you're feeling directly to her. Keep in mind that this can be a rather risky step!

    Let her take the next step. If you're reasonably sure she knows you're interested in her, it's up to her to take the next step. If she wants something to happen, she might ask if you'd like to do something alone with her, or tell you directly how she feels about you.

    • Don't pressure her! Even if she's interested in you, the situation is tricky enough as she will have to choose between you and her current boyfriend. Chances are she will feel guilty and uncomfortable if you push too hard.

Method 3 of 3: Make the relationship work

  1. If you do start dating, continue to treat her with kindness and respect. If you do manage to start a relationship with her, you will have to keep working hard. Remember, she made a very big decision when she decided to partner with you even though she was already in a relationship. Let her know that it has been worthwhile by treating her right and being there for her.
    • Let her know you care by being very considerate and compassionate. For example, ask her how she's doing when you know she's having a hard time, and do your best to really listen to her when she wants to talk.
    • Show genuine interest in her as a person. Talk to her about her interests, dreams and future expectations, and do the things she likes with her.
  2. Give her time to get over the end of her previous relationship. No matter how it happened, ending a relationship is almost always difficult. Also understand that if she only broke up with her previous boyfriend in order to start dating you, she will likely need some time to put her feelings into place before she can move on with you.
    • Don't try to rush or pressure her to get over it until she's ready.
    • You may not want to hear about the feelings she had or still have for her ex, but don't forget that you will have to support her if you want to be a good partner for her. Listen to her if she wants to talk about it and offer her a shoulder to cry on if she needs to.
  3. Do your best to keep the relationship fun. If she left her previous relationship because she was bored, you will have to work hard to make sure your relationship with her doesn't end in the same way. Keep things interesting by doing fun things together and regularly surprising her with something new.
    • For example, you could go camping together or go to a new cafe in town that has just opened.
    • You don't have to do complicated things: just try to surprise her every now and then with small gifts or a romantic evening at home.

    Tip: don't assume you know how she feels or what she'll enjoy doing. Ask her what she wants every now and then!

  4. Prepare for difficult emotions. You and your girlfriend may both have some troubling feelings about her previous relationship. For example, she may feel guilty for leaving her boyfriend, and you may be a little jealous or insecure when she talks about him. If that happens, be honest with her and yourself about what you're feeling, but don't try to judge or blame her. Under these circumstances, it is very natural that things are a bit complicated.
    • When you talk to your girlfriend about your feelings, use phrases with "I" as the subject so that she doesn't feel like you are shifting responsibility or blaming her for what you are feeling. For example, say, "Sometimes I get a little scared when you talk about your ex. I wonder if you might still feel a lot for him ".
    • Make sure it doesn't become a one-way conversation; also be willing to listen to what your girlfriend has to say, even if it might make you feel a little uncomfortable.


  • Always be realistic before trying to seduce someone who is already in a relationship.Chances are that the lady in question would rather not just give up on her current relationship. If she says she's not interested, respect what she wants and don't push any further.