Staying up all night without your parents knowing

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How can I stay up all night without my parents knowing?
Video: How can I stay up all night without my parents knowing?


You want to stay up all night, but if your parents find out, you can be grounded until the end of time. What should you do? If you follow these steps, you will succeed "without" your parents knowing!

To step

Part 1 of 4: Preparing for the night

  1. Choose a day when there is not much to do the next day. Choose a weekend or when you don't have school. If you do have school and you want to stay up, you will fall asleep the next day. Start with your room around 4 PM, as you will spend most of your time there]].
  2. Gather your supplies. Get what you need to stay awake until your parents go to sleep. This could be your cell phone, tablet, iPod Touch, Game Boy, laptop, D.S., some books, a notebook or diary, pencils, MP3 player, snacks and / or drinks, or a PSP.
    • Smuggle some snacks into the room. Just a few snacks (salty, sugary snacks are best) and drinking a bottle would be perfect. Try sugary drinks, such as soda or juice. Drinking doesn't have to be cold. You can also bring some water.
    • If you are going to use the computer, turn it on before going to bed because it will make noise when it comes on. Just make sure your speaker volume is turned down (or off).
  3. Prepare for entertainment. Charge everything that needs to be charged. Make a list of what you want to do, because it is easier to stay awake with a list to do.
  4. Try to take a nap beforehand. About 1-1.5 hours is ideal if you slept well the previous night.

Part 2 of 4: Getting everything ready for the night

  1. Follow your normal bedtime routine. Avoid bedtime suspicion - just do everything normal, like brushing your teeth and saying goodnight to everyone in the house.
  2. Prepare for the check if you are already in bed. If you know that your parents will have a look at you before going to bed, listen when they are coming. Hide what you are doing and pretend to sleep. Normally you don't move when you pretend to sleep, but you can turn a bit in your "sleep".
    • Do not snore unless you are known to snore.
    • It helps to pull your blanket over your face to save half the effort of maintaining a relaxed face.
    • Consider sleeping with the radio on to cover up your activities. If you accidentally make a sudden noise, it will be the fault of the radio.

Part 3 of 4: Having fun all night long

  1. Wait about an hour before moving around. This is to make sure your parents are sleeping. If you want, you can go to their room and check again if they are asleep. If they don't sleep and ask what you are doing, say you heard something strange. If not, keep quietly doing things in your room, but if your parent (s) are locking their door, try to gently hear at the door. When it's quiet, they probably sleep. If not, stay in your room for 15 to 30 minutes and check again to see if it is quiet.
  2. Turn on dimmed lights. Place towels against the crack of your door to block out the light.
  3. Prepare for the fun you want to have. If your parents are sleeping, stay up. It must be late at night (10 am-12pm). Get the PSP, PlayStation, Wii, Switch, Vita, computer, DS or 3DS, and whatever game you plan on playing.
    • Use headphones or earphones for the electronics. If you put headphones / earphones in your laptop / computer, it will remain silent.
  4. Enjoy midnight. A new day has arrived (12:00 PM - 2:00 PM)! If you are hungry, have a snack or a drink. Continue to play the same game until you get bored.
  5. Switch to another activity. At about 2-4 am (early in the morning) try something else like reading a book, drawing, watching a movie (quiet!). Go on Facebook, or create a Facebook account. Make sure none of your parent's friends are friends on Facebook - they could tell your parents. Make sure everything you do is at a low volume.
    • When you start texting, turn the volume on your phone to mute or vibrate. This reduces the chance that your parents will wake up from your phone.
  6. Eat something. You can have another snack between 4-6 am (early in the morning). Keep doing what kept you awake until five o'clock. Then move on to the morning tasks. Take a shower, get dressed, brush your teeth and hair, and tidy up your room for the day.
  7. Wait for your usual time to get up. If housekeeping usually wakes up between 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM, stay in your room until then. Do some puzzles or read a book until it is the time you usually get up. That's the end of staying up all night!

Part 4 of 4: Get some sleep

  1. Prepare for activities you have that day. If you have something to do the next day, such as school or church, go to bed about four hours before you have to get up. This way you will at least have some sleep. Go to bed early the next day - your body will crave sleep.


  • If you are going to walk on hard floors, wear socks or slippers. This will muffle the sound.
  • Close all doors between your parents' room and the room where you are.
  • If you pretend to sleep, don't actually fall asleep! Closing your eyes and lying down with the light off can easily put you to sleep.
  • If you drink a lot of water, Mother Nature will keep you awake. Be aware that going to the toilet can wake others in the household.
  • If you're using your MP3 player and wearing headphones, take them off so you can hear what's coming, or turn them to a low volume.
  • If you have a pet, such as a dog, make sure it doesn't bark when you make noise.
  • Choose a snack that doesn't make a lot of noise.
  • Try to smuggle food and drinks into your room before announcing that you are going to bed.
  • When you walk, make a map of the creaking floorboards. That way you don't make any noise.
  • If your parents regularly check your browsing history, delete it from your night so they can't see it.


  • Don't go on social media if your parents use it. They could see that you were active when you should have been sleeping.
  • Be very careful if you have siblings or parents who are light sleepers. They won't hesitate to tell you about it.
  • If you have a pet, such as a dog or cat sleeping in your room, don't wake it up or try to do it. A dog or cat may hiss, bark, or growl when he or she wakes up from his or her comfortable sleep.If your pet is sleeping in your bed, slowly get out from under the covers to allow them to sleep, or gently lift the animal and place it on the floor slowly. When your pet wakes up, leave it alone so that your pet can go back to sleep, or if it comes to sit with you, pet the animal and cuddle while you play or read.
  • Do not lie down while doing these activities. This will make your body think it is time to sleep.
  • Don't slam your bedroom door when you leave your room - it will get you in trouble and wake up your parents.
  • Don't do this on a school night - you may fall asleep in class or forget what you've learned. Only do this on a Friday or Saturday evening or if you have a school vacation.
  • If you like the rejuvenating nature of sleep, don't stay up all night. You will create a sleep deprivation that will take many nights to recover and affect you negatively for the next few days.
  • Don't stay up two nights in a row. If you think this is a good idea, search online for sleep deprivation and torture - it will quickly change your mind.


  • Consoles
  • iPod
  • Mobile phone
  • Any kind of fan (if possible)
  • Snacks
  • Soft drink
  • Computer (does not have to be in your room)
  • Notepad and pencils
  • Books
  • Water
  • Flashlight
  • Headphones / earbuds
  • Towels and blankets (to keep out the light)
  • Kindle Fire or another tablet
  • Something to cover proof of your activities (a pillow or blanket)
  • Television (or any other device that you can watch movies on)
  • Night light (reduces the chance of melatonin working and making you sleepy)