Eating a guava

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Guava Fruit: How to Eat Mini Guava
Video: Guava Fruit: How to Eat Mini Guava


Guava is a delicious fruit whose juice has been called "the nectar of the gods". Don't just drink the juice, though - the whole guava can be a sweet treat that will make you feel like you're in paradise even if you're just sitting at your desk at work. Read this article to find out how to choose, prepare and eat a guava.

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Part 1 of 3: Choosing the perfect guava

  1. Look for the softest guava you can find. The softer a guava is, the sweeter and tastier the fruit will be. Keep in mind that guavas spoil very quickly, as they are at their best when they are very soft. After buying or picking the guava, you have about two days to eat the fruit before it goes bad, depending on how ripe the fruit is at the time of purchase.
    • Gently squeeze the guava to see if it is ripe. When the fruit yields under the pressure of your fingers, it is ripe.
  2. Check the guava peel for unsightly spots. Of course you want to pick and try a guava that has no spots. If the guava has ugly spots or bruises, it could mean that the fruit is no longer good or will not taste good.
  3. Check the color of the guava. In ripe guavas, the color of the peel has changed from bright green to a softer, yellow-green color. If the fruit is slightly pink, then the guava is at its peak. You can always buy a green guava and wait for it to ripen if you can't find yellow guavas.
  4. Smell the fruit before making a choice. You can smell it when a guava is perfectly ripe, even without bringing the fruit to your nose. The guava should smell sweet and slightly musky. If you've eaten a guava before, look for a guava that smells the way it tastes.

Part 2 of 3: Cleaning and cutting

  1. Clean the guava. You have to clean the whole guava. The peel is also edible. Rinse the fruit with cold water to suppress any bacteria growth. Pat the guava dry with a paper towel.
  2. Place your guava on a cutting board. Cut the fruit in half with a knife. A serrated knife usually works best for cutting open a guava. Some guavas have pink flesh, other guavas have white flesh.
    • You can cut the guava in half or thinly slice it.
  3. Eat the guava. You can eat the whole guava (skin and all) or spoon the inside. Whatever you choose, a guava tastes great. Some people like to flavor the guava with soy sauce, sugar, or even vinegar.
  4. Save the guavas you don't eat. You can wrap the uneaten guava halves in plastic wrap and keep them in the refrigerator for up to four days. If you don't think you will eat the guavas in four days, then you should freeze them. You can store frozen guavas in the freezer for up to eight months.

Part 3 of 3: Other ideas for using a guava

  1. Make a barbecue sauce with guava. Do you want to give your next barbecue a tropical touch? Then make a barbecue sauce with guava, a delicious combination of sweet and salty that tastes like you are in a paradise.
  2. Try making pastries with guava. Tired of classic Danish pastries with berries? You can add pieces of guava to your pastry to spice it up.
  3. ’ src=Make a delicious guava-flavored gelatin pudding. Skip the usual flavors of gelatin pudding and opt for a more tropical dessert. You can even make a pudding that contains pieces of guava.
  4. ’ src=Enhance the classic mimosa with a little guava juice. Instead of mixing orange juice with sparkling wine, try guava juice instead when making a hermosa mimosa. Simply pour sparkling wine and a splash of guava juice together and finish the cocktail with two or three Maraschino cherries.


  • Know when a guava is ripe - a guava usually turns yellow, maroon, or green when the fruit is ripe.
  • Be careful when eating a guava - the fruit also contains seeds.