Finding a man (if you're gay)

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 3 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gay Men Answer Sex Questions You’re Too Afraid To Ask
Video: Gay Men Answer Sex Questions You’re Too Afraid To Ask


Finding a nice guy can be very difficult for many men. You need to know where to meet someone, how to approach someone, and then how to get and hold their attention. For people who don't naturally have strong social skills, it can be like solving a difficult puzzle. Fortunately, there are a number of techniques you can use and things you can do not only to find a man, but also to have a good and healthy relationship in the long term.

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Method 1 of 3: Meet other men

  1. Go to LGBT events and mingle with the people. Going to an LGBT event is a great way to support a cause you stand behind, and you will have the chance to bump into suitable singles. Find an event or cause you want to support and go there with a positive attitude to make new friends and have fun. Make sure to open up and chat. If you see someone you are interested in, go there and start a conversation.
    • Gay Prides are organized in most major cities. Search the internet for LGBT events in your area.
    • Some of the biggest LGBT events include Madrid, New York, São Paulo and Sydney Gay Pride.
  2. Use online dating sites and apps to find other singles. There are tons of dating sites you can use to find suitable singles near you. On these websites you have to create an account and answer questions to fill in a personal profile. A dating site makes it easier to find someone who also wants a serious relationship. You can also use dating apps on your phone to find singles in your area. These types of apps work faster and more targeted. If you just fancy a fun night, an app lets you find lots of people in your area and meet new people.
    • Some good gay dating sites include gayParship, Lexa for gay and Elite dating.
    • Some good apps for dating are Grindr, Hornet, and Jack'd.
    • When creating a profile with a dating app, make sure you use good and varied photos.
    • As a gay person, if you post photos of you being outside or showing your beautiful arms, it is more likely that someone likes your profile.
    • Don't start a long conversation via text message before seeing someone in person. It's okay to get to know someone through a dating site, but it should lead to a real date.
  3. Find suitable men in a gay bar. Search the internet to find the hottest gay bars in your area. Read reviews about each bar and choose the atmosphere that best suits your personality. If you are the quiet type, a relaxed, calm atmosphere is probably best for you. If you're more of a party animal, look for a club.
    • Gay bars are usually full of suitable men who are also looking for a relationship.
    • A few popular gay bars in Amsterdam are SoHo, Prik and 't Mandje.
  4. Volunteer for an LGBT organization or charity. If you volunteer for an LGBT organization, you can meet other gay men who share the same interests and values ​​as you. This is a great way to network with other gay people in your area. Try to have different groups of friends so that you can meet other suitable men.
    • For example, you can volunteer at the COC.
    • Find an organization that stands up for gay rights.
    • Volunteering can include helping organize events or demonstrations, taking phone calls, maintaining digital media, etc.
  5. Be active and social and attend events that you enjoy. If you're gay, you don't just have to go to events or gay places to meet someone. Remember to be positive and social. Go to a local club or register at the gym if you find it difficult to connect with others. Take advantage of opportunities to go somewhere with a group of friends, be nice to others, and welcome new people you meet. A sincere and positive attitude will naturally attract men. When you meet someone you find attractive, try to spend more time with them.
    • Don't be vindictive, mean, or dismissive of people you meet.
    • When you meet someone you like, ask them out by saying, "Hey, you seem like a lot of fun. Would you like to have a coffee with me?"
    • If you are unsure of the boy's disposition, pay close attention to his body language. If he shuts down, doesn't seem interested, or shrinks back when you make physical contact, chances are he's not attracted to you.

Method 2 of 3: Getting his attention

  1. Love yourself. Before you can hit on a guy, you have to love yourself and want the best for yourself. That may sound logical, but it is an important aspect that many people forget when they start dating. If you don't see how much you are worth, it will be difficult for others to see it.
    • Be happy with small wins and know it's the imperfections that make you unique.
    • Don't ignore the negatives. Work on the areas that can be improved and be realistic about your goals and how you want to achieve them.
  2. Gain confidence. You can appear confident with an upright posture, smiling, and making eye contact when talking to people. Don't be disapproving or overly critical of yourself all the time. Think about the positives in your personality, and try to improve the areas you don't like about yourself.
    • If you're pretending to be confident, you might find a guy, but you need a healthy dose of self-esteem to start a long-term relationship.
  3. Take care of your body. Smelling good and looking clean is something that attracts others. Remember to shower every day, put on deodorant, and trim and keep your nails clean. Not taking good care of yourself repels a lot of people, so remember that when you want a friend.
    • It's also important to wear clean clothes when meeting someone.
  4. Dress well, but make sure it is comfortable to wear. When you go out to meet guys, it is important that you feel confident and comfortable in your clothes. But if you're not comfortable with what you're wearing, it affects your mood and the way the date develops. Choose something you normally wear, but make sure it's clean and ironed before you go out.
    • Wear an outfit that emphasizes your strengths. For example, if you have muscular arms, wear a T-shirt to show them off.
  5. Make eye contact and smile at the guy you like. Eye contact is necessary if you want a man's attention. Eye contact is also an indispensable part of romance and of feeling connected to someone. If you're in a public place and you don't know the guy, make eye contact first to let him know you're interested. If he answers eye contact, smiles at you, or keeps looking in your direction, you can approach him.
    • If he's looking away or ignoring you, chances are he's not attracted to you. Make sure he sees you looking at him, and then assess the situation further.
  6. Get over your fear of rejection. The fear of rejection can be a strong emotion that prevents you from approaching people and looking for a man. Rejection can cause physical and emotional pain, and past experiences can cause you to view your current relationships in a negative way. To lessen the fear of rejection, make sure you don't invest too much emotionally in that one moment. Another way to get over the fear of rejection is to make yourself less sensitive to it. You do this by approaching a lot of men so that you slowly get used to rejection. Gradual exposure is a well-known treatment technique for people with phobias and fears.
    • If you put off approaching or showing affection when you like someone, you're putting pressure on yourself and putting too much energy into that one interaction that might end badly.
    • Do not think in advance how it will go, because you cannot predict the future anyway.
    • Use the three-second rule and get off to someone you like within three seconds. This way your brain cannot become unnecessarily anxious.

Method 3 of 3: Keep your husband

  1. Talk to each other effectively and honestly. Communication is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a healthy relationship with someone. Even if you don't want a serious relationship, it's important to communicate clearly. Don't hold back. If he does something that annoys you, talk about it. Communicating effectively means saying what you think without hurting his feelings.
    • Don't hold back revengeful or negative feelings without speaking up, and don't be overly critical or obsessive about someone's personality.
    • If you criticize, say it nicely so you don't hurt him.
    • If you are criticized, don't be offended. Judge what he says and why he says it and talk about it honestly and openly.
    • Be interested in what he has to say, and remember to listen rather than talk through it.
  2. Talk about how serious the relationship is to you. This has to do with what you want. Maybe you want a long-term relationship or just a good time. Either way, you need to let the other person know what you want from this relationship. Talk about your expectations and don't be afraid to hurt the other person. If you don't say anything and he expects other things, he'll be even more hurt later on.
    • If you want to keep it a little more casual, you can say, "Hey, I really like you, but I don't want a serious relationship right now. I just want a good time with you, but I don't want to commit. If you don't want to, and don't want to see me anymore, I can understand that ”.
    • If you do want a serious relationship, you can say, "I really enjoy your company and I want to take this relationship one step further. How do you feel about it?"
  3. Leave emotional baggage from previous relationships behind. If you carry baggage from previous relationships with you, it can hurt your current relationship. Throw away old notes, photos and other things your ex so you can get over them more easily. Do not assume that all men are the same from previous experiences, and do not think that you have excellent intuition, especially if that intuition usually manifests itself negatively.
    • All people are different, and having been hurt by a man in the past does not mean that all men will hurt you.
    • If you are still sad or depressed from a divorce, you should avoid dating for a while.
    • Another way to get over baggage from the past is to think of at least one positive thing you got out of it. This can be a new insight or a perspective that you have been able to learn.
  4. Be willing to compromise. If you don't want to compromise, your relationship won't be healthy. If both parties can negotiate, you get a healthy balance and both people can be happy in the relationship. Let go of things and be willing to change if you love the other enough. Be open and show that you appreciate the guy you are with.
    • Don't change yourself for someone else, but try to view problems objectively. If it's in your best interest or if it helps the relationship along, then it's something you should be working on.
  5. Do nice things for him. Be mindful of his desires and wishes and do your best to make him happy. This could be by organizing a day at a sauna, by buying him a pair of shoes, or by leaving a sweet note in his house. Think about what he would like and do it for him. Small things accumulate, ultimately giving you mutual appreciation.
    • Don't overdo it or choke it. Just take him into account.
    • Remember to always stay within your budget and not spend more money than you have.