Helping a cat cough up a hairball

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 21 April 2024
How to Help a Cat Cough Up a Hairball
Video: How to Help a Cat Cough Up a Hairball


Hairballs are a relatively common problem in cats, but usually a cat should only cough up a hairball about once a week. If your cat seems to be having trouble with a hairball, you can try a home remedy, such as a hairball paste or even petroleum jelly. However, if your cat shows signs of digestive system blockage, you should see a vet. Furthermore, a cat with asthma may not get a hairball out. If you think this is happening, take the cat to a vet for diagnosis.

To step

Method 1 of 5: Using home remedies

  1. Give your cat hairball paste to get the hairball moving. This type of paste acts as a lubricant for the hairball and is specifically intended for cats. You just put some of it on your cat's paw and he'll lick it off.
    • Put a small line of paste on your cat's coat. If your cat shakes it off its front paw, you can try smearing it lightly under one elbow.
    • Hairball paste is available in interesting flavors that your cat may like, such as salmon. So you could possibly just put some on a plate and let your cat lick it off.
    • In most cases you will have to apply the hairball paste several times. Treat your cat about twice a day for three to five days until the hairball comes out.
  2. Use half a teaspoon of petroleum jelly as an inexpensive option. This home remedy can act as a laxative on your cat, which can help move the hairball. Spread the petroleum jelly on one leg so that your cat licks it off. Try rubbing it in a bit so your cat doesn't shake it off.
    • If your cat does shake it off, try putting it in a place where shaking is less easy, such as the back of the front paw.
  3. Give your cat four to six hairball biscuits to prevent future hairballs. You can find different brands of dry hairball cookies at the pet store. These cookies help your cat cough up the hairball, but work best to prevent future hairballs. Follow the package directions for the amount of cookies you can give your cat.
    • These cookies are an easy fix as there is no sticky paste or gel involved. Your cat often eats them with love.
    • Once your cat has coughed up its hairball, you can keep feeding the hairball treats to prevent future hairballs.
  4. Try cat food for hairballs as a long-term solution. Adjusting your cat's diet can help with the current hairball. However, the food is more likely to help prevent hairballs in the future. Search for food on which anti-hairball will be mentioned.
    • This type of food uses different methods to treat hairballs, for example by putting more fiber or omega-3 fatty acids in the food.
  5. Add a spoonful of canned pumpkin to the cat food. Pumping contains fiber, which can help your cat cough up a hairball. Mix the pumpkin with the wet food so that your cat will eat it without any hassle.
    • Other fibrous options you can try include wheatgrass powder, coconut fiber powder, or psyllium seed husk powder. Mix about half a teaspoon of it into your cat's wet food.
  6. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil into your cat's wet food. Mix the oil with your wet food or even your cat's dry food. Olive oil acts as a mild laxative, helping to get the hairball moving.
    • While you can use this treatment from time to time, try not to do it on a weekly basis. Your cat's body prefers meat-based fat.

Method 2 of 5: Watch for more severe symptoms

  1. Watch for a loss of appetite. If your cat suddenly stops eating, pay close attention. Especially if it lasts for more than a day. That's a sign that your cat needs to see the vet to determine what's wrong.
    • Not eating could indicate that your cat's digestive system has been blocked by a hairball.
  2. Notice if your cat is coughing without shedding a hairball. If your cat is persistently trying to cough up a hairball to no avail, it could mean there is a blockage in the digestive system. Pay particular attention to whether your cat coughs several times a day to no avail.
    • You should also check if your cat is pooping. If he doesn't poop, then he definitely has a blockage somewhere and should be examined by a vet.
    • Your cat may also develop diarrhea because not much is getting past the blockage.
  3. Check the cat's stomach and energy level. Place your hand on your cat's stomach. If it feels harder than normal, it could indicate a blockage. Your cat may also appear very lethargic, as if it has no energy to do anything.

Method 3 of 5: Take your cat to the vet

  1. Take your cat to the vet if it shows multiple symptoms. If your cat is severely constipated, home remedies may not be enough. In fact, a blockage can even lead to death if left unchecked, as your cat will not be able to digest food.
    • In addition, a hairball may not be the cause of the problem and the vet should make a different diagnosis.
  2. Expect a physical examination. The vet will start by examining the cat with his hands. For example, he can feel the cat's stomach to determine if it is hard. He will also visually examine the cat.
    • During the exam, the vet will likely ask you about the cat's medical history and recent symptoms.
  3. Be prepared for a diagnostic examination. The vet will likely want to do blood tests. He may also take an X-ray or ultrasound of your cat. These exams can help the vet determine where the blockage is so that he can develop the best possible treatment plan.
  4. Be prepared that your cat may need to stay with the vet for a few days. If your cat has a blockage, the vet will likely keep him in the clinic. Your cat will then be given a laxative to try to clear the blockage while keeping a close eye on its digestion process.
    • If the blockage is not severe, the vet may recommend home treatments, such as mineral oil.
  5. Discuss the possibility of surgery. If your cat is blocked by a hairball, surgery may be required to correct the problem. Your vet will let you know if the situation is serious enough to require surgery.

Method 4 of 5: Watch for asthma symptoms

  1. Watch your cat cough. Cats with asthma have a specific position for coughing up. They usually squat down and stretch their necks forward when coughing. Notice if your cat uses this position.
    • If your cat assumes this position and often does not cough up anything, it could be a sign of asthma.
  2. Listen to the cough. Although cats' coughing sounds can be very similar, a cat with asthma will be more likely to wheeze. It can belong as one dry or wet cough, where it looks like your cat is coughing up and swallowing mucus.
    • Your cat may stick out its tongue when coughing.
  3. Watch for signs of difficulty breathing. Your cat can do faster than usual breathless to be. You may also hear wheezing after he runs around for a bit.
    • If your cat is having a hard time breathing, it may be breathing with its mouth open.

Method 5 of 5: Prevent hairballs

  1. Brush your cat thoroughly until its coat is under control if it is hairballs. Hairballs are often unavoidable! Your cat develops hairballs from swallowing its fur while bathing. Brushing away the loose hair will prevent your cat from swallowing them. If your cat currently or recently has hairballs, brush it daily until the brush collects few hairs. You can then adjust the brushing schedule according to the length of the coat.
    • Your cat may have a collection of loose hair in its coat, causing it to develop hairballs.
    • Short-haired cats also shed and need to be brushed!
  2. Comb and brush long-haired cats daily to prevent hairballs. Work with the comb through the coat first, then go through it again with a brush. Not only will this help prevent hairballs, but will also keep your cat's coat clean and tangle-free.Give your cat lots of love when you brush him and give him a treat so that he sees grooming as a positive activity.
    • Clean the comb and brush after each grooming session.
  3. Brush short-haired cats twice a week to control their coat. Short-haired cats also shed and need regular grooming. This will help prevent hairballs and keep their coat shiny. While brushing, give your cat plenty of pats to make the experience more enjoyable. Also give your cat a treat to reward it.
    • Don't forget to clean the brush after every grooming session.


  • Some cats with hairball problems are over-grooming themselves. Try to provide toys and play together as your cat may just be bored.