Preventing a runny nose due to allergies

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Top Tips to Prevent Allergic Rhinitis | Dr. Vibhu Kawatra | 1mg
Video: Top Tips to Prevent Allergic Rhinitis | Dr. Vibhu Kawatra | 1mg


Do you suffer from pollen, dust or pet dander? If you are allergic to one or more of these allergens, you probably have a runny nose. This can be annoying or just plain tricky. By taking care of it, you can tackle your runny nose, dry out the histamine swollen nasal mucosa and get your nose back to normal. Once you've gotten your runny nose tackled, you can then take steps to protect yourself from allergies in the future.

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Method 1 of 2: Stop a runny nose

  1. Take an antihistamine. As the name implies, antihistamines prevent the body from making histamine. Histamine can cause you to get a runny nose. Antihistamines dry out the mucous membranes in your nasal passages. You can try over-the-counter antihistamines that contain substances such as loratadine or cetirizine. Well-known antihistamines are Telfast, Claritine, Zyrtec, Allerfre, Promethazine and Desloratadine.
    • Antihistamines can be somewhat narcotic. Claritin is often the least narcotic. Take the necessary precautions when taking a drug that could make you drowsy.
  2. Go to the doctor. Your doctor will be able to prescribe you an anti-allergy medication. He or she will give you a prescription for an antihistamine, a nasal spray with adrenal corticosteroids (corticosteroids), various decongestants or anti-leukotrienes, or give you an allergy shot. These shots are sometimes recommended if it is not possible for you to avoid pollen or other allergens. The goal is to get your body used to the presence of certain allergens.
    • Remember that prescription antihistamines are indeed stronger and they also have more severe side effects such as anxiety, diarrhea, increased blood pressure and even insomnia.
    • Studies show that using a corticosteroid nasal spray daily can be very effective in soothing nasal symptoms caused by allergies. Some nasal sprays are also available without a prescription.
    • Don't use nasal sprays that shrink your swollen mucous membranes too often. When you stop using such a nasal spray, a rebound effect can occur and your nose can become blocked again. As a result, you can become dependent on these nasal sprays.
    • See your doctor if your allergy symptoms are severe, if you are wheezing or coughing more and more, or if treatment does not help relieve symptoms.
  3. Empty your nose. Use a saline nasal spray. Such a nasal spray can help keep the nasal mucosa moist. These over-the-counter remedies keep the nasal mucosa moist and also flush irritants from your nasal passages.
    • Some people prefer to make their own saline solution. Fill a saucepan with 1 cup of water, half a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda. Then bring the mixture to a boil. When it starts to boil, pour the mixture into a bowl. Cover your head with a towel and hold your face over the bowl. Be careful not to keep your face too close to the bowl or you could burn yourself from the steam. Inhale the steam.Adding a little eucalyptus oil or ointment can help soothe your sinus irritation.
  4. Use a neti pot. Fill the neti pot with 240 ml distilled, filtered or boiled lukewarm water. Try to avoid tap water unless you have boiled the water well and let it cool. It is recommended to use distilled water. You can add your own saline solution or use over-the-counter products.
    • Stand by a sink or sink and tilt your head to the side. Insert the spout of the neti pot into one of your nostrils, then pour half of the mixture into your nose. Let the mixture run out of your other nostril. Repeat this on your other nostril. Clean and sanitize the neti pot every time you use it.
  5. Drink lots of water. You probably won't get rid of your runny nose right away when you put down the empty drinking glass, but it's important to stay hydrated when you're experiencing allergy symptoms. Your nasal mucosa will dry out if you keep blowing your nose and use medicines that also have a drying effect. Drinking 500 ml of water every few hours can help restore the fluid balance in your body.
  6. Try herbal remedies. There are several herbal remedies that work in the same way as antihistamines.
    • Mustard oil. This oil has the same properties as antihistamines. Grab a dollop of mustard and heat the mustard in a pan with a little water. When the solution is thin enough to be sucked up with a pipette, drop some of it into one of your nostrils. Take a deep breath in the mustard oil. Because mustard has such a strong odor, it may take a few seconds to recover from the initial effect.
    • Turmeric. This herb has long been prized in India for its culinary and medicinal properties. Soak a small amount of turmeric powder in pure flaxseed oil. You can buy flaxseed oil at most health food stores. Hold the flaxseed oil-infused turmeric over a heat source until the mixture starts to smolder. Gently inhale some of the smoke.
  7. Humidify the air. Buy one or two humidifiers. There are several types you can choose from. It may seem contradictory, but allergies brakes often the body processes that keep the nasal cavities moist. When you come into contact with the substance that triggers your allergy, the body first produces chemicals called histamines that cause the mucous membranes to swell and dry out. When particles from the air enter this dry environment - often these are the same particles (such as pollen) that also caused the allergic reaction - the body ensures that you get a runny nose to get rid of these particles and maintain the balance. restore the body. Humidifiers disperse moisture into the air, which helps keep the nasal passages moist.
    • The ideal humidity in the house is between 30 and 50 percent. Lower humidity is too dry for your nose. Higher humidity makes your room feel stuffy. This can also cause fungi and bacteria to grow.
    • Most humidifiers are not powerful enough to humidify your entire home. Place the humidifiers in the room or areas where you spend the most time so that they are as effective as possible. However, when you leave the room with humidified air, your nasal mucosa will dry up again.

Method 2 of 2: Avoid getting a runny nose again

  1. Find out what you are allergic to. A doctor can perform an allergy test, which will help rule out some allergens or even identify exactly which ones you are experiencing. Sometimes the results are ambiguous or the test shows that you have multiple allergies. The more information you can gather about your allergy, the better. When you have a general idea of ​​what causes your runny nose, you can try to avoid exposure to those allergens.
  2. Avoid triggers. Environmental irritants and allergens like pollen, pet hair and dander, dust, and cigarette smoke can all dry out your nasal passages and cause you to develop a runny nose. Use an air purifier in your home to get these irritants out of the air, but know that it is virtually impossible to avoid all of the triggers unless you lock yourself in an airtight space.
    • In the Netherlands, most airborne allergens come from grasses, of which there are more than 150 species in our country. Perennial ryegrass is the most common variety. Pollen from birch, alder or hazel can also cause problems. Herbs such as mugwort, sorrel and plantain can also cause allergic symptoms. It is almost impossible to avoid these grasses, trees and herbs completely, but you can find out which places in your area have high concentrations of allergens that come from these plant species. Avoid these places as much as possible.
    • Do not go outside during times when there is a lot of pollen in the air, such as in the early morning. Also close your windows when there is a lot of pollen.
    • Reduce the amount of dust mites in your home by minimizing carpets, blankets and stuffed animals. Use special mattress covers and cushion covers against dust mites.
  3. Cover your face. This is probably the most extreme way to protect yourself from allergens that cause a runny nose. If the particles cannot get into your body, then they cannot cause a runny nose. If you go outside during allergy season, wear a scarf over your nose and mouth. A protective face mask is probably even better to use.
  4. Wash your hands regularly. This prevents the allergens from spreading. Use soap and water. It doesn't matter which soap you use, because you are only trying to remove allergens and not kill bacteria. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Rinse and dry your hands with a clean towel.
  5. Wash your face after coming into contact with allergens. If you're allergic to pet dander, wash your face after petting a dog. If you are allergic to pollen, wash your face when you return home after being outside for a while. You will be less exposed to allergens.