Using a dehumidifier

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Dehumidifiers: How do they work?
Video: Dehumidifiers: How do they work?


Dehumidifiers are made to regulate the amount of moisture in the air in a room. These devices can be portable or permanently installed, and you can use them to reduce the relative humidity in your home, relieve allergies or other respiratory ailments, and make your home more comfortable.

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Part 1 of 5: Choosing the right dehumidifier

  1. Choose a dehumidifier that is large enough for the number of square meters your room has. The best size for the dehumidifier depends on the size of the room you want to dehumidify. Calculate how many square meters the room is where you will be using the device. Find the right dehumidifier for that.
  2. Choose a dehumidifier with the right capacity. In addition to the fact that the devices can be classified in terms of room size, you can also categorize them according to the humidity level of a particular room. This is measured in half liters of water that can be extracted from the space over a 24-hour period. The result is a room with the ideal humidity level.
    • For example, in a 45 m2 room that smells musty and feels clammy, you can install a dehumidifier that extracts about 20 liters of moisture per day from the room. Consult the manual to choose the right device for your needs.
    • dehumidifiers can extract up to 21 liters of moisture per 24 hours from a room of 230 m2.
  3. Use a large dehumidifier for a large room or basement. If you use a large dehumidifier, you can extract a lot of moisture from a room in a shorter time. In addition, you do not have to empty the reservoir as often. However, large appliances do cost more and they use more electricity, which ultimately makes it more expensive.
  4. Buy a special dehumidifier for certain types of rooms. If you need a dehumidifier in a sauna, swimming pool, storage room or other space, you should buy one that is specially made for these areas. Consult a DIY store to find the right type of dehumidifier for these areas.
  5. Buy a portable dehumidifier. If you would like to be able to move the dehumidifier from room to room, it is best to buy a portable model. There are usually wheels on this, or they are light so that you can easily lift them. If you have a portable dehumidifier, you can also place it in different places in the room.
    • If you find several rooms in your house too humid, you can also see if you can connect a dehumidifier to your ventilation system, instead of buying one for one room.
  6. Consider what features you need. Modern dehumidifiers often have multiple functions and modes, and the more expensive the device, the more options it usually has. Some possible functions are:
    • Adjustable moisture meter: This function allows you to set the humidity level of your room. Set the moisture meter to your ideal humidity. When this is achieved, the device switches off automatically.
    • Built-in hygrometer: This instrument measures the humidity in your room, allowing you to accurately set the dehumidifier to maximum moisture extraction.
    • Automatic turn off: Many dehumidifiers turn off automatically when the set humidity level is reached or when the water tank is full.
    • Automatic defrosting: If a dehumidifier is used for too long, ice can form on the coils of the unit. An automatic defrost setting causes the fan to run to melt the ice.

Part 2 of 5: Determining when to use a dehumidifier

  1. Use a dehumidifier if the room feels damp. A room that feels clammy and smells musty has a relatively high humidity level. With a dehumidifier you can restore the humidity in the room. If the walls feel damp or have mold spots, you should regularly use a dehumidifier.
    • A dehumidifier is also necessary if your house has been flooded. Use a dehumidifier to extract excess moisture from the air.
  2. Use a dehumidifier to relieve health problems. People with asthma, allergies or a cold can benefit from a dehumidifier. In a drier room, some people can breathe better, the cavities are less clogged and a cold or cough sometimes disappears faster.
  3. Use a dehumidifier in the summer. When it is humid and warm in the summer, it can feel uncomfortable and the rooms can get clammy. If you turn on a dehumidifier in the summer, you will get a better humidity level in the house.
    • A dehumidifier works in tandem with the air conditioner, making it more efficient and making the room feel even cooler and more pleasant.This can also bring down the electricity bill.
  4. When it is cold, only use certain types of dehumidifiers. Many dehumidifiers, such as those with compressors, are not as efficient when the room temperature is below 18ºC. In cold weather, ice can quickly build up on the coils, making the unit less efficient and possibly breaking.
    • A desiccant dehumidifier is effective in cold rooms. If you need to dehumidify a colder room, you can buy a device that works well at low temperatures.

Part 3 of 5: Putting the dehumidifier in the room

  1. Make sure that the air can circulate around the dehumidifier. Many dehumidifiers can be placed against the wall if the air inlet is on top. If this is not the case with your machine, make sure there is enough space around it. Do not put it against the wall or against a piece of furniture. Your device works more efficiently through better air circulation.
    • Provide a space of approximately 15-30 cm around the appliance.
  2. Hang the hose carefully. If you are using a hose to empty the water tank, hang it so that it hangs in a tub or sink and cannot fall out. Check regularly whether it is still lying properly and whether the water is running into the sink. Wire the hose to the faucet if you want it to stay in place.
    • To avoid getting live, do not place the hose near a power outlet or electrical cables.
    • Use the shortest hose possible. If the hose is too long, someone could trip over it.
  3. Do not place the dehumidifier too close to anything that causes dust. Keep the device away from sources of dirt and dust, such as woodworking tools.
  4. Place your dehumidifier in the most humid area. The rooms that are often the most humid are the bathroom, the room where the washing machine is located and the cellar. These are the places where a dehumidifier is usually needed.
    • You can also use a dehumidifier in a boat moored at the dock.
  5. Install the dehumidifier in a room. A dehumidifier works most efficiently if you place it in a room with the windows and doors closed. You can mount it on a wall between two rooms, but that might make it less efficient and make the device work harder.
  6. Place the dehumidifier in the center of the room. Many dehumidifiers are wall mounted, but there are also a lot of models that are portable. If possible, place the dehumidifier in the center of the room. Then the device works more efficiently.
  7. Install the dehumidifier in your ventilation system. There are also dehumidifiers that you can connect to your ventilation system. You fix them with sealant and other installation materials.
    • You may need to hire a professional company if you want to attach your dehumidifier to your ventilation system.

Part 4 of 5: Operating the dehumidifier

  1. Read the manual. Read the entire manual so that you know how to operate the device. Keep the manual where you can read it easily.
  2. Measure the humidity with a hygrometer. A hygrometer is an instrument with which you can measure the humidity of the air. An ideal humidity level is 45-50%. If it is higher than this, mold can start to grow, and below 30% a house can be damaged because, for example, cracks appear in the ceiling or because the wooden floors shrink too much.
  3. Plug the dehumidifier into an earthed socket. Connect your device to a grounded power outlet. Do not use an extension cord. If you don't have a grounded outlet, have it installed by an electrician.
    • Always pull the plug when you want to unplug your device. Never tug on the cord to unplug it.
    • Never kink or squeeze the cord.
  4. Turn on and set the dehumidifier. Depending on the model you have, you may be able to set the relative humidity, read the hygrometer, and so on. Switch on the dehumidifier until you have reached the desired humidity.
  5. Run the dehumidifier several times. The first time you turn on your dehumidifier it will be most productive. You remove most of the excess moisture from the air for the first few hours, days, or sometimes weeks. After the first round you can keep the humidity level, and not lower it so much.
    • When you switch on the dehumidifier you can set how high you want the humidity to be.
  6. Close the doors and windows of the room. The larger the room, the harder the dehumidifier has to work. If you close the room, the device only needs to extract moisture from that room.
    • If the dehumidifier is in the bathroom, consider where excess moisture can come from. Close the lid of the toilet so that the dehumidifier does not extract moisture from it.
  7. Empty the water tank regularly. A dehumidifier produces a lot of water, depending on how humid the room is. If you are not using a hose to drain the excess water into the sink, you will need to empty the water tank regularly. The device switches off automatically when the reservoir is full to prevent overflow.
    • Unplug the power cord before removing the water.
    • Check your reservoir every few hours if the room is very humid.
    • Read the manual to find out how often you need to empty the reservoir.

Part 5 of 5: Cleaning and maintaining the dehumidifier

  1. Read the instructions for use. Read the entire manual for the device so that you know how to maintain it. Keep the manual in a place where you can read it easily.
  2. Turn off the device and unplug it. Before cleaning or servicing the dehumidifier, turn it off and unplug it. That prevents you from getting a shock.
  3. Clean the water tank. Empty the water tank. Wash it off with warm water and mild dish soap. Rinse well and dry with a clean cloth.
    • Clean this part of your dehumidifier regularly, preferably every 2 weeks.
    • If it stinks, add a tablet to the reservoir to remove the odor. These types of tablets can be found at household stores and dissolve in the water in the reservoir.
  4. Check the coils of the appliance every season. Dust on the coils makes your dehumidifier less efficient because it has to work harder. The dust can also freeze and break the device.
    • Dust and clean the spools every few months to prevent debris from circulating through the machine. Use a cloth to wipe away the dust.
    • Check that there is no ice on the coils. If you see ice on the coils, remove the dehumidifier from the food, as it is often the coldest spot in the room. Place it on a shelf or a chair.
  5. Check the air filter every 6 months. Take out the air filter and check it for damage. Look for holes, tears, or other damage that could reduce effectiveness. Depending on the type of filter in it, you may be able to clean and reinstall it. Other types may need to be replaced. Read the manufacturer's directions in the manual for the specific details of your device.
    • The air filter is usually located near the grille of the device. Take it out by opening the dehumidifier and removing the filter.
    • With some dehumidifiers, the air filter needs to be checked more often, depending on how often you use the device. Please refer to the user manual for specific instructions.
  6. Wait 10 minutes before turning your dehumidifier back on. Avoid turning the machine on and off every time, and extend the life of your device by waiting 10 minutes before turning it on again.


  • Discard the collected water from the reservoir. Do not use this water for drinking, cooking or washing.