Cleaning a hamster cage

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Clean your Hamsters Cage
Video: How to Clean your Hamsters Cage


Caring for a pet means a lot of responsibilities, and having a hamster is no different. One of these responsibilities is to regularly clean and maintain the hamster's cage. Cage cleaning may not be your favorite way to spend time with your hamster, but it can be made easier by preparing and cleaning thoroughly.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Preparing to clean

  1. Examine the hamster cage. Before you start cleaning, look at the hamster's cage to see what it is in. Look for things that need to be cleaned at least once a day, even if it's not a scheduled cleaning day. Cleaning your hamster cage too often or too little can cause unsustainable stress for your hamster, so make sure to clean it just enough.
    • Look for droppings or wet spots in the underlayment. You can clean some areas locally. But if there are a lot of them, you have to replace the entire underlay.
    • Remove any leftover food your hamster may have left out of the cage.
    • Clean the water daily. If the underlay is soaked or damp near the water bottle, it is better to replace the underlay.
    • If the sides of the enclosure look dirty or soiled, it may be time for a full clean.
    • If the cage stinks, you should clean it completely. Hamsters are very sensitive to bad smells and can get sick if the cage is not clean or if the air quality is not good.
  2. Gather your cleaning supplies. Before you start cleaning, it is wise to collect everything you need. This can make the process much easier and less stressful for both you and your hamster. Collect the following items before you start:
    • Dishcloth. This will be used for scrubbing and cleaning the cage and everything in it.
    • Disinfectant. You can use mild, antibacterial hand soap or dish soap. Avoid harsh chemicals such as bleach as they can harm your hamster. Pet stores often also sell safe and approved cleaning solutions.
    • New bedding to put in the cage after you clean it.
  3. Get your hamster out of the cage. You cannot properly clean the cage unless you get your hamster out first. Place your hamster in a second cage, hamster ball, or other safe area while you work.
    • Be careful with your hamster when you take it out of the cage.
    • Hold your hamster in your hands, supporting its entire body.
    • Do not leave your hamster in the hamster ball for more than half an hour as it needs fresh air and a break from activity.
    • Wash your hands before and after you interact with your hamster to protect both of you from spreading germs and getting sick. You can use regular hand soap for this.
  4. Remove all objects from the cage. After you have removed your hamster and placed it in a safe area, you will need to remove any objects from the cage. Leaving items in the cage will make cleaning more difficult and not as effective.
    • Remove all food bowls and water bowls or dispensers.
    • Remove any toys or movement equipment.
  5. Discard the old bedding. The last thing to get out of the cage is the bedding. The bedding is where your hamster leaves its feces, resulting in a strong ammonia smell, which in turn can cause respiratory problems for your hamster. Make sure to remove all bedding for the most effective cleaning.
    • You can put the old bedding in your own garbage bag to seal in any odors.

Part 2 of 2: Cleaning the cage

  1. Wash any object in the cage. While it doesn't have to look dirty, you will want to clean every toy, musculoskeletal system, food and water bowl, and any other things that were in your hamster's cage. Clean them thoroughly to make sure your hamster's home is as fresh as possible.
    • Spray or soak items from the cage in your cleaning solution to disinfect them.
    • Use your dishcloth to clean the items from the cage as thoroughly as possible. Make sure to clean all corners and hard to reach areas.
  2. Clean the cage yourself. Cleaning the cage is the main purpose of regular maintenance to keep your hamster's cage clean and hygienic. Make sure to clean every surface completely and thoroughly. Hamster cages can vary in construction, but the same general cleaning tips apply to all types of hamster cages.
    • Use your disinfectant solution and cloth to scrub the cage.
    • In some places the bedding can be caked to the walls. They have to be scraped off or rubbed off firmly.
    • Soaking parts of the cage can help break them loose and make them easier to remove.
    • If you have a cage with bars or wire mesh, make sure to clean each trellis.
    • Other cages are aquariums and they require you to completely clean every surface and every corner.
  3. Dry the cage and everything in it. Before you can put the cage back together, you need to let the cage dry. If you put new bedding in the cage before it is completely dry, the bedding may get wet, forcing you to clean it again sooner than usual.
    • You can towel dry the cage and items if you want to speed up the process.
    • If you put the cage in the sun to dry, it will also go faster. Sunlight also helps to disinfect the cage due to the UV rays.
  4. Put everything back together. Once everything is disinfected, cleaned and dried, you can reassemble your hamster's cage. Make a final check while putting items in the cage to make sure they have been properly cleaned.
    • First, put fresh, clean bedding in the cage.
    • Then put toys or exercise equipment back in the cage, on top of the bedding.
    • Put fresh food and water in your hamster's bowls or dispensers and put them back in the cage.
    • Put your hamster back in the cage and give it time to adjust and relax before playing with it again. Try to give him a few hours to get used to the cage again before interacting with him again.
  5. Schedule the next cleanup. Keeping your hamster cage cleaned will make it easier to clean and keep your hamster happy and healthy. After you've cleaned the cage, write down the date and schedule the next clean exactly one week later.
    • Regular cleaning of your hamster's cage is necessary.
    • Clean the cage completely at least once a week.
    • Putting the cleaning schedule on a calendar can serve as a reminder.
  6. Keep a record of the daily cleaning. You will want to completely clean your hamster cage once a week. But that doesn't mean you should only clean it once a week. There are a few things you should do every day to keep the cage as clean as possible in between deep cleanings.
    • Remove any visible droppings.
    • Take your hamster's water dispenser out of the cage daily, clean it and refill it.
    • Remove any fresh food your hamster has not eaten.
    • Supplement bedding as needed.
  7. Understand the risks of a dirty cage. Cleaning your hamster's cage is an important aspect of maintaining your hamster's health. Hamsters are sensitive creatures that need a clean enclosure to stay healthy. If you neglect cleaning your hamster's cage, you may be responsible for it if he gets sick. Avoid the following diseases resulting from a dirty cage and keep your hamster healthy:
    • Pododermatitis affects the legs, it causes red thickened pads and is a result of too much exposure to urine and feces.
    • Wet tail is a stress-induced illness, which can give your hamster a dirty cage. Wet tail is a serious disease that can kill your hamster.
    • Your hamster may also show signs of illness if it has a runny nose, weakness, or diarrhea.


  • Do not use harsh cleaning chemicals such as bleach. These can cause serious respiratory problems in your hamster.
  • If a toy or other item in the cage cannot be cleaned, such as a moldy wooden toy, throw it away.
  • Do not keep your hamster in the hamster ball for more than 30 minutes.


  • A safe place for your hamster while you clean.
  • Dishcloth or sponge.
  • Antibacterial soap.
  • Fresh ground cover.