Show a guy without words that you like him

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tell Your Crush You Like Him Without Words
Video: Tell Your Crush You Like Him Without Words


Sure, the easiest way to tell the guy you're in love with that you're in love with him is to be direct and say it, but maybe you're too shy to do that. Don't worry - there are plenty of other ways, without words, to make it clear to the guy you're in love with that you like him. Once he picks up the signals, you're well on your way to enjoying a fun and meaningful relationship with the boy of your dreams.

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Part 1 of 3: Using body language

  1. Make eye contact with him - then break it again. One way to show the guy you love that you like him without opening your mouth is to simply make eye contact.Make eye contact for only one or two seconds - just enough time to show him you're paying attention - then look at the floor, or simply avert your gaze. With this you show the boy you are in love with that you like him, without being too explicit about it; if you were just staring at him, it could seem too intense.
    • You can just do this trick once or twice when you are in the same room together, whether at a party or in class. Just make sure you do it subtly; you don't want him to notice that you are staring at him all the time!
    • You can even give him a little flirty smile while making eye contact.
  2. Smile. You don't have to give the guy you're in love with a big grin to show him you're interested in him. Your smile shouldn't be too big or too generous, because then he might think you're just trying to be nice; instead, try to be a little mysterious when you smile at him so that you stay a little flirty while you're at it letting him know you're interested in him.
    • If you're ready to flirt a little more, you can learn to smile with your eyes.
  3. Turn your body towards the guy you're in love with. Another way to let the guy you love know that you like him is to simply adopt an open body position. If your body is 'open' it means that you are standing upright, looking at the boy you are in love with, turning your feet and shoulders towards him, and letting your arms hang at your sides, instead of them in front. to cross your chest. This will show the boy you are in love with that you are interested in him and that you enjoy being with him. The next time you're standing or sitting next to him, make sure to turn your body in his direction so he sees that you like him.
    • For example, if you are talking to him and cross your legs, make sure your crossed leg is facing him and not away from him, so that you have a more open stance.
  4. Sit or stand closer to him. Another way to let the guy you love know that you like him is to simply get a little closer to him, whether you're talking to him or just at a party. You don't have to get very pushy or get really close to him when the two of you talk, or make him feel uncomfortable, but you can show him that you like him simply by turning your body towards him if you are together in social settings. Without being too clingy, you can let the guy you love know that you like him simply by paying him a little more attention than the other guys standing or sitting with him, or by making sure that you have a chat with each other if you are somewhere with a small group.
    • If you are talking to him, make the effort to stand or sit a little closer to him as the conversation progresses. If he doesn't stand or sit farther away from you, but instead approaches you, this could be a sign that he has mutual feelings for you.
  5. Make physical contact. If you want to let the guy you love know that you like him without throwing this out, you can also lightly touch him once or twice. When you talk to or pass him by, you can touch him lightly on his shoulder or upper arm, or even playfully slap his arm while he's teasing you. If you are standing or sitting next to him, you can occasionally let your feet or knees touch his, showing him that you want to be closer to him.
    • It only takes a little physical attention to let the guy you love know that you like him. You don't have to go too far: touching him once or twice during a conversation shows that you like him.
  6. Make sure you look your best. This doesn't mean you have to put on a prom dress or a lot of makeup to get the attention of the guy you're in love with. But it does mean that you look nice, fresh, and clean when you talk to the guy you're in love with; putting effort into your appearance boosts your confidence, and also shows the guy you're in love with that you want to make a good impression on him. Make sure you wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and don't pretend you are.
    • If you're with the guy you like and are just a small group of people, and you've dressed up nicely, you're showing him that you've thought about what you wanted to look like for him, which could mean you fell in love with him are.

Part 2 of 3: Giving subtle hints

  1. Make friends with him. One way to show the guy you love that you like him is to try to befriend him. As long as you're not really friends with each other yet, you can show him that you have a genuine interest in him. Ask him questions about his life, make sure you share the same interests with him, and just spend time with him whether you're on a group project together or with other friends. Just make sure he doesn't see you as a little sister or one of his buddies, and don't take on the role of the girlfriend who has to hear about his love issues with other girls.
    • If you want to befriend him, it shows him that you want to get closer to him. That can be a great way to let him know that you like him, especially if you don't have many other male friends. It can also help you get to know the guy first before delving into a relationship rashly. Falling in love is often a fad, and our actions can be very impulsive. Friendship is a great way to see if you really like him before starting a relationship with him.
    • Take it easy. If you don't know him that well yet, start with a simple chat and work your way up to being together more and more.
  2. Don't blow yourself up. If you want to show the guy you love that you like him, show that you can be yourself around him. If you're bragging, saying how great you are, telling exaggerated stories because you want to be funny, or doing something else that doesn't make you feel like you, it won't help the guy you're in love with to convince you to like you too. On the contrary, he will be more likely to think that you are really interested in him if you are yourself, are open, and talk about your interests and friends.
    • Remember that in the end you want a guy who likes you just the way you are. You don't want him to like a different version of yourself, of course, and that would also make it difficult to start a real relationship because then it becomes difficult to be yourself.
  3. Give him a small gift. Giving a small gift is an easy way to let the guy you love know that you like him, without overdoing it. Just buy something he talked about or something you think he'd like, like a book or a CD. You can also go a little crazy and give him something practical like a pencil case because you've noticed that he always forgets to bring a pencil to class. You can write a short note that you put with the gift and give it to him personally, or put it on his table.
    • Of course, this works best if you already know him and if you are already friends; if you've never met before, giving him a gift might feel a bit overwhelming.
  4. Ask him questions so he knows you care. One way to let the guy you love know that you like him is to show him that you are genuinely interested in him. You do this by simply asking him questions about his life, and by making the effort to really listen to his answers, instead of thinking about your next move. Ask him about his plans for the weekend, his favorite sport, the school activities he participates in, his friends, his favorite bands or movie stars so you can start the conversation; with this you show that you are interested in him as a person, and that you may also be a little bit in love with him.
    • You can also ask him about his pets, his favorite movies, or things he likes to do in his spare time.
    • Just make sure you don't ask too many personal questions at the beginning or he might feel uncomfortable.
    • Make sure you also tell things about yourself; it is of course not the intention that your questions come across as an interrogation.
  5. Tease him. The guy you're in love with will find that you like him if you tease him a little bit. You don't have to overdo it to get the message across; just playfully tease him about his new haircut, the sport he practices (especially if his team keeps losing), the obsession with his favorite bond, or anything you know he won't take too personally. This shows him that you like him enough to have a spontaneous and casual conversation.
    • Just make sure he knows you're teasing him and that he's taking it right. Because perhaps the subject of his sports team is sensitive to him, for example, and he doesn't think it's funny that they keep losing.
    • Show him that you don't just tease anyone. If he thinks you're teasing all of his friends too, then he doesn't know he's special to you.
  6. Help him with all kinds of things. The guy you love will suspect that you like him if you help him with all kinds of things. You don't have to go very far to help him, but just making a few small gestures can show him that you really have a special interest in him. This could mean taking his homework for him when he's sick and home, lending him a textbook, or answering some questions he might have. This can be a great way to show him that you care, as long as he doesn't take advantage of it.
    • Ideally, he should also find a way to help you. He is not supposed to think that you are always there for him when he needs something.
    • Think of ways you can help him; for example, you may be too shy to ask him if he needs help with the math homework, but you can still just offer it and see what he says.
  7. Flirt with him. By flirting, you clearly show the guy you love that you like him. To flirt with him all you have to do is tease him, be playful, and show a special interest to all the other guys in the room where you are. Play hard to get while showing him that you do like him by smiling at him, laughing at his jokes, and making an effort to make it clear to him that you have more time with him. want to spend.
    • It can be tricky to get the hang of flirting, but it actually means not taking yourself too seriously while talking about not-too-serious topics with the guy you're in love with and letting him know wanting to know what he has to say, while also teasing him a bit.
    • You can occasionally lick your lips or play with your hair a little while talking to the guy you're in love with to make you appear more playful.

Part 3 of 3: Really tell him

  1. Don't let one of your friends tell him you like him. If you want the guy you love to know how much you like him, then you have to tell him yourself, even if you do it through a letter. While it may seem easier for one of your girlfriends to pass the message on to the guy you're in love with, it may make you appear like you're not ready for an adult relationship, or you're uncomfortable with being with him. to talk. Even if he says he likes you too, it still means the relationship isn't off to a good start.
    • And, of course, you want to prevent him from feeling embarrassed with all your friends around him; respect his privacy and tell him personally how you feel about him.
  2. Write a note or letter to him. If you're too shy to tell the guy you love that you like him, you can write him a short note or a longer letter letting him know how you feel about him. You can slide it through a crack in his locker or just give it to him. Let him know you like him, possibly with one or two reasons why, and ask if he feels the same way about you. This is a great way to let him know how you feel about him in a direct way, while taking some of the pressure away from thinking you should tell him.
    • Keep it short and sweet. It's better not to go into too much detail about how much you like him at this stage, because you don't know yet if he likes you too.
    • You can include how best to approach you, by letting him know where to leave the note with his answer, or by giving him your number.
  3. Call him. Another way to let him know you like him is to call him and simply tell him how you feel about him. Indeed, technically this means letting him know with words how you feel about him, but if you find that you can't make it clear to him that you like him in other ways without words, then it might be time to give it up. just to say. Call him up, take a deep breath, and quickly tell him how you feel about him, and ask him if he feels the same way about you. Before you know it you already have your answer.
    • Just say something like, “I've had a lot of fun with you for the past few weeks, and I want to let you know that I like you. I would like to know if you like me too. ”
  4. Tell him personally. If it doesn't feel right to express your feelings over the phone, it may be time to determine the right time and place to start a conversation with him. Simply ask him if you can see each other where you are alone, make eye contact, and simply tell him how you feel about him. Give him time to respond and answer, and try not to pressure him; keep it light, try not to appear too heavy.
    • You might want to talk a little bit about how he feels comfortable, but don't be afraid to throw it out and let him know your feelings.
    • You can give him a compliment or two while letting him know you like him. You can say something like, "I really can't laugh with anyone like you," showing why you like him.
  5. Respond appropriately. Once the guy you're in love with knows you like him, he'll say he likes you too, or wants to stay friends with you. If he says he likes you too, then you can celebrate and start a relationship with him excitedly. But if he doesn't feel the same about you, it's important to stay mature and keep the situation comfortable, rather than getting emotional or making him feel bad about not feeling the same way about you as you do about him. Of course you will feel bad, but make it seem like it doesn't amount to much, and don't give room to your grief until you are alone.
    • Whatever happens, it leaves a good impression. If you start scolding him or being mean to him for not responding to your feelings, then you're really taking the wrong turn.
    • Even though he may not reciprocate your feelings, he will respect you for being open and honest with him. You can be proud of yourself for putting yourself in such a vulnerable position and making the effort to do it


  • Be yourself because you are unique and beautiful!
  • Stay calm and relaxed.
  • Have fun!
  • It's okay if you feel embarrassed to have him around! If he likes you, he'll have to laugh or ignore it and pretend nothing happened. They are both signs that he cares about you!
  • Your body language will show him that you like him.
  • It's okay to be nervous when you ask him out. But be yourself and don't be unkind to him or others, because he'll notice and he won't like you anymore.
  • Don't tease him too much and know your limits.
  • Try to become his secret admirer! After a few letters, you can write him a final letter giving some hints about who you are, and if he doesn't know it by then, just tell him. Good luck.
  • Make sure you have a crush on him before telling him. If you tell him and then realize that you don't actually like him as much as you thought, it becomes even more difficult to tell him that than when you told him you liked him.
  • Don't let him just become your friend.
  • Don't let his friends be around when you tell him.
  • Don't try to pretend or change yourself for him; just be yourself. If he doesn't accept you the way you are, then he's not the right person for you.
  • Let the boy you love know that you care about him as a person.
  • Try to be flirty and SELF-CONFIDENT. Guys like it when a girl stands up for herself and her opinion.


  • Don't ignore him. If he wants to spend time with you, that's a good sign.
  • Don't try to change yourself to impress him. If he likes you then he likes you just the way you are.
  • Don't giggle all the time when you're around him. That can get annoying.
  • If you try too hard, he will notice.
  • Body language says it all, so keep an open attitude towards him, but don't intimidate him.
  • Is too much flirting never good.