Asking a boy to prom

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best high school Promposal ever - Girl Asks boy for prom - Ask out of the year - Cutest promposal
Video: Best high school Promposal ever - Girl Asks boy for prom - Ask out of the year - Cutest promposal


Never before have so many girls asked a boy to the prom as nowadays. Why wait for the ideal boy to take the plunge when you know you can just ask yourself? It may not be common practice to ask a boy to prom, but he will certainly be relieved not to have to ask the question, and he will be impressed by your bravery and confidence. If you want some great tips for asking a guy to prom, see Step 1 to get started.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Inspiration for the invitation

  1. Give him a counterfeit parking ticket. If your kid likes to joke you can take him back with this brush! You can sign your own receipt or print one from the internet. Write the question on the piece of paper and then tuck it under his windshield wiper. After his initial confusion and anger, you will see that he grins broadly when he sees that you have caught him. Remember, it doesn't have to look very real - if he sees an envelope with a piece of paper in it on his window, he'll think it's real.
  2. Draw it on it with a marker. Get your hands on some car markers that can be easily washed off and invite your flame on his rear window to prom. If you are in a creative mood you can draw something with it. Come up with something to do with his hobbies, such as football, soccer, something with music, or a cartoon character. Don't fill up his entire rear window - he must be able to see where he is driving. If you really want to unpack, you can also stick a few balloons to his car.
  3. Have fun with post-its. Not everyone has a car. You can think of all kinds of other places to stick the sticky notes, from his locker to his school books. Make sure it's somewhere he'll be sure to see it and where it won't blow off. You can even turn it into something special and "Are you going to prom with me?" or just "Prom?" spell with 1 letter per note.
    • This way is a bit less daring because post-its can be removed more easily. Think about how well you know the boy and adjust your way accordingly.
  4. Give him a pizza with your heart. The next time you watch a movie or play a video game together, you can suggest ordering a pizza. Make the call yourself (secretly) and ask the restaurant for "prom?" to spell with sausage or vegetables. Make sure he opens the box himself! You can also ask a friend to “deliver” the pizza for you, or you can even have it delivered to their house when you're not there.
    • You may also want to consider calling ahead to order the pizza so he doesn't hear anything.
  5. Spell it with sushi. Invite him to eat sushi and ask the cook to place the sushi so that the word "Prom?" is being formed. Again, to surprise him, you either have to call the restaurant ahead of time or sneak out and talk to the waitress if your date isn't watching. Or you can invite him to your home for sushi and put the pieces in shape on a plate yourself. It might not be super attractive to sit with your bare hands on fish, but he's bound to be impressed by your creativity.
  6. Ask your teammates for help. If you are on a sports team or are a member of a club at school, you can ask some of your teammates to stand next to each other with the letters "p" "r" "o" "m" and "?" On them. their T-shirt, swimming cap, shorts or whatever is handy. If it is difficult to organize this live you can also take a picture of your friends dressed like that and send it to him. How can he say no to a picture with five beautiful smiling faces?
  7. Send him a cat photo. Everyone likes cat pictures, it has been proven. Write "are you going to prom with me?" on a note and tie it around your cat's (or your girlfriend's) neck. Take a picture and send it to us!
    • If he likes dogs more, you do the same with a dog. If you really want to look good and have a dog of your own, you can walk past your crush's house with a note saying "Prom?" fastened to his leash and send the dog to him. It might be tricky to pull off, but if you do it right you will get a ton of extra points for style and cuteness!
  8. Snapchat it. Okay, it might be the least romantic way, but if your guy has a sense of humor (and hopefully he does!), You're sure to convince him by sending him a silly text invitation. Take a picture of yourself in a witty outfit or pose, and write in the caption “are you going to prom with me?”.
    • Use the drawing tool to make the photo more beautiful and interesting.
  9. Sing it. If you play a musical instrument and / or sing, you can try to write a short song with a text that asks him to go to prom. This way your message will not only come across very seriously, it will also be reminded of your musical talents and that will certainly conquer his heart.
    • You can choose to play it in private for him or, if you're feeling tough, for the whole school at a gathering or soccer game! Remember, if you do it in public, you put a lot of pressure not only on yourself but also on him.
  10. Use a scantron. The next time you have a multiple choice test, ask your teacher for an additional optical answer form. Fill in the boxes so that it says "prom?" spelled out and give it to him in class or put it in his locker. You can also give it to him with the words "you dropped something" or "you forgot your chemistry test" and then walk away with a big smile.
  11. Just do it the old-fashioned way. Of course there are many creative, funny, artistic ways to ask him in, but you can also just walk up to him in the hall at school and just ask. He might even like it when you just say what's on your mind instead of making up all sorts of things to impress him. This is especially a good move if you have really good contact with that guy and you know each other really well; in such a case, it is not such a big step to say without fuss that you want to go to the prom with him.
    • Remember this: if he wants to say yes, he will always do it however you ask. If you're out of time or can't think of anything creative, you better ask now before he hooks up with someone else!
  12. Ask on a basketball. If he likes basketball and spends a lot of time doing it outside or after school, a black highlighter can "prom?" write on a cheap basketball and let it bounce in his direction. It may take him a while to see that something has been written on the ball, but as soon as he sees it, a grin appears on his face.
  13. Ask with tennis balls. Anyone interested in prom? If your guy prefers to play tennis you can take a bucket of tennis balls and put them in the fence in the shape of the letters "Prom?" He must be impressed that you put in so much effort.
  14. Ask with a balloon. Tie a balloon to his locker or to his car and write “poke me puncture” on it. When he punctures the balloon, he finds a note from you asking if he wants to go to prom with you. You can also write on the balloon to find the note inside!
  15. Write him a note. The good old note is unbeatable. Just give him a note during class, put it in his locker, or have a friend give it to him in the hall. In the note you can ask if he wants to go to prom with you, and you put a giant answer box for “yes” and a tiny box for “no”. At least he has to laugh about that! And besides, this is a sweet, but also a bit more private way to ask.
  16. Ask in chalk. Write your question in sidewalk chalk near his car or somewhere you know he should see it. Just make sure you don't write on someone's private property.
  17. Leave him a nice bookmark. Ask him to borrow a textbook or notes (if you are in the same class or something - otherwise it will stand out too much). The next day you give the book back to him with a nice bookmark, made of craft paper, on which you invite him to the prom. He is surprised by the effort you have put into asking the question. This is an especially good move if you and he have been study buddies in the past.
  18. Ask with candy. Who doesn't like a note hidden in Chokotoffs, M & M's, or Smarties? You can also take mini versions of Snickers, Milky Ways or anything else he likes. Leave your candy message somewhere he is likely to see it, for example in front of his locker (or taped to it), on the hood of his car, or if you dare, on the doorstep of his house.
  19. Ask with Lego. Does he love Lego? Or is he the kind of guy who would like it if you ask with Lego? It doesn't take much time to "Prom?" spelling with Lego, and he'll think it's a nice gesture. You just have to think of the right place to put the question, such as where it always sits at lunch.
  20. Bake him cookies. What guy doesn't like cookies? Bake a stack of his favorite cookies and write one letter of “Prom?” Per cookie, then he gets it. Besides, who says girls are supposed to bake? If baking isn't your thing, buy him a hamburger and write the question in the lid. The most important thing is to give him something he likes and earn some creativity points at the same time.
  21. Ask in another language. This works best if you are both following French, Spanish or another foreign language. You can write him a note in the language you are following and ask him to go to prom. You can give it to him and ask very cleverly, “Hey, do you know what this means? I can not get out." He solves the riddle while translating the message “for you”. Of course he has to participate, otherwise it will not work!
  22. Write him a letter. When was the last time you wrote a letter - let alone posted it? This can be a fun and unique way to get your guy on prom. If you do not dare to send the letter to his home address or do not want to appear too pushy, you can ask a friend to give it to him.

Method 2 of 2: Use it wisely

  1. Be proud that you want to ask a boy. What difference does it make that that's considered anomalous? You have to do what you want, not sit around and wait for the phone to ring. If you know who you want to go to prom with, you should take the initiative and ask him. At worst, he'll say no and you have to find another partner. At best, you impress with your creativity, your confidence, and just the fact that you are different from a lot of other girls. Be proud of yourself for asking, and realize it's worth the risk. A lot of guys are going through the same thing, and it's natural to worry that things might not go the way you want.
  2. Make sure to consider what the boy likes. It's true that a funny, wacky, silly, or eye-catching prom invitation can be a fun way to decorate a date, but you should also think about how the guy in question is put together. If he's very shy and private, he probably won't like an invitation that the whole school can see. In fact, it can upset him and make him feel bad if he doesn't want to go to prom with you. It might be a better idea to do something sweet in private, it depends on his character. Thinking about how you're going to do it, it should be as much about what you want as about how he's going to respond.
  3. Know what not to do. Admittedly, there are no clear rules about what not to do when asking a boy to go to prom, but some things you definitely shouldn't do if you're only half in doubt. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
    • If you can, subtly ask some of his friends. You have to make sure he wasn't going to ask another girl or have "something" with another girl before you invite him. Otherwise you will make him feel bad.
    • Don't let your girlfriends ask the question for you. Show that you are confident enough to do it yourself - even if your friends help you with it!
    • In any case, don't be disappointed if things don't turn out the way you hoped. If you had not taken the initiative to ask him, the result would be the same as now that you asked and he said no. This way you can be at peace with his answer and start looking again for the ideal partner for your prom.


  • If you're going to ask him yourself, make sure you feel and look your best, so you can confidently ask the question.
  • Remember, some ways, like decorating his car, are more risky because your entire class can see it. Use your wits to determine which method is best for you (and him).