Open a coconut

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Open Coconuts Without Any Tools! TKOR’s Easy Way Of Cracking Coconuts!
Video: How To Open Coconuts Without Any Tools! TKOR’s Easy Way Of Cracking Coconuts!


A coconut is a delicious and versatile food that tastes especially good fresh. However, you may not want to buy a whole coconut because you think you need a drill, a handsaw, and other special tools to open the coconut. Fortunately, you can just open a coconut with tools you probably already have at home. Heating the coconut in the oven makes it soft enough to hit a hard surface to open it. If you don't have an oven, you can also break open the coconut by simply hitting it with a hammer. Once you've opened the coconut, all you need is a knife and a vegetable peeler to remove the pulp so you can eat it.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Draining the coconut

  1. Poke a hole in the top of the coconut. In the top of the coconut there are three eyes or dents. One of the eyes is usually the weakest, so use a sharp knife to poke each eye. When you find the eye that yields most easily, insert the knife to make a hole of about an inch.
    • You can also use a metal skewer or screwdriver to poke a hole in the top of the coconut.
  2. Preheat the oven. To open the coconut using heat, it is important to make sure your oven is hot enough. Set the oven to a temperature of 190 degrees Celsius and let it heat up completely.
  3. Remove the coconut from the oven and wrap it in a towel. When a crack starts to form in the coconut, take the baking tray out of the oven. Let the coconut cool for two to three minutes, then wrap it in a small kitchen towel or cloth.
  4. Remove the fibers from the pulp. Once you have separated the pulp from the skin, there will still be some thin, brown fibers on the outside of the pulp. Carefully peel the fibers off with a vegetable peeler so that you are left with only the pulp.
    • When you have removed the fibers from the pulp, you can eat the pulp or use it in cooking.


  • The juice in the coconut is not coconut milk, but fresh water. The water is a natural constituent of a growing coconut, and the color and taste of the water depend on how ripe the coconut is. Coconut milk is a processed product made by extracting oil from the ground white flesh, usually by using boiling water. However, you can also make your own coconut milk.


  • Never try to bite open a coconut. You won't be able to open the coconut this way and your teeth will break off.
  • Do not put the coconut in the oven if you have not deflated it. The coconut can explode if left in the oven for too long and the water turns into steam, creating high pressure inside.
  • Be very careful when hitting the coconut with the hammer. Hit the coconut firmly, but not so hard that you lose control of the hammer. Be careful not to accidentally hit your hand.


  • Sharp knife
  • Glass, bowl or measuring cup

Oven method

  • Baking tray
  • Kitchen towel
  • Plastic bag
  • Butter knife
  • Vegetable peeler

Hammer method

  • Kitchen towel
  • Metal hammer
  • Butter knife
  • Vegetable peeler